
The Cabin That Wrote

A freak accident left Tuesday blind. Instead of adjusting to the regular world, she had to adjust to a world that found itself in ruins. She was left out of any survival party all because she was blind. Everything she had was taken and she was left with nothing. She was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. She found herself hungry and waiting to be eaten by the undead. Suddenly she started to experience a mysterious voice waving her into a deep dream. Inside the dream a mysterious voice told her to trust the power within her. Tuesday finds out she was later given the passing powers to lead the undead army. With this new found power she continues to struggle. Each day she found herself standing on top of more and more countless dead bodies. Cover art original artist: ILLUST_ V.Q

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Forecast Calls For Rest

We briefly rested outside any building under the shade. The stranger was quick to tell me that although were close to his settlement that it will be best to rest throughout the night. From what

I was told there is a nearby gas station that he often uses for shelter when making supply runs. His demeanor was strong but quivered from what I think of having to spend the night while on the run from an undead horde that gathered in an unreasonable size.

"As we get there, I will have to make sure that all the windows are still barred from my last visit of gathering resources" he said as he tugged on the rope that was wrapped around the palm of my right hand.

He meant well, but I had to tell him that I'm blind not deaf. I can hear the signal to start walking.

The man walked forward. We had yet to rehydrate and walked in a slow manner to preserve energy, this was my assumption. He led me through a cramped space and often had to tell me to duck or to crawl through grass as low as I can. The stranger was moving forward as if he knew the area well. At times he would signal me to stop moving. One instance of these momentary pauses he spotted an undead in the passage we were heading towards. The stranger was quick in making the decision of trying to sneak past without causing an alarm from the surrounding undead. Instead of crawling or ducking, we walked towards another direction.

A few moments past this encounter we stopped our walk and he spoke.

"This is where we are going to stay the night. I need you to stay here while I check out the surroundings" he briefly mentioned as he united the rope around the palm of my right hand and walked away.

He left me very suddenly. I was left in the middle of I don't know where. I was scared but, in a sense, I was still feeling safe. With the stranger gone I could only imagine my surroundings and to wait for his return. The warm touch of the sun I experienced earlier as we walked outside is missing, so I would assume that we are nearby a large building on the opposite side of the sun. I say this because the breeze is harsher in the shade, and we left the previous building not too long ago.

I sat in wonder as to what the situation has come to be. From my understanding there is a large horde of undead zombies clawing its way to us. A stranger that saved me not too long ago has a settlement of people in which he mentioned was well off and not in any need to be taking advantage of other people but instead are building towards the future. This is where I think it gets funny. He mentioned this but not so long ago said that he visits this gas station on and off when he is out scrounging around looking for either resources or something. He didn't mention what he was looking for, but it doesn't add up to why he is looking for resources when he mentioned that he and his people are well off. This hiccup in his story is starting to replay bad memories.

"I need to be sure I'm not going to be left for bait. Not like the last few times" I mutter.

"I finally have a change of heart about living again and would really hate for a repeat of my past life to catch up to me. I'm going to rest with my ears open" I say out loud.

After I speak to the wind around me about my feelings, I hear a rustling of metal nearby. It sounded as if it came from in front of me. A metal sheet slid across the floor grinding slowly and briefly being picked up and put down again.

"Alright I'm back. The place is safe for now. The wood coverings on the windows are still there and the supplies I left not too long ago are still around. We're going to make it through the night" the strong stranger said.

"Thank you for looking out for me. I'll be sure to give my effort in helps of building the future with the people of your settlement" I replied trying to reach for the goal he set out earlier.

"Don't worry. The people there are too kind for their own good. I'm sure we can get you a job and have you start working off the debt you feel weighed down in" he spoke with a soft voice as if he had a genuine smile attached to those words.

Hearing his words one more time helped dispel the belief of being taken advantage of again. This might be the case, but I still feel the need to be sure that nothing is going to happen either during the night or during the small trip towards his settlement. He insists that it's only going to be a few more miles before we reach the walls. This I would love to see but I'm stuck to my imagination.

The stranger handed me the rope to tie around the palm of my hand again so he can lead me towards our shelter for the night. As he stopped in this moment there was a second where the sound of a door silently creaked in front of us.

We slowly walked into what I imagine our short relief from running across town would be. He gently signaled to me that I can take off the rope as he dropped his backpack on the floor. He walked away from me as he did this and grabbed from what I can hear a glass of a large container, what I believe might be alcohol, and slowly approached me. He stopped a short distance before flicking a lighter to start a flame.