
THE CEOs Mystery

" Vanessa , I know you . I know you're hiding something " Mike said " You don't know anything about me!!" Vanessa yelled at Mike in fear and despair that she'd been caught but what scared her more was the unconscious body of Mike in front of her Vanessa's eye welled as fear crept into her heart. " Mike , Mike? , can you hear me Mike ? " ***** " I'm not normal" Vanessa Fray had been a saddled life ever since her magnificent mother died when she was just a teenager. Her dad had tried getting an arranged marriage for her but the girl is determined to fulfill her mother's wish of building up a fashion design form coupled with her desires of being a model. she looses interest in taking care of the FRAYS BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Now she just realised she's not the normal girl she thought she was Who is the CEO of Elsa Dumoreés fashion enterprise????_________Its a mystery " What am I ?" Vanessa asked herself _______its a mystery Find out more about Vanessa in : THE CEOs MYSTERY

AuthorKems · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Four : We never met

" I apologise .....my daughter has just been over the edge these days... She's missing her mother pretty much" Old Fray said.

" So much for dinner " Slyvester said and looked at his father with mocking eyes. " I understand sir...it's a gradual process " The general said "she'll come around....why don't we finish dinner....we can't put this good food to waste" he added.

They were drown in silence, enjoying their food to their hearts content.Sylvester sat, eating slowly with his gorgeous expressionless face.

Vanessa stormed upstairs, push the door open and slam the door shut. she covered her mouth and cried. it hurt her funeral there was nothing she could do just like her mum, she was so angry and weak. she took off the clothes she was wearing and cleaned make up. Vanessa got into her bathroom , she's through than that the shower letting the cold water run down from head to toe trying to calm down and suppress emotions.


She heard a knock on her door and quickly dried her body before putting in her robe as she stroded to her door. " Hi" Slyvester said and immediately , the door was shut in his face.

Vanessa was mad , ' he has the guts to come up here , probably dad must have sent him ' she mused.

Slyvester wasn't shocked but he was annoyed at this girls guts and rudeness. If she knew who he really was she wouldn't dare but he didn't want her to be terrified just like other humans would behave when they see him. ' Be nice , nice wolf ' he said inwardly as he calmed himself ." Hey , I just wanna talk okay ?" he said and then he heard the door squeak .

Slyvester took it upon himself to calm the girl down . He wanted to talk to gikr not because if the plan his father had but because he understood her pain and anger. He didn't want the girl to marry him with sadness and anger . They were quite alike , he wasn't ready to get married same with her. Both if them had to fulfill their fathers wish , he doesn't mind but she does.

Vanessa walked to her wardrobe after slamming the door. He wore her not so revealing nights dress . She applied white powder and combed her hair as she let them fall in her shoulders before opening the door for Slyvester.

" What do you want Mr Yang ?"

" Vanessa right?" Slyvester asked trying to be sure . " You got it " She replied nonchalantly as she eyed him , examining him closely . He was 7.10 feet tall . He had long legs and a perfect masculine body. He looked like a god. His broad eye brows were gloriously carved , his ice blue eyes were so captivating , his eyes flicked and glittered. His nose were perfect and his lips ,so full and kissable

' Is she now interested in me ' Slyvester mused inwardly at her thoughts and the way she drooled was quite sexy . He shaked his head brushing off those silly thoughts .

She wondered how his lips looked were rough and soft , smooth too. She wondered how many lips has tasted his , how many ladies he'd kissed or taken to bed ' urgh!, disgusting ' it annoyed her how men had no self control . God knows if he was one of them . Who would push their wives away and sleep with anything on skirt because they had money and power ' Urgh!" she cursed and Slyvester looked at her with a questioning gaze making the girl her ask herself if he heard her.

" Look, Vanessa....I understand your plight . I'm also here because my dad asked me to come . I've been so many years without a woman because I don't have time for distractions and I didn't want to disrespect him . So please .... don't look at me as if I'm forcing you..... We never met , okay?" He asked an when the girl seemed too dazed , he walked out.

" Wait!"

Slyvester smirked as he heard her shout wait as if she panicked. " What do you mean by you don't have time for women and ' distraction' ?" she asked curiously.

" I have no regards for women Miss Fray.....I have no intention of marrying you or anyone. I'm not gay do stop that thought... We didn't have this dinner , we never met " He said and walked out before she would protest again.

Vanessa watched his back until he disappeared." Did he hear my thoughts? , he's strange"