
The Celestial Knight (Black Clover X OC)

Hikaru Novachrono, is the little sister of Julius Novachrono, the Magic King. She is also the childhood friend of Fuegoleon Vermillion and Nozel Silva. She is a powerful wizard with celestial magic which allows her to call out spirits and borrow their power. After her bother was crowned Magic King, she was sent to Heart Kingdom. This allowed her to study and become stronger in their country but her presence there was in exchange for being new allies. She left Clover Kingdom and set off on her new journey to Heart Kingdom. 5 years later and she returned to Clover Kingdom, but what awaits her with her return...

miyamusubi7 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Side Story- Drinking

Does not relate to the actual story line of Black Clover.

Hikaru POV

Before the two males of Black bulls could leave I call out to them. "Yami!" I shout at him as he walked down the halls. Both males stop and Yami takes out his cigarette and raises his brow "What cha need Hikaru?"

I smile at the both of them leaving Lance with Julius for a bit. "Hey Yami, I decided, are you free this evening?" I ask him. Asta watches us in amusement. "Are you guys gonna go on a mission?!" he yells.

I look at him and chuckle. "No not quite. Just fulfilling a promise" Asta nods. "Ooo!! What kind of promise!!?" he yells again interested by this. I ruffle his hair "Something that I promised him before I left." The younger bot then tilts his head "Left?" he then puts his hand below his chin thinking. "I believe Noelle mentioned something like that. Is that why many of the knights don't recognize you? And that you're not in any magic squads?"

I nod my head "Yes, I was gone and I'm currently not in any magic squads. Though we can't discuss this over another time." I then look over to Yami. "So what do you say, we can just do you and me seeing that Will was busy."

He smirks, "Then I'll be taking up your time then Vice." I smile at him. I soon hear running and footsteps near us. Then hands snake around my waist. I look down and see Lance. "Sorry Lance for leaving you like that." I say and fluff up his hair.

He looks up at me and smiles. Then glances over to Asta, leaving my side. "Asta-ni san! You're so cool from earlier fighting! Teach me too!" Lance complements Asta. Resulting in Asta huffing in confidence. I giggle at this sight. "Well then, Asta. May I trouble you to teach and have fun with Lance while we are out?" I ask him and look at Yami for permission. He nods.

I then walk over to the two boys and ruffle their hair. "I'll be getting you later on tonight at the Black bull's head quarters. Try not to cause to much trouble for them alright." I say. Lance replys with a hum in excitement and nods.

"Well then, let's go shall we." I say and we walk our way down the hall.

We soon find ourselves at the Black Bull's place and leave the two younger boys with the rest of the members. I then look over at Yami, "So Yami, you have a place in mind you want to go?"

He turns to me and smirks. "Yeah, I'll take you there." He then sets off on his broom and I soon follow.

We arrive at a nice bar in the capital. We walk inside and find it empty. I bar and tables around with one bartender. He sees us enter and bows politely. We make our may to the bar and sit down ordering some drinks.

I get a glass of wine and he gets a bottle of beer. He chugs it down and orders another one. I laugh at this and watch him indulge as I slowly drink from my glass. He peers over at me. "So Hikaru... What have you been doing all the years?" he asks taking a gulp of his drink.

I take a sip from my cup and turn towards him. I send him a warm smile and hum. "Well I guess you could say a lot of things. From training my magic abilities to physical combat training. Doing duties as a knight over there, protecting the citizens Making some friends and getting to know people..." I then turn a little serious. "Then fighting some invaders." I quickly shrug the memory off.

"Well that's about it for me. What about you Yami?" I ask. He then puts down his drink after listening to me. "Nothing much. Just boring duties, the norm like we did as in grey deer."

I giggle at his reply. "That seems like you Yami. Not really busy are we?" I joke. He then laughs "Yeah I guess, the same old me. Other then managing and gathering some rowdy bunch it's been quite the years since I became a magic captain" He picks up his drink finishing it and asking for another.

