
The Cabin That Wrote

A freak accident left Tuesday blind. Instead of adjusting to the regular world, she had to adjust to a world that found itself in ruins. She was left out of any survival party all because she was blind. Everything she had was taken and she was left with nothing. She was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. She found herself hungry and waiting to be eaten by the undead. Suddenly she started to experience a mysterious voice waving her into a deep dream. Inside the dream a mysterious voice told her to trust the power within her. Tuesday finds out she was later given the passing powers to lead the undead army. With this new found power she continues to struggle. Each day she found herself standing on top of more and more countless dead bodies. Cover art original artist: ILLUST_ V.Q

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Death and Reincarnation

The knife Domingo gave me was sharp. With a single swipe I was able to cut the rope between us. The air around me cried as I did this.

"I have a world to lead. I will start with killing Domingo and surviving long enough to make sure things like this don't have to happen. I have to. I will do it." I said.

As the blade whipped from one side to the other I grabbed a hold to the wall that was holding us up for for days on end.

I took the first step away from Domingo and felt the steaming aura of his lifespan drain from his body. In the place that was where Domingo laid for days was now a cold rattling aura. He has become one of the undead.

"I'll start again. My name is Tuesday, and I have the weight of the dead behind me. I might be blind but after today, I have the foresight to lead this world into a new age."

"Thank you Domingo. I won't mess this new life up!"

I felt the aura of the now undead Domingo approach me. In the darkness of my sight I could sense and see the undead life approaching.

"Thank you."

The tears running down my cheeks swiped down to the ground when I swung my knife at Domingos cold aura.

The wind cried and the floor sang back up.

Domingo died twice at that moment, but I won't let him die again.

"You will never be forgotten." I said.

The area now smelt of poisoned blood. The sounds of the blade echoed slowly throughout the large space. The moment caused the world around to awaken. Squeaks of rodents ran through pattering and clinking they're claws from one end to the the further end of the tunnel.

"I'm not alone anymore. I have you and the others that died while fighting to protect family and friends. I carry the world." I said.

I walked toward the body of Domingo and patted my hands along his back to get a few things he had.

Around his shoulders was two straps to a backpack. The fabric was glossy and indented. It was a leather backpack that Domingo carried around.

I moved the body of Domingo to get his back off and searched for the zipper.

Inside the backpack was a lot of room with a few compartments.

"I knew he talked about jerky but this much is overkill. The glass bottles I feel are probably spices." I thought.

It pains me to have to loot the hero of my story and take what he had taken his time to gather for himself.

Inside one of the compartments I felt a thin and long cloth.

"If it's not too much to worry about, I'm going to use this around the blade. I can't walk around waiting to trip and accidentally cut myself. Shame on you for not thinking about these things, Domingo."

I wrapped the blade of the knife Domingo gave me and put on the leather backpack he was wearing.

I took a step over Domingo and ran my hand along the wall of the metro.

I turned my head to gather one more feeling of the aura left by Domingo, but what I felt was the disappearance of his chilling undead life force dissipate into the world.

"Shame on you for leaving a blind woman alone." I said.

I turned back where my fingers pointed and began my journey towards the sub entrance to the settlement.

"Oh- I never asked him the name of the settlement. It might be a problem down the line, but I hope it won't stop me from entering."

If I could rewind time I would have loved to learn more about the stranger I met not too long ago. If I had the chance to relive this life I would, but what matters is the life in front of me.

If only I felt this way before meeting Domingo, he might not have died in the middle of a subway station with a complete stranger he just met.

"Alright, it's time to move on. For sure this time. I can remember and cry about this after I get to the settlement." I said.

I walked forward eating the rough and dried up jerky that Domingo left. A few rodents took notice and eventually became bold enough to try to challenge me.

Inside the tunnels their numbers were great. Normally a few of these little creatures would be too scared to approach a human. Their squeaks and clawing on the ground in each step can be thought of as the most recognizable creature on earth, the rat.

"Disgusting!" I thought.

If I yelled now then the sounds of my voice would alert the wrong kind of crowd.

A few steps forward and a rat came pattering towards me. I heard the squeaks get closer. It reached the area around me to be able to get frightened and freaked out.

I threw one of the slices of jerky towards the opposite side of me.

I don't want to spend time beating up on rats. The pain in my heart is not enough to willingly cause harm to creatures that are already struggling to survive.

"They're hungry. I can't hurt them if they're not trying to attack me." I thought.

These creatures are probably the only reason the undead haven't died out yet. They must be snacking on the rats here.

Maybe another time will come when I have to clear out any rodents, but right now I would rather let the undead zombies have more choices as to what they will eat.

"I'd like to think that I'm one of the more expensive dishes on the menu."

The rats were now a thing of the past. They didn't bother me as I walked down the tunnel, but once in a while they would approach me. When the rats came I threw one of the slices of jerky I got from Domingo.