
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


For some reasons unknown to Andre, he could not get his eyes of her beautiful, spotless, straight and slender legs, he tried but he was unable to, he felt like there was an electromagnetic force that kept his gaze on her leg for that long.

     Her legs were so beautiful and attractive.

She stood there like a mannequin that was being used to showcase an outfit.

From her legs he looked upwards, he studied every single part of her body like they were his.

His eyes sighted her shiny, curly black hair, it dropped down her shoulder while some strands of the hair was on her partially exposed cleavage.

He finally got himself back together and within a few seconds, his mood fluctuated.

He looked at his computer and started operating it. He suddenly became the emotionless guy she knew.

Rose patiently stood there waiting for him to say a something but he did not, so she decided to break the silence.

"Good morning". She said.

"Mmmm". He responded with his thick voice that made Rose body shiver, leaving goosebumps on it.

She had to cancel such thoughts.

"About yesterday...". He didn't allow her complete her sentence.

"What about yesterday?, I told you already, it's either this or that". He said not even looking at her.

"I know I was thinking if you could reduce it the time frame to maybe 6months or less". She said hoping he might consider.

Andre acted nonchalant, he acted like she was not talking to him, she felt like a fool.

But this was the price she had to pay.

"Get ready, in a few minutes from now we will be heading out for a business meeting in Scotland". He said as he picked up his phone.

"Scotland!?" She asked in shock.

"Any problem?!". He looked at her.

She shook her head.

     She had never left the country, she never knew she would one day travel for business trips, the thought of her entering a plane never crossed her mind.

Her smile gradually faded away when she remembered that she does not have a passport.

" I do not have a passport". She said with a hush voice.

Andre as usual didn't respond to what she said.

He stood up, went to the coat hanger and picked up his jacket, he wore it and walked towards the door.

"Let's go" He said.

"Did he not hear what i said?". She asked herself.

Rose was lost but she had to get herself together, she had to find out if Andre has issues with his ear, because to her he acted deaf few seconds ago.

"He is probably deaf". She said to herself as she followed him.

He walked out of the building with Rose behind him, they met Peter outside he started talking to Andre about where they were heading to, they walked to the car park.

     The chauffeur stood close to the car. Rose had never been this close to a car as expensive as a Rolls Royce, she could not get her eyes if the car.

"Let's get going" Andre said.

Peter and a security officer used the CCXR Trevita, they were just three in the car including the Chauffeur.

     The Chauffeur and the security officer sat in front while Peter sat alone at the back seat.

While Andre and Rose used the Rolls Royce, it was just the two of them at the back and the chauffeur in front.

Rose was so excited, she was unable to contain her excitement.

They drove behind the CCXR Trevita, they got to the airport in less than thirty minutes.

The chauffeur opened the door for Andre and he rushed to opened the door for Rose, She felt like it was not necessary because she was just a staff like him.

   She walked behind Andre and Peter while the Security officers were behind her.

They walked towards a white private jet, she has never seen a private jet in her life but she knew it was one because it was way smaller than the commercial ones every one knew.

The breeze was so strong that it could carry little Rose away, but she loved it anyways.

She thought she had seen it all until she entered inside, it was obviously beautiful.

She ran her fingers through the chairs as she walked behind them.

They sat my down while she sat directly opposite them.

Peter was still surprised that Rose was going with them on a business trip but he didn't want to ask Andre in the presence of Rose.

A beautiful flight attendant walked towards them and dropped a bottle of wine on the table.

"Welcome" She said with a warm smile.

They were instructed to fasten their seat belt, Andre and others did but Rose could not fasten hers.

As she kept on trying to fasten her seat belt, she tried her best not to cause attention.

Andre noticed but he acted like he wasn't aware.

Rose got tired so she stopped trying. She just held it like she had already fastened hers.

A smile escaped Andre's lips, but it didn't last for a minute. He probably doesn't want anyone see him smile.

He unbuckled his seat belt to move close to her so he could help to fasten her seat belt, they were so close that they could feel each others breath.