
The Cabin That Wrote

A freak accident left Tuesday blind. Instead of adjusting to the regular world, she had to adjust to a world that found itself in ruins. She was left out of any survival party all because she was blind. Everything she had was taken and she was left with nothing. She was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. She found herself hungry and waiting to be eaten by the undead. Suddenly she started to experience a mysterious voice waving her into a deep dream. Inside the dream a mysterious voice told her to trust the power within her. Tuesday finds out she was later given the passing powers to lead the undead army. With this new found power she continues to struggle. Each day she found herself standing on top of more and more countless dead bodies. Cover art original artist: ILLUST_ V.Q

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Better Than Jerky

As entering the gas station I experienced a stale breeze that swam past me and escaped the moment we opened the door. I walked a few steps and crunched my knees to my chest to get closer to the floor and swept my fingertips across the ground. It was chilled and thin like a sheet of metal that was stapled on wood. I crossed my legs and pulled my body close to the floor to sit and rest. We were in the gas station that the stranger decided was a good place to rest and lay low as zombies pass us by.

The stranger left and began grinding two shallow objects together. There was echoes of his movements throughout the gas station.

Minutes of silence ran through the echo of the stranger at work. I was lost in the years of before, I lost the focus of here and now. I remembered the countless parties that had abandoned me. Often times I experienced the aroma of the sunrise burning the window seal and the feeling of loneliness as the room became more still in the air as the only words going back and forth were my own.

The stranger rustled up and down the building without sharing many words. He marched here and there orchestrating the set up by banging objects. The sound of a flickering object sparking would go off and shortly after this an object off a metallic surface would pop off and drop back down. As the man walked around doing this again a few times, the room slowly grew more warm and comfortable in the wind. A blanket of security coated the air and the surrounding fragrances became more clear.

"Is there some liquor around here?" I said.

"I've got a few bottles in reserve if that's what you're looking for" the man said.

"If you start walking around, be careful. There's liquor pools and cardboard littered between the shelves".

"Ah, thank you. I could smell the alcohol in the air. I was just curious" I said.

He was still busy. I was grateful in hearing his response. A slight smile arched from one corner of my mouth towards my ear.

"What are you doing stranger?" I asked.

"Stranger? Huh, I guess I never told you my name. Well, first I'm lighting up the candles in the room. After that I'm going to take out the stovetop and get us started on some food " he said.

"Okay. Yeah. If there is anything I can do to help let me know" I said.

"Haha- Shouldn't be long before we can rest. After I get settled down I'll tell you my name and tell you about the place we're heading to tomorrow" he said.

The nameless man returned to lighting up the area for himself to see.

I had my first full conversation with the man and was interested to hear his name, to eat his food, and feel the safety in the settlement he brought up. My face warmed up in happiness because I had light hearted experiences in front of me waiting to unfold.

The stranger rested between the song of candle lighting and came to rest in front of me.

"Huhhh – That was tiring work. I got the candles lit and have the stovetop here."

"I hear" I said.

"Well, I think I promised some food and some background information" he said.

The stranger rustled around banging metal to metal and the heat around me grew. There was sounds of sizzling and aromas of sweetness in the air. I can hear the man scrapping the bottom metal and splashing a liquid around. My stomach let out a groan and the both of us gathered to eat by the stovetop fire to eat.

"Please put your hands out. I'll give you your food and if you need help I'll be in front of you" he said.

"Haha- That's very kind. I'm starving" I replied.

"On your plate is cut beef seared with thyme, onions powder, and garlic. Please dig in." he said.

The aroma of the seared beef went from the plate in my hands towards my mouth. It was delicious. Each bite was as juicy as the last.

"This is so much better than beef jerky in a ziplock bag" I cried.

"Well, I would hope so. I put a ton of effort into making these dishes" he said.

"Why would you do something like that when at any moment the hungry undead could smell the air and come changing in" I asked.

"Look, the world might have changed but if our passions die than we are no better than any other brainless creature walking around this planet, zombie or not. The only thing I will continue to live for is my person. If I ever die then I hope it was because I cooked such a grand meal that a zombie could smell it from a city away and was willing to die to get a closer sniff" he said.

The response he gave warmed my soul. It's been two years and I've experienced a variety of characters, never like this person in front of me.

"Haha- Well, they would have to kill me first before I enjoy my meal" he finished saying.

"I don't think I can ever agree more with what you've said stranger. I'm- you're a happy change of pace" I replied.

"Oh- that's right. I forgot to tell you my name. You asked about food and I got carried away. I'm Domingo, the chef at the settlement I keep talking about " he said.

"You know I got carried away in the food too, it's fine. My name is Tuesday and I was once an English professor" I said.

The flavor of the last bite of the seared beef left my taste buds and slowly dissipated. What I was left with now was a new comfort and a dastardly scenario in front of me. I think now after hearing Domingo, the chef, talk about himself, I might just know what these resource runs include.