
The Celestial Manipulator: A One Piece Odyssey

Born anew as Doflamingo, still adorned with the celestial aura of privilege, he finds himself gifted with a mysterious system. Each year, it bestows upon him a random reward, shaping his destiny in unpredictable ways. Follow Doflamingo's journey as he wields his newfound power, navigating the turbulent seas of ambition and betrayal. Will he rise to dominance or be consumed by the very forces he seeks to control?

FanficPhantom · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Years passed

1 year later,

As one year passed, Doflamingo's tentative steps evolved into confident strides, each movement a testament to his growing strength and determination. With a proud smile, the matriarch praised his progress. "Well done, Doffy. You are so talented," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Doflamingo's face lit up at her words, his heart swelling with pride at her approval. In a tender gesture, the matriarch lifted him into her arms once more, pressing a kiss to his cheek, a silent expression of her boundless love and affection.

Suddenly, the matriarch produced a small cake from behind her back, a twinkle of excitement dancing in her eyes. "Happy birthday, Doffy!" she exclaimed, presenting the cake to her son with a flourish. Doflamingo's eyes widened in delight—it was his first birthday, a milestone to be celebrated with joy and laughter.

"I made it for you, my cute child," the matriarch cooed, her voice filled with maternal warmth as she cut a small piece and fed it to Doflamingo. He swallowed the morsel eagerly, savoring the sweetness of the moment.

With newfound confidence, Doflamingo approached the cake, his tiny fingers reaching out to claim a larger piece. As he held it in his hand, he turned to the matriarch, a mischievous glint in his eye. "For me, little Doffy?" she teased, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

Doflamingo's smile widened as he nodded, his gaze unwavering. With a shy laugh, the matriarch leaned forward, offering her mouth to receive the cake from his hand. In that simple exchange, a bond of love and trust flourished between mother and son, a testament to the unbreakable ties that bound their hearts together.

"My child is so smart," the matriarch exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride as she watched her son's playful antics.


[- Dwarf Bloodline]

As Doflamingo's gaze fell upon the system interface once more, a surge of rejuvenation coursed through his body, invigorating him with newfound vitality. Yet, his reverie was interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open, heralding the arrival of Domingo.

"I apologize for being late. I was learning how ordinary people live," Homing explained, his voice tinged with sincerity as he addressed the room.

Doflamingo's mood soured at the sight of Homing, his father, who approached him with open arms. Without hesitation, Doflamingo reacted instinctively, his small palm connecting with Homing's cheek in a swift slap. The force of the blow sent Homing hurtling backward, crashing into the wall with a resounding thud.

Stunned silence filled the room as Doflamingo retreated into the comforting embrace of his mother's arms once more, his expression unreadable as he processed the tumult of emotions swirling within him.

As the matriarch gazed upon her son with a mixture of awe and concern, she couldn't help but marvel at his unexpected display of power. "Oh my god, you are so powerful, Doffy," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with both pride and apprehension.

The sudden commotion drew the attention of the guards stationed outside, and within moments, they rushed into the room to assess the situation. With practiced efficiency, they swiftly carried the unconscious Homing away, their inquiries met with a reassuring denial from the matriarch.

"No, no, nothing happened. Homing just fell down," she reassured them, her words a delicate veil concealing the truth of the altercation.

Satisfied with her explanation, the guard bowed respectfully before exiting the room. However, unbeknownst to the matriarch, the guard had witnessed the entire scene unfold through the partially open door, his duty compelling him to maintain a facade of ignorance.

Alone once more, the matriarch turned her attention back to Doflamingo, her gentle admonishment tempered by the warmth of her embrace. "Doffy, you shouldn't hit your father like that," she chided softly, her voice tinged with concern.

But Doflamingo's smile had vanished, replaced by a simmering anger that smoldered beneath the surface. In response to her reprimand, he simply snorted in disdain, his defiance palpable in the air.

Undeterred by his reaction, the matriarch held him tighter, her arms a comforting sanctuary amidst the storm of emotions raging within her son. "Don't do this from now on, Doffy," she implored, her voice a gentle plea for understanding.

As the matriarch enveloped him in her loving embrace, Doflamingo felt a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through him. In that moment, the warmth of her embrace served as a balm to his troubled soul, offering solace amidst the turmoil that threatened to consume him.

Without a word, he returned her embrace, his arms wrapping around her with a sense of gratitude and longing. In the safety of her arms, he found comfort and reassurance, a sanctuary from the chaos of the world outside.

