
The Brutal Dragon's Queen

In the enchanting world of Eldoria, where mystical creatures roam and magic flows through the veins of its inhabitants, a tale of courage, sacrifice, and unexpected love unfolds. Alana Nightshade, a witch with a resilient spirit, for years endured the chains of servitude in the opulent Kingdom of Veridia, ruled by the tyrannical King Argus. But destiny weaves an intricate tapestry when the realm faces an imminent threat from the fearsome Dragon King, Baron. Desperate to protect his kingdom and maintain peace, King Argus hatches a treacherous plan. He strikes a dangerous deal with Baron, offering his own daughter\'s hand in marriage and a peace treaty in exchange for safeguarding Veridia. However, the princess, Amara, is too loved by her father to face the perils that await her in the dragon's lair. King Argus, knowing of the slave\'s beauty, coerces Alana to assume the role of the princess and accompany Baron to his kingdom. In exchange for her cooperation, he promises to free her mother and brother from the shackles of slavery. Alana embarks on a journey filled with uncertainty, disguising her true identity while residing in the majestic Dragon Kingdom. She is determined to protect her family's future. But as she spends more time in the company of the enigmatic Dragon King, she discovers a different side to Baron—one that defies the tales of his brutality. The scars that mar his body are a testament to the battles he has fought and the sacrifices he has made. Alana\'s unwavering courage and unyielding kindness captivate Baron, drawing him closer to the very essence of love he had believed himself incapable of experiencing. As their hearts intertwine amidst the flames of destiny, they face myriad challenges—political machinations, ancient prophecies, and the unforgiving flames of war. This epic fantasy novel that explores the power of love and redemption, showcasing the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Join Alana and Baron on an extraordinary journey through a world where magic and destiny collide and where love may just be the key to salvation.

Ludinor · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Unexpected Visit

Almost midday there's a lot of movement in the Galard Castle to receive King Leo and his daughter Princess Francia, and their warriors.

No one was expecting any visit, so they had to rush and organize everything.

- Do you really want me to be with you? - Alana asks Baron, who asked her to be by his side when the king of the Afrak Kingdom arrives.

- Of course, I want. You're my future Queen. -

- … I learned etiquette, but I'm bad at it. I might embarrass you. -

- Don't worry about that. You're fine and my Queen doesn't need to worry about that. King Leo is the king of another beastman kingdom. We're both beasts and etiquette is not our strong side too. - He says, holding her arms and passing his hands on them to calm her.

- All right.. I'll do my best… I'll have to get used to this being with you either way. Do I need to pamper them? - She asks.

- No. … Only me. -

She giggles poking his side, then kisses his lips and chin.

- Always, my cute dragon. -

- Only you can call him cute. If I call him cute he will kill me. Even if he is acting cute around you. - Dante says from his seat in Baron's office.

- Shut up. Of course only she can call me the way she wants. - Baron speaks, growling.

- See that murderous look? Calm him down, Alana. - Dante says.

- Queen or Lady Alana for you, horny dog. -

Alana chuckles watching them. If Alana had Alan to trust and grow together, Baron had Dante. She believes that they complete each other.

Zain gets inside and tells them that King Leo arrived.

- Already? I'll change myself to at least something not dirty. Excuse me. - Alana says, leaving to her bedroom.

- Zain, Dante, make sure she's not bullied by none of the Afrak Kingdom. None of them. -

They nod in agreement.


Baron and Dante welcome King Leo and Princess Francia at the front door of the castle.

- Welcome to Galard Kingdom, King Leo. The Lion King. - Baron says, shaking hands with a man wearing brown and golden clothes.

King Leo has blond hair and a tanned skin and Honey eyes. He's big, but not as much as Baron.

- Thank you for welcoming us, King Baron. The Dragon King. - Leo answers.

Princess Francia was on her father's side, she's wearing an elegant and expensive red dress with golden details. She has long blond hair, and her skin and eyes are exactly as her father's.

- My King Baron. - She elegantly bows, showing her cleavage to Baron.

That disgusted him to a high level that he almost felt bile coming on his throat.

- Princess Francia. - He nods and then looks at King Leo. - Why do I have the honor of your visit, Lion King? - Baron asks.

- I heard that you now have a peace treaty with Veridia, King Baron. I wanted to discuss with you a way to widen this peace treaty to the Afrak Kingdom. They also are invading our territory. - King Leo answers.

- I understand. I'm not sure if this peace treaty will last long. However, we can discuss it. You must be tired from your travel, come and feast with us. - Baron says.

Baron noticed that Francia quickly walked to his side too, and that annoyed him. But when he arrived at the castle's main hall, his heart calmed down when he saw the most beautiful figure in the world.

Alana was wearing a dark red dress, with few details, and her hair had some braid locks pulled to the back of her head.

Baron knows she would rather use something more convenient and comfortable, but for him she looks beautiful either way.

