
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Everyone was looking their very best, no one wanted the new CEO to have a bad impression about them, rumors were everywhere that he was a very strict man, every staff was present, the manager, the receptionist down to the hotel cleaners. Hilton hotel was ranked as the number one five star hotel in America. They would do anything to maintain that rank.

It was a few minutes before they would announce the presence of the new CEO, everyone wanted to see how the new CEO looked.

Every staff in their best manners lined up, one facing each, leaving a walkway space inbetween like they were going to welcome Prince Charles to his palace, Just then Rose rushed in and joined the line like others, you could literally see the relief in Peniel's eyes when he saw Rose.

Everyone was engrossed when the CEO arrived in convoy of expensive cars, first was a Lamborghini veneno followed by a CCXR Trevita, a Limousine and a Rolls Royce boat tail.

When the convoy of cars halted chauffeurs and security guards for each car came out except that of the Rolls Royce Boat tail, this made everyone anxious and curious at the same time, they all wanted to see who this man was, they wanted to know who had such power and respect.

The Rolls Royce opened and the Chauffeur came out, a security officer opened the door and a gallant man came out of the car, he was about 6'6 tall, his ocean blue eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light tone face, his eyes were deep, cold and emotionless, where you could get intimidated for only staring at it for a few seconds, even with all this he still looked so handsome, he had an appearance which could make him stand out in a crowd, his head was held high like he was the only person on earth, his muscles were obviously visible through his black Brioni jacket, the most expensive brand for suits.

Rose eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the person in front of her.

"This has to be some kind of dream" She said to herself.

Everyone was thunderstrucked by what they saw, the workers mumbled quietly between themselves.

Truth be told they were expecting someone with power and influence but they never expected him to be this handsome.

The security guys stood right behind him, they all wore black suits and black shades, they effortlessly looked so mean.

Andre began to walk towards them and they bowed at the same time as he walked in between them. She was scared he would recognize her, so she tilted her head to the other side using her hair to cover her face.

He soon approached where she stood, he saw her but didn't know who she was because her face was covered with her hair, he was certain that the person standing there was  hiding her face intentionally. He stopped and his securities stopped as well, he looked at her for some seconds. Peniel noticed and walked towards him .

"Is there any problem sir" Peniel said .

Without saying a word Andre walked inside with his securities at his back.

Some staffs went into the hotels conference hall to serve drinks, the press, business partners, stakeholders and important personnel's were sitted and some were standing talking business. Rose walked into the conference hall with a tray of drink.

she looked around to see if Andre was there but she couldn't find him. She wished she could run away before he comes out.

A man in his late 40s who was the former CEO made a sound by carefully hitting a spoon on his wine glass to gain everyone's attention. Everyone looked at him as they all have been waiting for this moment.

"Can I please have your attention, we all know what occasion it is" He said as he dropped the glass on a table close to him.

"I was made CEO by the owner of Hiltons Hotels and suits Leonard Hiltons. And I have been managing this hotel for over five years and now his son Andre Hiltons has returned to continue from where i stopped as the rightful heir to this great investment. I hereby introduce to you your new CEO, Andre Hiltons."

Every one began to clap their hands as Andre walked in from the back door, he walked majestically, he walked like a model on a runway. Every one was thunderstrucked by how handsome he looked, they've only heard about Andre Hilton but they never got to see him.

When he got to the front everyone stopped clapping already, they waited patiently to hear how he sounds.

"Thank you all for coming and I can't wait to do business with you all"

He picked a glass of wine from the waiter close to him.

"Cheers to new management" He said.

Everyone raised their glasses up and responded.

His English was so fluent only that it's had an Italian accent.

Rose could feel her skin develop goosebumps from her leg up, his voice reminded her of how he coldly told her she would pay for his wrist watch.

"Waitress" Someone called from behind and as she turned around to look at who it was, she bumped into a lady and almost poured the drinks on her.