
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Rose, why on earth would you agree to such a thing?". Mia yelled.

"What are you talking about". Rose asked.

Rose was so lost, like who wouldn't accept to be a personal assistant to a man who everyone respects.

"It is written here that for you not to pay the 2.2million dollars, you get to work as his P.A without getting paid, and you have go with him on every business trip and the worst of them all is that you have to live with him for one year" Mia said.

Rose could not believe her ears, she could not say anything, she dragged the contract from Mia in a way that it almost ripped, she ran her eyes through it and saw that what Mia had said was true, her head became blank.

"No, no, no this is not what I signed up for" She said.

"Don't tell me you didn't read this before signing it, Rose this is not good, he is trying to buy you". Mia said.

Her forehead soon began to produce sweat, she didn't know what to do, and Mia was not helping matter, her head was blank, she didn't know what to think.

She left the ice cream bar and rushed home, she needed to do something about it.

When she got home she search everywhere for the card he gave to her the day she broke his wrist watch but she couldn't find it, she raised her couch up and she found it laying on the floor.

She pick it up and dialed the number there. She walked back and forth as she could not get herself to sit.

It rang several times but he didn't respond, she kept on calling and calling him until he finally responded.

"Hi, Hi, It's me Rose". She said hastily.

"How can I help you" Andre responded.

"The contract, it is written that I have to work as your personal assistant without getting paid and I also have to move in with you".She said.

"So?. He said with a husky voice.

"I can't do that, I mean I can live with a man I am not married to".

"You signed the contract didn't you?". He asked.

"I did, yes I did but I didn't read the contract". She replied.

"And whose fault is it, how is that any of my business?". He's sounded like he was getting mad.

To be very honest Andre was expecting this call because he knew she did not read the contract, not that he was trying to hide it from her or anything but she kept on interrupting him.

He wanted her to stay with him because she told him that she hasn't paid her house rent.

Though he showed no emotions on his face when she told him but he felt for her.

He wanted to help her in a way while she pays for his wrist watch.

"Can you give me another option". She asked

"No, you either pay my money before the end of this month or you do as you are told, you start work tomorrow". He hung up.

Tears rolled down from Rose's face. She didn't know what to do. She does not know who this guy is, she can not just pack her bags and move in with him.

He could be a serial killer or something like that, she looked around to see what she could sell to get a 2.2million dollars or anything close to that amount but she could find any.

If she sold the things in her room they could barely get a a foot wear, that was how bad everything was.

And then again, the thought of her staying with Andre struck her again, she began to cry because she knew she won't have her freedom, she knew she would have to quit working at the coffee shop with her friend, she knew she would be unable to see her friend as constant as she wants to.

After a while of deep thought, she accepted her fate and decide to ask Andre to reduce it to 6months.

She was willing to cry out blood in his presence.

That night she slept off with the thought of her becoming a prisoner soon.

She woke up the next morning, got dressed, she wore a beautiful blue gown that Mia got

for her.

It was a kind of gown suitable for both office and a party.

It had a very tiny hand and showed a little bit of her cleavage, it was tight from her under her breast down to her lap. It had a slit on the right hand side of her lap. The gown was not short and it was not long.

She picked up a black pair of shoes, it was dusty because she hadn't worn in a while, she grabbed a rag and cleaned it. And it soon began to shine.

Then she removed the rollers from her hair and her beautiful black her dropped down her shoulders.

She applied a pink lip stick, she was looking so beautiful.

She walked towards the mirror to looked at her beautiful self. She exhaled, picked up her bag and walk out.

She walked into the hotel and went to that last floor. She walked towards the receptionist.

The receptionist wouldn't have recognized her if she didn't mention her name. Rose looked flawless.

The receptionist gave her a lot of respect compared to what she got yesterday. She gave her the card and rose walked towards the door.

This time around she already knew how the door worked, because she checked it out online

The door opened and she walked inside.

Andre sighted her and for the very first time she saw emotions on his face.