
The Champion of The Creator book 1: The beginning

Welcome to my world

BlazePro · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Nightmares and Daydreams (1)

July 29th, 2025, an hour after the splitting up of our characters to go on their separate journeys and now the question remains what will happen to Vanessa and Eric as a dark figure follows them into the forest. Vanessa and Eric are halfway there, as their walking Eric tries to make small talk and said "soooo Vanessa I know it might sound insensitive but how has it been for you for all these years" Vanessa says nothing and keeps on walking hours go by and they finally arrived, they dropped their materials and sat on the floor exhausted but as Eric looked around, he saw a truck in perfect shape a little rusted but in good shape. Vanessa is out of breath but relived, then Eric escorts vanessa to the top of the tower so she can rest. Then as Eric tucks vanessa in he goes back down to try and get the truck running, but as Eric works on the car vanessa wakes up in a bed that she feels she been to before. However, then she thinks she's dreaming and looks around and sees she's in her room at her father's training facility, then she tries waking up but can't, so she walks out of the room to see a man in a white coat walking towards her, but then as he gets closer vanessa can see her father walking towards her she blinks and her father is right Infront of her and then says "hello dew drop what are you doing up this early" vanessa s in silence "Hello vanessa you ok..." vanessa hugs him and says "I missed you" her father replies "missed you to Vanessa , what's going on" as she responds she gets interrupted by the loud speaker that says "Dr Ethan torel Please report to wing Five" Ethan sighed and said "well got to go, ask uncle Ramiro for food if you're hungry" then leaves, vanessa thinks for a second and remembers that wing five was where it all went wrong" so then Vanessa ran back to her room opening the door and finding herself in wing five, she looks around and sees a exit, then as she runs the power goes out, she stands still finds herself lost in the darkness. She walks around trying to find a wall, but then out of the sudden the lights turn on and vanessa sees herself trapped in a luminous room with an armored door that she approaches and as she got closer, she heard voices chattering behind the door, curious she slowly opens the door and sees her father and four businessmen in suites staring at a quantum arc reactor. Then Ethan explains how it work and said, "designed to harvest quantum energy collected from satellites that collect solar energy and covert it to quantum energy that then finally the quantum energy is sent to the reactor to then produce pure quantum energy that even a little bit of it can power 5 cities for 10 year without having to be replace" and as he explained it further, businessman 1 interrupts Ethan and said, "can you show us a demonstration" Ethan insists on not doing a demonstration as he explains its not ready, the businessmen Threaten Ethan that they will shut the lab down if there is no sign of reason to keep on funding this project, Ethan sighs and radios the control center to turn on the reactor, and as it turns on, Vanessa remembers the incident that destroyed her life happened because of this so she ran out and shouts "DAD" Ethan turns around seeing vanessa running at him he was about to ask why she was here until the reactor starts shedding out a blinding blue light, Ethan says to Vanessa to "RUN" that goes away for a second, then comes back in an explosion that incinerates the businessmen and blows up the entirety of the facility turning it into rubble. Then from the rubble Vanessa rises from a small pile of rubble in the middle of the crater feeling dizzy she looks around for her father when she sees a body as her dizziness goes away, she runs towards the body as she gets closer and closer, she sees her father all burned and buried. She runs to her father and flips him over as she cries for him. Then out of a sudden Ethan takes a gasp of air, Vanessa cries tears of joy, but then as everything is silent Ethan starts to perish along with the entire crater. Then Vanessa starts holding her father tighter and tighter until he disappears, and when the floor disappeared Vanessa fell through the floor and into the darkness. Vanessa gasps and wakes up in the real world, then as she's gasping for air she hears and then she hears the door creaking open, but then when she opens her eyes, she sees Eric with glowing eyes staring at her menacingly.