
The Bull Knight

A man finds himself in a new world and lives his life the way he wants (this is my first time writing so my writing style and grammar are not the best)

Zoro_Zoro243 · Book&Literature
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First Blood

Hope you enjoy this is my first time writing a fight scene.

POV: Michael

I awake to loud noises and the wagon crashing to a stop. I quickly get my helmet and Poleaxe and rush off the wagon to see what is going on. What I see is Williams Colleagues dead, one with a arrow through the neck and the other with a sword in the stomach.

William is fighting off one of the bandits but the other bandits are quickly moving in and I doubt he can hold off more. From my count there are 5 bandits left and 1 fighting with William.

I charge at a group of two shouting "Ad Mortem, Inimicus!" As I shoulder bash the first one and nock him to the ground. Then I spin the poleaxe around to the hammer side and bash the second man's head in killing him and I swiftly bring around the spear point and stab the one on the ground through the neck.

I suddenly feel a hit on my back so I turn and see the archer standing behind the last two men. They both come at me weapons raised one with a axe the other a sword. I hold my ground as they come to me. I hold my left arm up to block the axe and with the right I swing down my axe blade on the right cutting him from shoulder to torso. With my left after blocking I grab the man's neck and use all my strength to break iu and all I hear is a snap.

With only the archer left I look over to check on William to see that he has killed the one he was fighting and is now tending to his wounds.

Now that I don't have to worry about William I go for the archer but I see he has started to run away so I hold the poleaxe like a throwing spear and throw it has hard as I can and as it moves with a deadly speed and force. It strikes him in the mid section pinning to the ground.

With the battle over I go to pick up my weapon as William comes over.

William "Thank you Sir Michael with out your help u would have died like my colleagues. And may I say that was some great fighting."

Michael "It's no problem William and I'm sorry for the loss and you also did good fighting that bandit off yourself."

William "Again thank you and I was a soldier in the war against the nine pennie king so I have some fighting skill, but away let's pack everything up and get moving before more come."

Michael "Yes let's do that"

After all the looting and packing was done we started moving once more. And again I am faced with the reality that I just killed five more men and I don't feel anything. It was as easy as eating or drinking like I was born to do it. I don't know how to feel about that on one hand this is what the world is of fighting and killing, but that wasn't the world I am from at least to for me in life. For now I should wash off as I'm still covered and blood and other parts. So I ask William if there is a river near that we can wash of in.

William "Yes I was thinking the same thing we should be coming to a small river that we can us."

When we get to the river I realize how hard it is to get my armor off so I ask William to help.

Michael "William could you help me get my armor off it is proving to be quite the challenge without a squire."

William "Of course when I was young during the war I was a squire for a hedge knight so I have done this many times before."

I thank William for the help and I for the first time see my full body, it is tall and packed full of musles and scars, so I wade into the water cleaning my armor and weapons along with myself. And I most say being clean for once(even without soap) feels so much better then covered in blood.

After being cleaned up William helps put my armor back on, I that makes me realize how much I need my own squire. Then we hit then road it will take about half a day to make it the rest of the way.

Me and William talk the rest of the way, I say talk but it was really just him talking about his life the whole time. As he ends his last story we reach Harrenhal I most say this is the biggest but also ugliest castle I have ever seen with most being burnt ruins that some how form a wall and castle. But off to the side you can see the tournament grounds which compared to the castle looked very normal.

'This is the start, this is where I must make my name know.' I think when I see the crowds of fighters and knights.

This is the end of chapter 2