"I see. Well Yami, you got yourself a good team and members that are admirable. You have not only proved that the weak or those with different background can be an admirable and strong magic knight but also what it means to be a magic knight." I say to him causing him to look at me again. "I'm truly amazed at the bunch that you've gathered. I'm proud and happy to see this team and have them as magic knights." I pat his shoulder.

I finally finish my glass of wine and order another one. I feel Yami's gaze. I turn to look at him and smile yet again. I prop my arm against the counter and lean my head on my hand. "Yes Yami?" He continues to stare intently at me without saying anything for a couple seconds.

"I wanted to ask you...Did weird mask dude feel anything different or off to you?" he asks taking in my facial expression. I hum and my face slowly loses its smile. "I wonder... Somehow there was always this feeling from Will but recently I have been more aware of it. He is still the same man we've both known." I tell him

"I see. Well when I faced the leader of midnight eye, I felt and seen the familiar characteristics and feeling from them." I take this information in and process it. I nod my head. "I see... You do have that sense that is a bit different from ours. Though I do not doubt it. But, I truly would hate to think that about Will and assume such things." My face shows seriousness and sadness.

"It would be a shame if Will ended up becoming..." I trail off. But I didn't need to say no more. Yami puts his hand on my head comforting me and ruffling my hair a little. This brings up my mood and I laugh a bit. I grab his hand and hold it. I feel him flinch a bit but he does not pull back. "It's been so long since we've talked and seen each other. I truly missed this" I say and hold his hand a little longer before letting it go.

The magic captain in front of me drinks again and says "Me too..." silence soon follows as we drink. Yami having gone through a couple bottles and I'm still on my second cup.

"Hikaru, What about telling me about your son, Lance was it?" he asks. I raise my brow surprised that he was interested. He seems to catch it and stays silent. "Hmm. I wouldn't mind telling you but what about him has caught your attention?" I ask him.

He chuckle a bit. "Why nothing much. Just curious." he says holding up his hands in the air defending him. I soon chuckle as well. "Vary well then."

I tell him how I met the lonely boy in the forest and how I saved him. How he didn't want to leave my side and how I raised him with the help of a friend when I was there. How he started to see me as a mom figure and call me 'mom' at times. I would sometimes gush on how cute and adorable my son was.

He absorbed this information and would chuckle every now and then on stories that I would share.

"You know Yami, I would never would have expected that Lance would call me 'mom' I was so surprised but I found myself excepting it. Finding myself becoming more like his motherly figure." I laughed. He smiled. "Well you make a wonderful mother." Somehow that made my cheeks heat up a bit maybe because of the alcohol.

I laugh a little. "Thanks...Hey Yami." I say and hear him hum in return telling me to go on. "Have you ever thought about settling down and starting a family before?" I ask him. I finishes up his drink and sets it down on the counter.

He stares at his now empty cup. "I don't know, I guess at times it crosses my mind like this or when I'm asked if I'm interested in someone. But I can't really imagine myself starting a family, probably be old by myself hanging with some other old dudes." He then turns to look at me, examining my face at what he told me.

I looked at him sadly "Yami, that's rather lonely. You know but at the same time it seems so you. You would just be chilling the whole day or doing something. But I believe that someday you'll get yourself a nice woman and settle down and when that day comes make sure to introduce me to her huh." I say and smile at the male.

He smirks. "Huh we'll see. What about you? You want a family?" I turn to look at him in the eyes. I ponder a bit, "Well it might not be so bad to start a family since I already got myself a son." I say and chuckle. He smirks at this as well "But my very own huh. Only time will tell when I do. We'll have to see. I'm not to sure on settling down at the moment or anytime soon. So that will have to wait in the future."

Yami soon teases "Why thinking that you want be able to get a man or something? I think that will be the least of you worries." He tells me. My eyes widen a bit and my face turns a little bit redder. "What!? Yami! Don't say things like that!" I slightly push his arm.