Doffy 2nd Birthday,

As Doflamingo's second birthday dawned, it marked a significant milestone in his young life. No longer confined to tentative steps, he now moved with confident strides, a testament to his growing strength and determination. Moreover, his ability to articulate thoughts and express himself had blossomed, his words flowing with clarity and purpose.

As the matriarch watched her son write her name with practiced precision, a swell of pride filled her heart. To see him reach such milestones filled her with indescribable joy, a testament to his boundless potential and the bright future that lay ahead.

With a smile on her lips and a twinkle in her eye, she gathered her son into her arms, showering him with affection and praise. "Happy birthday, Doffy," she whispered, her voice filled with love and admiration.

Together, they celebrated amidst the warmth of their familial bond, cherishing the simple joys of laughter and togetherness. In that moment, amidst the laughter and love that filled the air


[ Beauty Pill ]

As Doflamingo's gaze fell upon the Beauty Pill presented by the system, a mischievous glint flickered in his eyes. "Hmm, I should secretly feed it to Mother," he mused, a plan forming in his mind. With a sly smile, he tucked the pill away, resolving to execute his scheme at the opportune moment.

"Looks like the system will randomly give me rewards on my every birthday," he observed, a sense of anticipation tingling in his veins.

Doffy 3rd Birthday,

As Doflamingo turned three, significant events unfolded that would shape his perception of the world around him. News of Rocks' demise reached his ears through passing guards, a revelation that sparked curiosity and intrigue within the young Celestial Dragon. Meanwhile, the birth of his little brother, Rosinante, should have been a cause for celebration, but tragedy struck when the newborn fell victim to the lethal sting of the Poisonmelder.

Fueled by jealousy and possessiveness, Doflamingo adamantly refused to share his mother's affection with his new sibling. The bitter sting of loss and betrayal hardened his heart, instilling within him a fierce determination to guard what he perceived as rightfully his.

As they celebrated his third birthday in the quiet confines of their home, Doflamingo seized the opportunity to execute his plan. Secretly crushing the Beauty Pill into his mother's drink, he watched with anticipation as she consumed it, unaware of the subtle transformation taking place within her.

The Matriarch's beauty seemed to radiate with an ethereal glow, captivating all who beheld her. Her features, already delicate and refined, took on an otherworldly allure, drawing admiring glances wherever she went.

Yet, oblivious to the subtle transformation taking place within her, the matriarch remained as humble and endearing as ever. Her sweetness and kindness only seemed to deepen, her gentle demeanor casting a warm and comforting aura around her.

Unaware of the source of her newfound radiance, she continued to dote upon her beloved son, cherishing each moment spent in his company. To Doflamingo, she was a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness, her unwavering love and affection serving as a constant source of strength and inspiration.


[ Rock's Swordsmanship Talent]

As the notification chimed, revealing the gift of Rock's Swordsmanship Talent, Doflamingo felt a surge of anticipation coursing through him. His eyes sharpened, his senses heightened, and an aura of sharpness enveloped him, a testament to the newfound power bestowed upon him.

Observing her son's transformation, the Matriarch suggested, "Doffy, how about you go play with the other kids?" But Doflamingo hesitated, reluctant to leave her side. "But I want to stay with you, Mom," he protested softly.

Reassuring him with a gentle smile, the Matriarch insisted, "Don't worry, I'll come with you." With tender care, she adorned herself in the regal attire befitting a Celestial Dragon, a symbol of their esteemed lineage. Together, they ventured out of the house, heading towards the playground nestled within their opulent surroundings.

As they arrived at the playground, Doflamingo's eyes widened in astonishment at the spectacle before him. Celestial Dragons lounged in luxury, attended to by enslaved servants, while mermaids danced in a grand fountain and children played amidst the splendor. Yet, what truly shocked Doflamingo were the torture tools openly displayed, a grim reminder of the cruelty that lurked within their privileged world.

Guided by his mother, Doflamingo approached the children of his age, their appearance marred by sickness and neglect. Despite their repulsive appearance, Doflamingo mustered the courage to greet them, but they merely ignored him, engrossed in their macabre play with the torture tools.

Disheartened by the rejection, Doflamingo returned to his mother's side, his disappointment evident in his eyes. Yet, the Matriarch offered him solace, her words infused with unwavering support. "Don't worry, Doffy. I'll take you to play with other children," she assured him, her love a comforting embrace amidst the rejection he faced.

Taking his hand in hers, the Matriarch led Doflamingo towards the older boys, hoping to find companionship and camaraderie in their midst.