
The Cabin That Wrote

A freak accident left Tuesday blind. Instead of adjusting to the regular world, she had to adjust to a world that found itself in ruins. She was left out of any survival party all because she was blind. Everything she had was taken and she was left with nothing. She was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. She found herself hungry and waiting to be eaten by the undead. Suddenly she started to experience a mysterious voice waving her into a deep dream. Inside the dream a mysterious voice told her to trust the power within her. Tuesday finds out she was later given the passing powers to lead the undead army. With this new found power she continues to struggle. Each day she found herself standing on top of more and more countless dead bodies. Cover art original artist: ILLUST_ V.Q

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs


It's been a few hours since I left Domingo. The rats were my friends during the first hours, but they seem to have ran away.

The sounds of the tunnels is quiet. No more squeaks or crawling around. There was a slight breeze coming from the direction I'm heading towards.

"This is weird."

There shouldn't be any breeze down here. Domingo brought this up, but it could be that I'm finally close to one of the other subway stations. If that's the case then I should expect a large herd of undead nearby.

I don't hear or feel anything though.

The tunnel critters ran away so it could be that they stay away from this area, but so far there hasn't been any problems.

"Maybe I'll get lucky and get through the tunnels without having to battle any undead. So far everything is good. I don't hear a single thing."

The problem is that I don't hear anything though. Usually I would experience the sounds of the railroads settling into the ground, sometimes I would even hear my footsteps echo.

This time I'm not experiencing a single sound. It's as if the world has gone mute.

"Hello!" I yell.

Even my voice sounds like a whisper.

"Hello, can anyone hear me?" I yell again.

This situation has become more than weird, it's becoming more paranormal than just the undead roaming around the world.

"Soon." A strange voice whispered.

It sounded like the voice came from just behind my back. The word that appeared out of no where was creepy enough to stop my foot steps and flash my life in fear.

"If you're going to do something then do something! I don't have all day to wait to die!" I yell.

"Soon." The voice whispered again.

"Where are you? I can hear you but I can't feel your presence!" I yell.

It was as if someone was playing games with my life on the line.

I've gotten decent at picking up auras from creatures, but I can't sense a single thing around me.

"If I didn't keep my hand on the tunnel walls then I would have been lost already."

The situation has spun me around a few times, I'm feeling dizzy just thinking about this whole thing.

"Is this because I've never been alone until now?" I ask.

"Keep going and you will find out." The voice whispered.

"Oh! So you do say more than one word! Why don't you tell me who the hell you are?"

The world was once again silent in giving any response to my questions.

"I'll find you! Just you wait!"

"Just a little bit further." The voice whispered again.

"If you know where I'm going then why don't you help out instead of teasing me!"


It's hard to tell but I don't know if I've gone crazy or this is really happening. I would think that some body that knows where I am and wished to hurt me that they would have made a move a long times ago.

"If you're here to hurt a struggling blind lady then I hope you're ready to experience the beating you will be too ashamed to talk about!"

"The sovereign is close." The voice whispered in response.

"Fuck off!"

The voice that came creeping up to me has done nothing but talked nonsense. The only senses I've got going for me are being muted to hear this nonsense. It's aggravating.

"Guhh-" moaned something ahead of me.

"Looks like I've finally got company." I said.

I wasn't able to sense or hear any undead because I was so occupied with the creepy voice that swept around as if it was following me.

"I see now, you were trying to distract me." I yelled.

I ignored the creeping of the strange voice that was following me and focused on trying to sense the undead around me.

"How many are there?" I ask.

Hearing the rattling of cold heavy bones and sensing the cold aura they emit, there was only five of them.

"My count has to be correct. If I miss a single one of them then I will for sure die here. I will die without making it to the settlement, right after Domingo did everything to keep me going."

There was certainly five. The pairs of moans, cold rattling of hollow bones and each came with a cold blue aura that I can see in the darkness of my eyes.

"Five shouldn't be a problem." I said.

The five undead were walking in a straight line as if they were given the order to march.

The first in line of this undead march lunged with its hands.

"I remember the pain and sounds that Domingo did with this knife."

I grabbed the knife and removed the cloth I wrapped around it.


I swipe the blade towards the blue aura smiting around the two extended arms and back again in one swift movement. The undead lost its hands and head with one movement to the left and right.

"That leaves four more… ugh- the pain of cutting the undead is more severe than listening to Domingo slice them apart."

My wrists and neck felt as if I was attempting suicide with a dull blade.

"I have to keep going. There's four more."

The second in line marched over the first and proceeded towards me with the same slow movement as the others.

"This is some sort of test, right? I'm not the same as I was before!"

I took the step forward with the knife in hand and took advantage of the step the second zombie had to take over the first.

I whipped the knife towards the blue aura that stopped towards the head and ran with the force of the wind and blade to slice through two of the undead.

"Is this some sort of joke?" I yell.

There was two more undead approaching. They weren't fazed by the others becoming headless.

"Guh-" I yell.

The dull pain in my neck became excruciating. When I killed two of the undead at the same time it amplified the drawback I've been experiencing.