
The Burdens of the Lost

Souls. The soul is a magical incarnation of the human body. If those souls were to get reincarnated those souls will be reborn into an identical version of themselves. The souls of the unworthy get sent to Hell. The worthy get sent to Heaven. Sometimes there are anomalies where the unworthy can reemerge to redeem themselves of the bad deeds they've done. Other times, the worthy fall out of the heavens and get sent to Purgatory. In order to receive the blessing of Rebirth, you have to show you are ready for a redemption. Fallen Angels or Ascended Demons can have a chance at Rebirth when an angel or one of the Seven Deadly Sins comes to them with a task. As Akumo Arino and Tenshi Katria are both assigned with the same task, it is their job together to stop the magical incarnation of the unstable hierarchy known as The Anomaly.

Kofuku_Novels · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter XIX

As they return home, Arino looks at everyone confused. He didn't get any notification of their wheareabouts after going to the supermarket. Arriving back to find the rest of his family, Arino was both relieved and confused. His relief was tinged with confusion; while he was glad that they had arrived safely, Arino could not understand why they hadn't contacted him to tell him where they were. Arino looks at the woman Musabori was carrying and is shocked. The woman was Arino's aunt, whom he thought was banished to Hell after their interaction in Purgatory. His relief quickly evaporated as he realized what had happened; the only explanation for why his aunt was in Musabori's arms was that she had been sent to guide them back to their home.

Arino: "How are you even on this planet, Nikuyoku?"

Nikuyoku: "Well, haha... you see. I was sent here."

Arino: "Who would sent you of all people back to Earth?"

Nikuyoku: "Ask your grandfather, I don't know why either!"

Arino laughs as he is glad to see his aunt after a couple of years. His aunt had tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, as she couldn't believe how much Arino had grown in the years since they last saw each other.

Nikuyoku: "You've grown so much!"

Arino: "Hey! Get off of me!"

Nikuyoku thanks the crew for their help in the pimp rig. The crew was overjoyed to have been of service, as they all respected Nikuyoku and her vision for the future. She knows that times will change with this crew. As she takes her kids, she waives goodbye. She can't help but feel a little hope that this crew will lead the way for future generations.

Musabori: "So those kids were our cousins?"

Arino: "Apparently so, anyway back to business. Why do you two have eyepatches."

Arisa and Katria look away, embarrassed. Both girls felt awkward, their eyes darting around the room as if looking for an escape.

Katria: "Well, you see what had happened was..."

Arisa: "We did a thing, and that thing lead to us loosing our vision in our eye so..."

Arino: "You two combined releases didn't you?"

Katria and Arisa both laugh nervously. Arino looks at them with disappointment in his eyes. Katria and Arisa both laugh nervously. Arino looks at them with disappointment in his eyes. Katria and Arisa felt the weight of Arino's disapproval in that moment, but they could not help but feel relieved at the same time. Arino sighs as he tells the team their next move. They both knew that Arino would forgive them eventually, but in that moment all they could feel was regret for disappointing him.

Arino: "Well, we are going to a faraway village. The village of Windon. This village is known for their inability to accept modern technology and is mainly ran by beastfolk."

Musabori: "Why are we going over there?"

Arino: "For a vacation, we all need one after the shit we all went through last week."

Arisa: 'Does that mean I can finally show you my housewife skills, Arino?"

Arino: "Jesus Christ..."

Savona: "Listen here, You may be closer to Arino than me, but that doesn't make him yours!"

Arisa: "Sounds like a challenge."

Savona: "Oh you're on!"

Arino facepalms as Savona and Arisa stare daggers at each other. The tension in the room was palpable, with Arino's face acting as a bridge between the two girls.

Arino: "Alright, shut it! We leave in three days so pack your bags!"