
The CEOs Wanted Assistants

As she makes a move to get up from the big man's lap, she hears a groan and the weight on her hips increases as he presses her further on his huge bulge. "You are such a fu**ing tease Jasmine." he groans lowly in her ear. Being employed by the richest man in the World was not Jasmines definitely, but now she has to work all day under his strong gaze, and the more he looks at her the more she gets a crush on him To him she was just a baby till one night when he stumbled in on her in a towel, and after that she became the one thing he wanted but he wasn't sure he could get Contract marriage

Crystally_Amber · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 5 The night after

Driving home seemed to be torture, he had lost control and scared of his little rabbit, now what was he going to do.

He couldn't stop thinking about her, the thought of her soft fair thighs made him hard, and he couldn't bring himself to forget the feeling of her nipples slightly grazing his palm.

He became a mad man because of his little assistant.

Getting down from the car he doesn't pay anyone any mind, going straight to his room and ignoring his house keeper who had asked what he would have for dinner.

"The only thing I want to have for dinner is my little rabbit." was his instant response.


What was wrong with the young master, did he by any chance hit his head....

He didn't have a rabbit.

The poor house keeper stood there in confusion and worry, ever since two months ago the master had changed.... what was going on with him.

Ignoring the questioning looks of his maids and homeworkers he makes his way up to his gigantic room. Made of the most expensive materials only fit for a king.

He wanted a quick shower, a quick shower that's what he told himself, but getting into the shower, he remembered the way she moaned his name when he took her soft skin between his teeth. He remembered her innocent reaction to his hands between her thigh, it was obvious she was a virgin and that made him want her more.

He didn't know when his hands had reached his cock and giving it a long stroke, but it was too late to stop now, he was too wound up.

Her smell, the way her body quivered against his, the slight shock in her eyes when she saw his bulge, the sexy innocent way she bent over, everything about her brought him to pleasure made him want to go crazy and he was ready to do anything to get her.

Stepping out of his bathroom, he looked like a model with the towel hanging on his waist, his fair chest made of solid abs, his dark hair dropping down to cover his eyes. He truly was a sight to see.

After getting ready for bed, he picked up his phone, staring at the picture of Jasmine that he had managed to take at the restaurant when she was not looking. He wondered how she would react if she ever found out that he needed her picture to sleep peacefully.

He was obsessed with her and he would make her feel the same for him too.

No matter how hard she tried, she could not forget the feel of his hands on her body, that was the first time a man had touched her so intimately, it was exciting and she wasn't going to lie and say she didn't like it, it's just that, the man who gave her such a brief taste of pleasure is her boss.... what they did was not right.

She tossed and turned in bed trying to forget the feel of his lips on her neck, but she couldn't, nothing could make her forget his wandering hands....

could.... could she...be having a crush on her boss?

No she shook her head,

She couldn't she wouldn't dare and besides he was a stone cold man, there was no way her feelings would be reciprocated.

She was just foolish having a mere crush in her boss

Cause that's all it is

A mere crush

With that little finality she tries to go to bed.