
The CEO’s Bride

“His cold voice sends shivers down my spine but it has a way of keeping my heart warm”. Rose said. Rose a young lady who worked at Hiltons hotel accidentally ruined Andre’s wrist watch. She apologized but he won’t take an apology. He would let her be until she payed for the wrist watch. Rose who can’t afford such amount tried her possible best to avoid him. But unfortunately for her a new CEO was appointed in the hotel where she worked and he happened to be Andre the guy the owed. He gave her two options on how to pay him back. Rose picked the second option without knowing what it fully entailed. What will be her fate when she realized what she got herself into?.

Queen_Okonkwo1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Rose opened the door to her apartment while she walked on her limp, trying so hard not to make any sound that might alert her Landord who has been pestering her for her rent, she dropped her bag on an antique couch that looks like it's one the the first that was made. She sat down and sighs heavily due to the pain she felt, just then she remembered why she came back home she looked at the fresh cut on her leg, it's hurts but she has been through breathtaking pains, So to her  this is just a minor issue to her.

Her mind flashed back to the incident the led to her hurting her self.

   "Who could he be?"

She remembered the card and brought it out from her bag and stared at it .

  "Why does he look so elegant? He looks like he's an actor from a Italy".

  She walked up to a drawer by the left side of the sitting room, just like the couch every other thing in her room are antique and has not value.

    She opened the drawer and brought out a cotton wool and spirit and walked back to the couch , she sat down and began to clean the cut.

"Mmmm" she said in pains.

Just then she thought of how sexy that sounds, it's sounded like she was moaning in pleasure.

Her phone rang and it's stopped her from her vivid imagination, she dropped the cotton wool, opened her bag and brought it out.

It's Mia her friend from work, they both work at a coffee shop down the road, it's a bit trekkable from her house .

Mia called to ask why she wasn't at work , she was supposed to be at work by 5:00 and it was already 5:30.

She used a plaster to cover her cut and stood up like she doesn't have an injury picked up her bag and rushed out


Mia was busy making coffee when Rose entered she looked at Mia and Mia gave her the "you can come in sign"  she ran in and acted like she's been there .

What kept you so long ? Mia questioned

   "I'm so sorry"she said trying to catch her breath .

You are so lucky,  the boss came picked up some stuffs from his office, he was in a hurry and didn't notice you weren't around.

    "Thank goodness, I got so scared already . I totally forgot about work".

"It's like you've finally found lots of money and do not wish to continue here". She passed a coffee to a guy while she looked at him in his eyes in the most seductive and most erotic way.

   "Quit doing that" Rose whispered

Mia smiled at her and looked at the costumer as he walked out . "He's so cute".

Rose rolled her eyes and picked up her apron.

"Speaking of Cute guys , I met one today".

Hmm really?, Rose wants to talk about a guy, the Rose I know doesn't find any guy attractive even if he's cute and sexy as fuck, Tell me bout him, I'm interested.

"He's emmm" then she remembered the situation. "I think I'm in trouble"

"Few seconds ago you wanted to tell me about the cute guy you met and now you are in trouble that's really janky". She looked at Rose and saw that she was looked so terrified.

"Tell me what's wrong calm down, calm down"

"Okay" Rose said .

"At the hotel where I work, I was walking through the hallway with glasses I slipped and broke the glasses, after cleaning up the mess I was leaving when I bumped into this man, it was not intentional, like why will I bump into him intentionally?" she said while she looked at Mia.

"I'm not getting this  story of yours, why are you this terrified if you only bumped into him"?

"His wrist watch, I broke his wrists watch, Mia I know you don't understand what I'm going through right now if only you saw this man, his look alone is fierce, he's tall and all and he specifically told me to pay him back, see he gave me his card, you and I both know that I don't have a dime to give to anyone I have bills to pay, my rent and others" she began to panic.

"You know you might not have to see him again, I'm sure he came for a business meeting so I'll tell you not to call him"

"Right? I thought so too, I don't want to ever see him because men like that will definitely want my body"

"Exactly but I can give him mine, since you said he's cute " Mia said in a very funny manner.

Rose looked at her with disgust and then they both chuckled.

A costumer walked in and they stopped talking and moved away from each other.


The next morning Rose woke up to the noise of her alarm, she come down from her bed and walked into the bathroom,this time around she took her time to wash her hair. She came out looking all dressed and ready, she walked out of her room, and rushed to the kitchen and made oats meal.

Her phone rang when she was about leaving her apartment, it was Peniel.

"Why is he calling me" she said as she picked up her phone to answer"

"Hey wassup" she said

"Where are you? Are you not supposed be here by now, I won't be able to cover up for you if you come late, this is a new management"

"What are you talking about? My works starts at 8 and this is 7, I'm not late" She said with the highest amount of certainty.

"Did you not receive the email?" He asked

"What email?"

"An e-mail was sent across to everyone, the new CEO will be sworn in and everyone is expected to be here." He said with a pinch of anger in his voice.

"Fuck fuck I'm on my way" she said as she dropped the spoon, picked her bag and rushed out.