Alana looked at King Leo and Princess Francia, and their wealthy energy was tangible. Pride visible on their faces.

But she became less tense when she saw Baron's smile. She smiles too and then lets him lead the situation.

Baron wraps one arm around her waist and kisses her forehead, impressing Leo and Francia.

- This is my future Queen, Alana. - Baron speaks.

- Lady Alana.. - Leo bows lightly, but with many questions in his mind.

Baron could sense their energy change.

- King Leo and Princess Francia. Welcome to Galard. - Alana bows too.

- Where are you from, lady Alana? - Francia asks, trying to not show disgust in her voice.

- Veridia, Princess Francia. -

- Oh, so this is the peace treaty? - Leo asks.

Assuming that made them more relaxed. Francia smiled and she started to look at Alana as if she was just a play doll he will kill after he's done with her or with the peace treaty.

- She's from Veridia only, but she has nothing to do with the peace treaty. - Baron affirms, when he notices Francia's eyes.

They're brought to the dining room. Baron sits in the main seat, Alana sits on his right side and on the other side are Leo and Francia.

- I think I'm feeling magic coming from you, lady Alana. - Leo speaks.

- Yes, King Leo. I'm a witch. - Alana answers.

- "Now it makes more sense. He only wants a witch on his side to have more power. Wizards and witches are hard to have." - Francia thinks.

- I see… Now I understand your motives more, King Baron. That would be the only explanation for leaving your fiancé like this. - Leo speaks.

Alana looks at Baron, confused. He has a fiancé?!

Baron is taken by surprise, and after seeing Alana's confused eyes that made him want to rip the Lion King's head off.

- What fiancé? - Baron asks.

- What do you mean? We are engaged, and now you appear with another woman saying she's your future queen. It must have an explanation, and now we know why. And I understand, having a witch on your side. I just don't know if it's necessary to marry her, my king. - Francia speaks.

- We were never engaged, Princess Francia. Your father sent you here on that attempt, but I never said I was going to marry you. I was clear about that to you. If you brought that understanding to your father, it's your mistake. - Baron coldly answers.

Francia bites her tongue and doesn't have the courage to look at her father. It was true. He didn't say he would marry her, but she thought she had convinced him to at least have something with her.

- I see now.. I apologize for our behavior, King Baron. And for my daughter's misunderstanding. - King Leo speaks.

Alana was a slave, and that made her watch royalty's behavior from another perspective. She knows that they were not happy to know Baron has her as a bride and that Francia wanted to be in her place.

Alana notices Francia doesn't look directly to Baron's eyes, even if she's clearly trying to seduce him somehow.

Now she understands when he says that he loves the fact that she looks at him, not disgusting or fearing him.

Alana stays quiet, only hearing them talking about the peace treaty with Veridia Kingdom.

Baron doesn't mention Argus sending Alana in place of a princess. And Alana appreciates that because she doesn't need to explain herself.

- Don't you mind knowing that we might wipe out Veridia Kingdom, witch Alana? - Francia asks.

Clearly, Francia stopped referring to Alana as a lady, and that angered Baron, but Alana doesn't mind at all.

Alana knows well it's a waste of time dealing with this kind of person.

- No. - Alana answers bluntly.

- Why not? -

- King Argus chose his destiny by himself. I'm from there, but I don't owe him anything. I only pity the families that are good and will be affected by his mistakes. -

- I see. I'm glad you understand that there's no use protecting them. -

Alana goes back to eat, pretending she's not there. She doesn't like to see Francia sending sexy smiles and showing her cleavage to Baron, but she can see that Baron does not like that too.

After they're done feasting, Alana is relieved to see Zain and Dante coming into the dining room.

Zain smiles at Alana after seeing her face pleading to save her from those people.

- Zain. So rare to hear from you and even more to see you. What are you doing here? - Leo says to Zain.

- I'm part of the Galard Kingdom now. -

- Is that so..? -

Leo knows that Zain and most wizards prefer staying away from the role of working for a kingdom.

Leo is now worried because Baron has not only a Witch on his side, but also the strongest Wizard he knows of.

- Why did you decide to be part of Galard? - Leo asks more.

- My dear student will be Queen here. I trust her judgment, and I decided to accept living here too. - Zain answers.

- I see.. -

- Can you take Princess Francia to her chambers, Dante? I'm sure you came here to take Alana, Zain? - Baron asks.

- Yes, let's go. - Zain nods and calls Alana with his head.

Alana looks at Baron, and he nods, confirming there's no problem with her leaving.

She smiles, but after watching another woman trying to seduce him in front of her makes her feel a little possessive. So she leans to him, getting on the point of her feet and kisses his face. Right on his scar.

She knows he likes it, and he smiles in response.

- I'll see you later, love. - She says to him.

Oh, his woman is being possessive. And he loved to see that.