
The CEO of love and punishment

Cho Lee is a 23 year old unemployed lady looking for jobs but can’t get one due to her past job incident that she hates talking about. As she goes to her interviews they all end up not taking her in. She starts to lose faith but then a sudden note comes in her mail saying she has an opportunity to do a 30 day internship in the big company “link” a fashion company as the CEO’s personal assistant. She goes to a club with her friends to celebrate and has the night of her life but she wakes up in her new CEOs bed the next day completely naked. But she’s to frightened to do anything so she just runs out. the next day she’s at her first day of her internship she’s to scared her boss will see her and for the whole day she acts crazy then suddenly gets called in the CEO’s office. Anyways, Mr.CEO or kyong Kim is a kind hearted man (at least he used to be) in the inside but looks scary but also very handsome on the outside so people (mostly girls) would usually stay away from him but while also wanting to do him but he didn’t really care since he had his own girlfriend. But suddenly she broke up with him so he goes to the club to drink through his sorrows but he is responsible so he didn’t drink a lot since he was going to drive. Then he meets Cho Lee she acted nice and looked like a goddess and one that had such an amazing body that would make any guy fall and any girl envy just by looking she suddenly approaches him. Even though she looked like that she didn’t care about his face and actually approached him he was shook. Since all the girls that looked even half as good as her would try to subdue him. He then noticed she was drunk so he thought it was probably cause of that so he just kept drinking. Then he went insane he asked if she wanted to sleep with him and of course she said yes,she was drunk and wasn’t in her right mind and he knew that, that’s the only reason he asked. The next day he wakes up he sees her there,naked he thought it was ok to do what he wanted with her since they already did it and starts to touching her. Then he realizes that she’s waking up so he pretends to be asleep. She suddenly acts crazy and then runs out and that’s when he then realizes what he ACTUALLY just did he starts to hit himself acting crazy like her then remembers that he had a whole company to run and runs out. when he gets there he immediately spots her not knowing why she was there and was still in shock so he runs to his office which is sound proof and starts yelling then starts remembering things from that night and starts getting ideas. Like touching her everywhere and to live last night all over again then asks his retiring assistant to call her in. Who knows what will happen next...wait I do cause I’m the author anyways this is the start of his adventure with touching her whenever and wherever he wants to but then starts to get feelings for her even though he thought that he would never feel anything for anyone after the big breakup. And she goes crazy with all this harassment but she lets it go on since she need this job and since she starts liking his touch and taste. But what happens next well I don’t know this one, we’ll just have to find out together.

Haliyah_Banire · Teen
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Why don’t I get anything my way

At the house

"Should I get a new outfit for my interviews for tomorrow or should I work on lines so I know what to say in the interview for tomorrow wait no that's dumb oh god what should I do I'm going to mess it up again?"Cho Lee said while pacing. "Of course you should buy a new outfit your closet is like a dumpster. But why are you so scared it's going to be ok so stop pacing, it's insanely annoying,ok?" Jin Ae said while worried.

Jin Ae continued "look,how about we go on a shopping spree. You would love it I'll buy you anything you want remember I'm rich and flouting with money you can spend it all."

"Seriously that's nice of you but I can't do that. That would be taking advantage of you and I that's not right."Cho Lee said. "Yeah sure ok but Seriously you are such a goodie two-shoes it's just some couple of bucks I always have some still hanging around that I can spend. But there is too much for only me to spend so you could just say I'm sharing the money with you, ok?"

"Ok sure since it's like that sure but only cause I'm very desperate but only one thing from each stores that we go to ok?"

"Yeah sure I've known you my whole life and all but I don't think I will ever understand you and your ways in life. Like seriously it's just money if it was anyone else they would be willing to pend it all but you ugh that's why I love you, your so pure and you better stay that way. Now let's go get you some nice things at the mall to the car."

In Jin Ae's car

"Ok now lets talk about you having no boyfriend seriously you're 23 now get that in your head you should have a boyfriend by now or even a f***k buddy. You know like I used to before I found Chin Hae oh I remember that I also remember that I had a lot of fun with that so you shou-"

"NO!" Cho Lee said with a dark face. Then Jin Ae suddenly remembered "The incident" that should never be spoken about next to Cho Lee. Then she suddenly covers her mouth and try to change the subject.

(Nervous chuckle) sooo um the mall uh we're we're well we're almost there so just sit tight o-ok? "

After that they didn't talk at all during the car ride. They get to the mall and act like nothing happened at all.

"Ok sweetie this would look amazing on you you should get this try it on here"

"Wait but it not inter-" Jin Ae suddenly throws it to her and she just gives up then puts it on in the changing room in the store. A few minutes later she comes out with a glitter dress that was very short and small and Jin Ae was just at shock it showed her beautiful body perfectly.

