
The Bull Knight

A man finds himself in a new world and lives his life the way he wants (this is my first time writing so my writing style and grammar are not the best)

Zoro_Zoro243 · Book&Literature
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As we walk through the tournament grounds I see the flags of most of the houses in the 7 kingdoms along with all the great houses like Stark, Lannister, Tully, Tyrell, Baratheon, and even Martells. Looks like the whole of Westeros has come for this tournament.

William "I think this is where we part ways friend, here's some coins for your help it's enough for the entrance fee for the tournament."

Micheal "Thank you for this Will, I hope we can meet again."

William "Of course and I for wish the same."

With that I wave goodbye to one of the first people I talked with in this new world. I start to head over to the sign up section for the different events. I think I will sign up for both the joust and Melee, but I'm not sure if I can ride a horse well or not I guess we will see. So I may not win the joust against people like Sir Arthur Dayne or Sir Jamie Lannister.

On the other hand the melee is a different story other then some members of the kings guard there are not many people that can stop me. I think as I reach the front of the relatively small line and start to sign up

Attendant "Hello Sir what can I help you with."

Michael "I would like to sign up for both the melee and joust."

'Which reminds me I need to buy a horse' Michael thought.

Attendant "Alright that will be 20 silver stags and what is your name good Sir."

Michael "Here's the silver and for the name it's Sir Micheal."

Attendant "No last name Sir?"

Micheal "Oh it's Stone."

Attendant "All right Sir Micheal Stone the melee will be tomorrow at midday and the joust at the same time the next day anymore questions."

Michael "No thank you for the help."

Now that I'm signed up there are a few things I need to get done. One I need to get a camp set up, Two buy all things need to be in the joust, Three get something to eat that isn't jerky.

First for the campsite I looked around for a vendor that sells tents and a sleeping mat and I got the best quality of both costing me 1 gold dragon.

Then I look for a horse, saddle, and lances. Which I find a seller of jousting horses and equipment and spend 8 gold on a good horse, saddle and 10 lances.

Lastly as the night was approaching I set my camp up then walk over to one of the many food vendors that have set up shop and buy a great meal for 5 silver, because I eat for 5 people.

After dinner I head back to camp where I spend at least half a hour taking off my armor, which increases my want for a squire maybe I can hire one after I win tomorrows melee because who wouldn't want it squire for the winner of the biggest tournament in history.

As I look over my gear I see that everything is still in mostly perfect condition except a few small chips on the back and left arm of my armor from the fight with the bandits. After all my equipment looks good I lay down ready for what will come not just tomorrow but for the years to come the wars to fight and hopefully win.

That's the end of the chapter Hope you all like it.