
The CEOs Wanted Assistants

As she makes a move to get up from the big man's lap, she hears a groan and the weight on her hips increases as he presses her further on his huge bulge. "You are such a fu**ing tease Jasmine." he groans lowly in her ear. Being employed by the richest man in the World was not Jasmines definitely, but now she has to work all day under his strong gaze, and the more he looks at her the more she gets a crush on him To him she was just a baby till one night when he stumbled in on her in a towel, and after that she became the one thing he wanted but he wasn't sure he could get Contract marriage

Crystally_Amber · Urban
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


The meeting a few days ago was a success, and he seemed to be in a good mood, or at least that's what she thought.

For the past thirty minutes she has been running from his office to hers getting papers that he doesn't need, getting him coffee that he lets get cold, biscuits that he just leaves on his desk. It was like he wanted to punish her for something. And too think she was happy about the skirt she wore, hoping to get a reaction from Joe in the media team. But no he just had to make her work.

Did he feel bad for making her walk around the office... a little did she deserve it... yes. He knew she had worn that skirt for someone else, the skirt that brought out the smallness of her waist and the wideness of her hips, the curve of her ass and the lightness of her thighs. He had almost spat out blood when he saw her walking with the skirt, but then she had to go ahead and flirt with some man from the media department.

He was oh so tempted to touch her, feel her skin, lay his marks on them. It was like when ever she was around the only thing he could think off was her naked beneath him.

He snapped out of his thoughts when she barges in, too angry to knock. He had finally pissed her off. He tries with a lot of struggle to hide his smile but with each stomp of hers he is tempted to laugh and draw her closer while pinching her cheeks.

"You called for me Mr Nacth." she grumbles crossing her hand on her chest and drawing his attention to them.

"The file you said you sent to me... I can't find it." he responds cool and unbothered by her anger.

She exhales in fury before walking around his desk and bending down to the height of his computer beside him to take a look at the file.

He knew where the file was, he knew it wouldn't take her more than a few seconds to find it, but he wasnted to see her, he wanted to see her angry... it was sexy.

With the way she was bent over, he couldn't stop himself but look at the extra skin that was not covered by her skirt, he could almost see her plump behind.

Fighting the urge to curse at her boss she finds the file.... quiet easily and that only seems to frustrate her more.

Mr Natch is not a foolish man, so what kind of games is he playing. She thinks as she straightens up.

"These are the files Mr Natch" she says struggling to remain polite.

He doesn't respond but rather looks at her in a manner that makes her nervous, he looked at her with Soo much intensity she felt like she was naked.

Without hearing a reply from him she made a move to walk away, barely two steps in and she was drawn back to him, stumbling straight into his lap and right on his raging hard cock.

He lets out a groan not expecting her to land so hard on him. But the sound soon turns to a moan when she moves her ass on his bulge in a bid to stand up.

As she makes a move to get up from the big man's lap, she hears a groan and the weight on her hips increases as he presses her further on his huge bulge.

"You are such a fu**ing tease Jasmine." he groans lowly in her ear.

She stays frozen in shock, she had never heard him talk much before and thus she had forgotten how his voice sounded like utter seduction. The way he said her name made her stomach and thighs clench involuntarily. Not only had he spoken, he had said a curse word too.

Not moved by her shook state He places his hands on her bare thighs, trailing it upwards in a bid to reach her pussy. He wanted her.... God did he want her badly.

Feeling his hands reach the hem of her panties she shuts her leg, stopping him from moving his hands further.

She was embarrassed, she was liking the dirty things he was doing, she could feel his bulge on her ass and that only made her cheeks go red more. What was she doing? this is her boss.

"Mr Nacth this is very inappropriate." she says not facing him, instead keeping her eyes on his hand in her skirt, like if she looked away he would get to his destination.

Not at all bothered by her words, he places his lips on the right side of her neck, laying soft kisses there while his other hand that was not trapped between her thighs begins a journey upward to her breasts, from here he could see that she hadn't worn a bra, and her tiny nipples were hard, poking through her shirt and inviting him for a taste.

"Mr Natch!." she gasps when he bites down harder on her kneck.

She was so close to being blinded by the lusty haze he had created, she could feel her anger slipping away, as well as her embarrassment, but the moment his fingers graze he perky nipples she snaps out of her daze.

Shooting out from his lap, she turns around to face him, scared,annoyed, angry and horny.

She points a finger at him, willing her shaky thighs to carry her.

"That was very unprofessional and innapropriate Mr Natch." she accuses her chest raising and falling, she could not ignore the look of lust in his eyes and he did not try to hide it.

"So is sitting on your bosses lap and not wearing a bra to work.... but you don't see me complaining." he replies leaning back in his chair in a way that made his thick large tent more visible to her. He wanted her to come back, he missed her warmth already.

Too shaken and embarrassed by what he had said and what he was doing, she takes the easy way out and runs away like a coward.

Getting to the comfort of her office she locks her door bolting it for protection in case he comes after her.

Taking many sips of cold water she tries to cool down and calm her beating heart, unable to believe that, that had happened.

But when she sits down and feels a wetness in between her legs in her panties she realises that her boss had just made a move on her and she liked it...heck she was aroused....