He chuckles. "Well it's true. Unlike me I'm no woman magnet." He says back at me.

I huff and puff up my cheeks. "There you go again Yami. Thinking that you're not good enough. How many times have I told you, you are good. You are a strong, capable, reliable man who holds good values. I bet there is a woman out there crushing on you at this very moment. She may be drooling at your muscles or your manly appearance or even at your strength when fighting. Or your handsome face. Or maybe every thing I just listed." He laughs at my statement brushing them off.

"Hey,I tell you what, if we end up alone and not deciding to settle down with someone, then we'll just be together and I'll be your old dude." I tell him. "I'll be with you. Huh how about that, then we'll be hanging out at my place watching Lance grow up and marry a fine girl. Maybe even see Julius get married or something, if that ever happens." I joke a bit and I turn to face him.

I watch his expression, his eyes get wider and his cheeks get slowly (a little) red and he cracks a genuine smile. "I'll love that. We'll be two old dudes hanging out." He then laughs at his comment and I laugh along. "It wouldn't be so bad at all." he says.

I nod my head in approval too "It won't be bad at all."

With that we finish up our last drinks and I put down a bag of coins on the table thanking the bar tender. Yami is now completely drunk, he is staggering and is sleeping. I huff and speak to the full grown man "Man Yami, you really drank to much. If I have to live with you in the future you better, cut down on the drinking and smoking. It'll ruin you health and I would hate that. Hell, I hate that right now!" I tell the drunkard not knowing that he is a little sober.

"Now, let's get us home." I say casting a spell on Yami with my wind to make him lighter and fly him with me to the base.

We reach the base to find is standing silently still, no sounds except for some sounds of snoring at the front of the door. I slowly open the door and faced with some members like Asta, Noelle, Magma, Luck, and Charmy passed out in the living room. I turn to see Asta cuddling with Lance with Noelle to the right of Asta holding Lance's hand.

My heart feels warm at this sight. I whisper slightly "You got a really good team here Yami. A real good one, they are not so much a squad but family." I say as a smile graces my lips and hug Yami as I walk him over to the stairs placing him down for a little. Finding some blankets to cover each of them.

I walk over to Yami and pull him back up making our way to his room. I open the door and place him down on the bed pulling the sheets up to cover him. "Night Yami." I say and was about to make my way to the door. But stopped with an arm around my waist pulling me into the bed. Surprised I let out a little yelp.

I hear Yami whisper slightly in his drunk voice. "Vice Cap...Hikaru...It's late, just stay and take your boy later in the morning." I was about to say something when he pulled me under the sheets with him with me still in his grasp. My face is fully flushed

"Yami! What are you doing?!" I whisper yell. He shushes me and he falls asleep completely dead to the world. I sigh knowing that I'm stuck here. I turn around to face the sleeping man and slowing drift off into sleep.

The morning came, just slightly before the sun rose. I start shifting in the unfamiliar bed and open my eyes to be met with an embrace of the smoking but musky smell of Yami. My face heats up remembering what happened. I slowing break the embrace to see Yami move a bit. I smile kindly down at him.

I see his stir some more and he cracks his eyes open a little. "What are you doing up? Go back to bed." He tells me. I shake my head and reply "I got to go Yami, you go back to bed. Thanks for keeping me warm and cozy." I say teasingly. He yawns a bit and I continue "I'll see you soon, since I'll be joining you on the mission so be back in a couple days. So get some rest now, Magic captain Yami."

With that I watch him drift off to sleep and I get out of bed. Slowly closing his door and making myself unnoticeable my others in the morning as I head down the stairs. I still see them sleeping and quietly make my way over to Asta. I pull Lance out of Noelle hand and Asta's arm. I pet the two black bull members head gently.

I lift up Lance and carry him out leaving the sleeping Black Bulls. I hop onto my broom and make my way over to the palace.