
The Chained Dragon

Tensei Shitara Datta Ken? -- Reincarnation? -- Future Crossover? -- Ok Updates may be unstable -- My English Sucks

JoJoMoggyJo · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

IX[The Three-Way]


In the distant sky, you could see 3 figures flying through the air with incredible speed.

These three people were, the long haired demon Guy Crimson, and his subordinates, Mizari and Rhein.


"Oh? What do we have here~"

Guy Crimson was smiling as he looked at the scene before him.

A pink haired petite girl, and a green haired boy, were fighting each other.



The pink haired girl roared as she tried to break off the golden chains that were wrapped around her body.



The green haired boy blasted through the field, and punched the girl's face, sending her crashing to the ground, a few kilometers away.

Guy Crimson was excited as he now had a great chance to test his new found strength, which he gained after evolving into a True Demon Lord.

"Rhein, Mizari, you stay put. I should probably stop their rampage before the whole continent gets affected"

With those words said, Guy Crimson approached the boy first, and started to get ready for battle.


The green haired boy roared as he looked at Guy Crimson.

"Let's get this started shall we!"


Inside Milir's mind...

"You're saying that what I was dreaming were memories of my previous life!?"

The green hairwd boy, Milir, asked the System loudly.

<Yes Host. The dreams were a way of making it easier for you to merge with the memories of your past life>

The golden ball of light, which was the System, told it's host.

"Then if I'm here....What's happening outside?"

Milir was curious, he has already incorporated with most of his memories, but he was in an endless dark space, and according to his System, this was his Soul-Space.

<The Host's body is going through stress to complete the process of attaining the "Perfect Form">

The monotonously lady-like voice resounded through the endless dark space, and Milir who heard this, couldn't help but wonder what this "Perfect Form" was.

Thus, he asked his System, who in turn replied with it's emotionless voice.

<"Perfect Form" is a state wherein ones body will never die, as long as any type of Magic-Related substance exists>

"Eh? Doesn't that allow me to have something above "True" Immortality?"

<Yes Host. As long as there is even the smallest portion of mana in the atmosphere, your body and soul will be able to regenerate. The more magical power there is in the world, the faster your regeneration rate will be if you "die">

Milir had a thoughful expression as he asked what the System meant by "die", since it was evident that his System emphasized it, despite having a voice devoid of emotion.

<"Die" is a unique state that can only happen to the Host. If you suffer an attack that was meant to kill even True Immortals, you will not be killed but you will "die", which will trigger your "Perfect Form", and in turn, you will revive and come back to "life">

"The heck does that even mean?"

As if annoyed by it's Host's feeble mind, the System began to summarize the information.

<[Perfect Form]- allows Host not to die when there is even a hint of magical substance in the atmosphere. Note:The more magical substance in the atmosphere, the faster the effects of [Perfect Form] will be. For example: If Host were to be vaporized by Milim's [Dragon Nova], then you will be transported into your Soul-Space, where you will have to wait for your body to be formed again in the outside world>

After some other explanations, Milir finally understood what it meant.

"I see! Truly a [Perfect Form]!"

As Milir exclaimed happily, his System reminded him of the situation happening outside.

<Host. Your unconscious body is about to have a three-way fight with the individuals known as Guy Crimson, and your sister, Milim Nava>

"What!? You didn't tell me that first!?"

<Information about Host's memories has been chosen as the top priority>

Milim calmed himself down, there was no way his body would get fatally damaged, and knowing a bit about the Canon past from his new memories, he was not at all worried about Milim, since she would get better later on. However....


He muttured in sadness, Milir still had memories of the 3 of them, Milim, Milir, and Velgaia, playing together in the forest.

..but it seems that Milir's System has other plans.

<Host does not need to worry about his pet dragon, since there will be a way to revive Velgaia properly in the future, when the Host acquires more power>

"...Is that so...Then I'll just have to wait for my consciousness to be back, huh"

<Host does not need to worry. The process is already at 78%>

Hearing this, Milir let out a sigh of relief, he was happy that it wouldn't be long before he waked up again.

"Gues I'll just chill here then~"

Thus, the careless and ignorant Milir, smiled as he layed down on the nothingness that surrounded him.



The Primordial Demon, Guy Crimson, was now in a three way fight against the twin dragonoids, Milir and Milim Nava.



-- That was close! -- Guy thought, as he just finished evading a headbutt, that was sent by the 2 twins.



"Ha! As expected! [Lucifer]!"

Milim and Milir activated their [Ultimate Skill:Wrathful King:Satanael], which allows the User to get stronger the angrier they get. Guy Crimson also activated his [Ultimate Skill:Prideful King:Lucifer], that allowed him to copy other people's [Ultimate Skill]



Guy Crimson ducked, as he thew an elbow strike towards Milir's mid-section. Milir's body crashed into Milim, who caught it and threw it back to Guy Crimson, in a speed that broke the sound barrier.



The thrown Milir, curled his fist, as he was blasted to Guy Crimson, by Milim.



Guy and Milir's fist clashed head on, with Milir winning the bout, which led to Guy Crimson being blasted away by several kilometers.



Milir roared as a numerous large golden chains started to rush out of the portal behind him.


Milim and Milir have already activated their [Magicule Breeder Reactor], which was akin to an [Ultimate Skill] that allowed the User to have an infinite supply of the power called "Stardust", which made them even stronger.


Milim used her rampaging strength to punch away the sharp golden chains, rushing towards her.

"Don't forget about me!"


Guy Crimson had a battle crazed smile on his face, as he kicked Milir's head, causing the chains to dissappear.


Milir turned his head, and charged an enormous blast of energy in his mouth.

"[Dragon Nova]!!"

Milim also joins in, as destructive energy also gathered in her mouth.

"[Death Streak]!"

Guy Crimson was the last one to use his powerful attack, black flames were crushed in his hand, and the surroundings turned dark.


The battle that went on for 7 days, led each of the fighters, to unleash their mighty attacks.

However, they were to busy to notice that a certain blonde beauty was absorbing the demonic and draconic energy, that was being spread throughout the area.
