
The Burning Stone

Phoenix has illegally been a part of the royal guard for years now. After a fateful tournament, she captures the attention of the royal family, and is tasked with tracking down assassins. If she fails, the Queen dies, and Phoenix's head will roll next. Phoenix takes life and death into her own hands, leaving everyone around her crumbling to her will. Everyone, except one persistent Prince determined to crack her iron wall.

BirdofFour · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Prologue: Before the World Ended

Stilts wasn't his real name, but he loved the way it rolled off her tongue. Like his name was enough to make her happy.

"The nickname is perfect because you're so tall," Sadie said, stretching up on her toes so her nose brushed his chin.

"I'm sorry, is someone talking?" Stilts smiled as he stared right over her head. There, in the corner of his vision- a perfume shop.

"Sadie!" Stilts said. "I'll be right back, just wait fifteen minutes for me, please."

"What? You're leaving me here, in the middle of the busiest city of Leonin, all by myself, with nothing to do but wait?"

Stilts grabbed Sadie by the hips and pulled her close, reaching into her skirt pocket and putting her journal and pen into her hands.

"Write in this," he whispered.

Sadie tucked a loose strand of hair out of her face. Stilts cursed himself for not noticing and doing it himself. His fingers played with the braided necklace Sadie made for the New Year's festival last year. Made after their first "I love you."

"You want me to write in my journal?" she asked with a smile, eyes dropping to his fidgeting.

"Yes, in there," he pointed to the domed library beside them.

"Okay." She held the journal over her mouth to hide a smile. "But know I'll hide in that library and jump out to scare you."

"Why are you so mean?" Stilts laughed.

"You're the one leaving me," Sadie said.

"Alright, I'll be back in no time, I promise. Can I get a kiss for the journey?"

"Only after you return," Sadie quipped.

"See? Mean."

Sadie lightly slapped his shoulder, but she smiled bright enough for her gums to show. Nearly bright enough for every worry to leave Stilts' head. He winked, taking off, hoping to return soon for his promised kiss. He turned to catch just one more glimpse of her. Her journal rested in her left hand, and she'd stuck the pen into her braided hair. It didn't matter that Sadie put it there every time, she'd still forget where her pen was.

Sadie was the smartest, most idiotic person Stilts knew.

He weaved through the crowded street, past men's fancy coats and fussy horses, until a hanging wooden sign depicting a perfume bottle greeted him. As he peered through the display glass, a giddy feeling fluttered in Stilts' stomach. He just knew Sadie's smile would be radiant when she got the perfume.

Sadie could use it for her body, yes, but she could also use it to accent the pages in her journal. She always talked about sharing her writing with the world someday, this could be the perfect push to boost her confidence in her work.

Perhaps Sadie would like the bottle with the metal rose on top? Or the glass one with clear perfume inside, reflecting the light? No, Sadie loved color, bright color. Her favorite was red, Stilts should look for that.

Except, as Stilts stared, the clear perfume bottle shifted to yellow, and the display glass trembled ever so slightly.

Stilts gingerly stepped back glanced behind him, toward an open park, toward a burning sky. Bright color stained the atmosphere, with three flying dots, tails close behind, heat sticking to the air. People poured out of the streets in awe, pointing above them, muttering about God coming. A fourth ball without a tail grew larger with each passing second- it was headed straight for the city.

Terror shook Stilts' body.

"Everyone get inside!" he yelled.

No one bothered to listen, their eyes entranced by the light above. A cheer erupted and people clapped with joy, eager for salvation.

"We need to find shelter!" Stilts tried again, tugging on peoples' sleeves before they shoved him away.

Sadie-- he had to find Sadie.

No, she was hiding in the library. He'd never find her in time.

Stilts ran into the perfume shop and searched: there, in the corner, a staircase leading down. He sprinted into the basement, tripping on the last step and falling on his face. Dust shoved its way into his mouth, forcing a cough out of him, suffocating his throat and mind.

Sadie would be okay, she was hiding, Sadie always hid under cover, she was smart, Sadie would be okay.

A single moment of stillness as Stilts covered his head with his arms.

The impact, shattering the earth, vibrating the world so violently the sound of buildings collapsing above covered everyone's screams.

Covered everything except one thought:

Stilts had to find Sadie.