
The Celestial Manipulator: A One Piece Odyssey

Born anew as Doflamingo, still adorned with the celestial aura of privilege, he finds himself gifted with a mysterious system. Each year, it bestows upon him a random reward, shaping his destiny in unpredictable ways. Follow Doflamingo's journey as he wields his newfound power, navigating the turbulent seas of ambition and betrayal. Will he rise to dominance or be consumed by the very forces he seeks to control?

FanficPhantom · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Saint Garling

As Doflamingo approached the group of older kids, a boldness ignited within him. "Hey, I'm Donquixote Doflamingo," he declared confidently, eager to assert his identity among his peers. However, his proclamation was met with derision as one of the boys, a chubby figure, scoffed and taunted him.

"Aren't you the son of that dumb Homing?" the boy jeered, his words laced with contempt. Sensing the tension in the air, another boy named Mark intervened, urging caution and discretion.

But Jamal, fueled by arrogance and a desire to assert dominance, suggested bullying Doflamingo. Unfazed by the threat, Doflamingo met Jamal's challenge with laughter, his defiance evident in his demeanor.

In a swift display of retaliation, Doflamingo lashed out, delivering a well-aimed kick to Jamal's groin. With a cry of pain, Jamal crumpled to the ground, clutching his injured pride as he cursed Doflamingo's name.

Enraged by their comrade's humiliation, Mark and the other Celestial Dragon children rallied to confront Doflamingo. However, their efforts were futile against Doflamingo's agility and wit. With ease, he danced around their clumsy attempts to catch him, taunting them mercilessly as they stumbled and faltered in their pursuit.

Breathless and defeated, the fat boys collapsed to the ground, their bodies heaving with exertion as they gasped for air. Seizing the opportunity to assert his superiority, Doflamingo mocked them with a scornful smirk.

"Hey, you fatasses! You're so slow!" he taunted, reveling in his triumph over his would-be tormentors.

As the Matriarch found herself accosted by the repulsive Celestial Dragon named Bob, her instincts screamed at her to flee from his repugnant presence. "Please don't speak nonsense, Saint Bob," she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear as she attempted to back away.

But Bob, driven by his twisted desires and a sense of entitlement, persisted in his advances, his gaze lecherous as he reached out to remove the Matriarch's mask. Panic surged through her veins as she recoiled in horror, realizing the danger she was in.

Before Bob could enact his vile intentions, a sudden force collided with his face, shattering the glass of his mask and sending him reeling backwards. A primal roar of fury echoed through the park as Doflamingo, consumed by rage, confronted the would-be assailant.

"I will kill your whole fucking lineage if you try to get closer to my mother!" Doflamingo's voice thundered with righteous indignation, his eyes ablaze with a murderous intensity that sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it.

In that moment, the aura of Conqueror's Haki erupted from Doflamingo, its overwhelming power radiating outward and enveloping the park in a suffocating pressure. Gasps of astonishment filled the air as bystanders were left stunned and immobilized, their wills crushed beneath the weight of Doflamingo's dominance.

Yet amidst the chaos and turmoil, the Matriarch stood unscathed, her son's unwavering protection serving as a shield against the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

As Bob was sent flying, he landed at the feet of a towering figure—Saint Garling. The imposing presence of the legendary warrior cast a shadow over the park as he loomed above the scene, his gaze falling upon Doflamingo with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

"What a strong boy," Garling remarked, his voice resonating with a deep, rumbling timbre. Turning his attention to Doflamingo, he inquired, "Little one, are you the one who unleashes such devastating Haki?"

Doflamingo met Garling's gaze with unwavering determination, his resolve unshaken even in the face of such formidable presence. "Yes, I am," he affirmed boldly, his fists clenched in readiness. "And you'd better stay away from my mother if you don't want to get punched."

Garling chuckled at the audacity of the young Celestial Dragon, his laughter echoing through the park. But before he could respond, the Matriarch intervened, gently chiding her son and urging him to apologize to Saint Garling.

Confusion flickered across Doflamingo's face as he glanced at Garling. Despite the saint's youthful appearance, Doflamingo failed to recognize him. Nevertheless, he remained defiant, refusing to yield in his protectiveness over his mother.

"I don't care who you are. My mother is only mine," Doflamingo declared adamantly, his voice tinged with stubborn resolve.

Undeterred by Doflamingo's defiance, Garling regarded the young boy with a mixture of amusement and admiration. "So, little kid, how about you show me your strength?" he proposed, a challenge gleaming in his eyes.

With a scoff, Doflamingo accepted the challenge, his bravado undiminished. "Don't cry after getting beaten by me, old man," he retorted, launching himself into action with a flurry of punches and kicks aimed at Garling's chest.

To his dismay, Doflamingo found his attacks ineffectual against Garling's formidable defenses. It was as if he were striking solid metal, each blow met with unyielding resistance. Frustration gnawed at him as his own limbs began to ache from the exertion.

Observing Doflamingo's futile efforts, Garling seized the opportunity to impart a lesson in humility. With a swift motion, he lifted Doflamingo by his legs and delivered a firm swat to his backside, a playful yet firm reprimand.

"You should learn to respect your elders, kid," Garling admonished, his words punctuated by the sting of Doflamingo's reddened buttocks. As Doflamingo cried out in pain, a sense of humility washed over him, a reminder of the consequences of his reckless actions.

As Doflamingo's cries pierced the air, he pleaded with his mother for salvation from Garling's relentless punishment. "Mom, save me!" he implored, his voice trembling with pain and desperation.

But Garling remained resolute, insisting that Doflamingo apologize before relenting. With each swat, Doflamingo's cries grew louder until, finally, he begrudgingly uttered the words of contrition. "I'm sorry! Stop spanking me!" he cried out, his voice echoing through the park.

Satisfied with Doflamingo's apology, Garling ceased his disciplinary actions, releasing the young Celestial Dragon from his grasp. With a gentle touch, he returned Doflamingo to the safety of his mother's arms, where the Matriarch tenderly comforted her distraught son.

Gently checking Doflamingo's reddened buttocks, the Matriarch pressed a kiss to his forehead, offering soothing words of reassurance. "Don't worry, Doffy, you're fine now," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm against his pain.

As Doflamingo nestled against his mother, his tears gradually subsided, replaced by a sense of security in her embrace. Yet, the memory of his ordeal lingered, casting a shadow over his young heart.

Meanwhile, Garling turned his attention to the Matriarch, his curiosity piqued by Doflamingo's extraordinary abilities at such a tender age. "How old is this little one?" he inquired, his tone tinged with admiration.

The Matriarch's heart swelled with pride as Saint Garling marveled at Doflamingo's extraordinary abilities. "Doffy just turned three," she confirmed, her voice tinged with a mixture of admiration and concern.

"Having such power at only three, and awakening Conqueror's Haki," Garling mused, his gaze fixed on the young Celestial Dragon before him. "Hmm, Doffy is truly talented."

Suddenly, Doflamingo spun around to face Garling, his eyes blazing with defiance. "Call me Doflamingo, asshole! Only my mother can call me Doffy!" he declared, his words laced with venomous determination.

Caught off guard by Doflamingo's ferocious response, Garling's demeanor shifted, a flicker of unease crossing his features. With an evil smile playing upon his lips, he regarded Doflamingo with newfound respect and caution.

Refusing to be separated from his mother, Doflamingo clung to her tightly, seeking solace and protection in her loving embrace.