"Omg i knew it, I just did, you look amazing like your stunning why would you be wearing sweats all the time when you have this kind of body you should show it more cause right now I envy you who knew."

"Show what do I really look that- wait NO like I was trying to say it's not interview appropriate and it cost OVER A MILLION DOLLARS and I'm not going to the strippers club I'm going to apply for a job, ok? Lets get this it looks very nice and comforting and its interview appropriate ok now let's go" Cho Lee said while admiring herself in the mirror.

Jin Ae saw how much she liked it so when she took it off she secretly took it and headed to the cashier with Cho Lee she pays for the outfit and there about to leave until Jin Ae suddenly said "Cho go first I think left something back there there I'll go get it ok so get in the car and wait for me"

"Ok I guess but shouldn't I help you find it" "No it's ok I'll get it myself now go to the car." "Huh O-K." Cho Lee said while thinking something was going on.

Jin Ae turned to the cashier and said "ok she's gone, so you see this dress I want to buy it for her but she doesn't want it an-"

The cashier saw the item in her hand a glitter dress that cost A LOT of money and then said

"Ok you don't have to explain just hand it over ." The cashier said with a big smile on her face. At least she was getting money she thought.

Jin Ae goes to the car after buying the dress but to avoid Cho Lee noticing she put the dress in her purse and they leave. Jin Ae and Cho Lee had a nice time they bought makeup,shoes,hair accessories, and later on got food.

After their day in the mall Jin Ae too Cho Lee home and she prepared everything for her interview that's tomorrow so it would be easier to get there early. She too a nice hot shower and went to sleep.

The next day

Cho Lee quickly took a shower applied a little makeup on and put on the office outfit that Jin Ae bought her and then rushed to the car.

Even though she was an hour early she still wanted to be even more early, she thought she should make a good impression. But maybe it was too much of a good impression because by the time she got to her first interview the company's building was still closed and had no one in it. So all she could do is wait and for the mean time she went to go get breakfast since she didn't have any before.

Thirty minutes later

She's at the interview it was going great she thought she was going to get this job but then someone came in and whispered something in the CEO's ear then his experience changed.

He then brought up something that disturbed her. He started talking about the incident she was mad that they brought it up but she understood why the had to. So to avoid her from not getting the job even more than now she just looked down and waited for him to stop talking.

When he was done talking she said politely "sir about that I can explain you may think I'm lying but that wasn't on me. The senior worker would always Harass and touch me on the leg and put his fingers in places it shouldn't be in when we were in meetings and put me in a empty room and just harass me. And the day that it happened he forced himself on me, he raped me. And when every one was about to go in a meeting in his office they saw it. But what they actually saw was me running away like I had done something wrong when I was just running due to the embarrassment and well because I was just raped. they thought I was subduing him just to get to the top. They said he would never do that he loves his family he has an amazing wife and amazing children he would never cheat. But why would I do that I was fine on my own even the CEO knew that but he didn't believe me either and I was fired for being harassed and raped" She let out tears after saying this because she was reminded of what happened.

They took the tears for a act of sympathy and didn't believe her. Even though they thought it could happen cause well look at her she is dressed in a normal office outfit but for some reason she looks different in it her who wouldn't want to do that. But they just thought she looked like a slut at that point they thought it would be possible that she actually used her looks to subdue the guy.

Cause her just sitting there gave the men in front of her an erection they forgot all about their wives and children at that point and were just focused on her and only her. But before they could do anything about her and the things going on at their lower abdomen she said "ok I get that I won't be getting the job I'll just leave now sorry I even came bye." Before they could say anything she was already gone.

Cho Lee got to her car and drove off and said "why don't I get anything my way seriously I get raped and because of that my life is ruined if I don't get a job I might end up on the streets maybe I should work at McDonald's. Wait no I'm not going to give up no I won't on to the next interview."

And through all the interviews, she was declined from all of them but one of them said they would call if they change their minds.

Since the CEO didn't come and didn't share his opinion about her she had a chance to get the job as his assistant.

They said they would let her know in an hour so right when she got home thirty minutes had already passed by. But she waited for the call for two hours and she then thought she probably didn't get job since an hours had passed.

She was about to take an afternoon shower but she remembered she had mail she went down stairs and collected her mail there was a 4 notes and a package.

She saw it was from Jin Ae and thought to open the package first and when she did she couldn't believe her eyes it was the dress she told Jin Ae not to buy for her. Even though she told Jin Ae to not buy it for her she could not help but to get mesmerized by it she couldn't help but put it on.