
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 17

QuiverWing stayed at the herb station incase any dragon needs healing. She was there for about 5 minutes then she heard a dragon storm in, it was a cloud slasher, there was an ice thang on his back with deep wounds. "Help she stop breathing on the way here" panicked the cloud slasher, QuiverWing recognised the ice thang as the one she sent after Scorch. QuiverWing didn't wast time she got the cobwebs, mint if needed, vine strips, long leaves and poppy petals for when she wakes up. First she had to get her breathing again, when QuiverWing checked her pals it's still beating but fading so she did the routine on her chest that she recently learned and the ice thang gasped a breath. QuiverWing then went to work on the wounds, after a little while she did all she knew she could do and the ice thang looked as healthy as she could get her.

"Thank you" the ice thang coughed, "I should tell you my name now" she smiled.

"You don't have to" QuiverWing said the softest voice she could do.

"It's Vella" she amused.

"So what happened?" QuiverWing asked.

"Petles patrols" Vella explained.

"Can she just die already" QuiverWing wiped her tail behind her.

"Everyone thinks that" Vella laughed.

"Who do you think should be the new king or queen?" QuiverWing asked.

"I don't know a lot of dragons are thinking Scorch since he has a lot more experience then Wrath" Vella shrugged.

"Scorch?" QuiverWing barely hold back a giggle.

"Yeah why do you not agree?" Vella tilted her head then rested it after flinching.

"He already said that he is a healer not a leader and he do not seem like the type to be a leader suddenly" QuiverWing explained.

"You seem to know a lot about him" Vella observed.

"He is the dragon who understands me the most" QuiverWing pointed out.

"He is the only who has your blood" Vella added and she felt her stomach twist, QuiverWing just shrugged. "So what do you know of your flock?" Vella asked.

"Don't know just woke in an iceberg with Scorch, that's how we met" she explained.

"Oh so what do you know?" Vella's eyes were fixed on her.

"I don't have memories of my life before the iceberg" QuiverWing continued to explain.

"So your kind is just a mystery" Vella joked.

"You should sleep it'll help you heal faster" QuiverWing advised.

"Right and thank you again, I'm not sure if you're an apprentice or you graduated" Vella thanked and asked but QuiverWing wasn't sure. "Oh wait!" Vella suddenly called and QuiverWing saw excitement run through her.

"Yes?" QuiverWing answered and Vella gestured her to come closer.

"You had a visit from Wrath the other day, right?" She hushed her voice.

"Yes he just sent me some herbs that Scorch proscribed" she explained.

"And?" Vella said slowly.

"And, what?" You could hear the confusion in QuiverWings voice.

"Oh so you two are keeping it a secret for now, good acting by the way" Vella completed.

"What? I'm not acting" QuiverWing tilted her head so far her neck clicked.

"Wow you're very good at acting" she nodded.

"What do you think Wrath did when he delivered the herbs?" QuiverWing got frustrated.

"Sure that's all he did" Vella said sycasticly.

"No stop what are saying?" QuiverWing demanded at this point.

"Oh... you're really not acting" Vella realised, 'yeah now what do you think' she thought frustrated. "I over heard his talking to Needle, he was gona ask you to be his mate" she explained. QuiverWing flelt her body react how shock she was when she heard that.

"He... likes me?" QuiverWing whispered.

"Yeah, do you?" Vella respectfully kept a hushed voice.

"No, not like that, he's a friend but I don't see him like that" QuiverWing contested quietly.

"Oof, this is now awkward" Vella twitched her tail. "So, do you like anyone?" Vella looked interested.

"Umm, urrrr... well" she stuttered.

"Ooo so you do like something" Vella fiddled her claws.

"Yes but ummm..." QuiverWing she lifted her wings in a way that made her shadow look a lot bigger.

"You can tell me I won't tell anyone" she persuaded.

"Won't tell what?" Scorch asked from behind them, QuiverWing turned around and saw his confused expression.

"Oh nothing" Vella panicked.

"She thinks I like something" QuiverWing admitted.

"Right?" Scorch squinted his eyes.

"Oh so he know" Vella guessed.

"Umm..." QuiverWing twitched her tail.

"This isn't an appropriate subject" Scorch tried to dismiss.

"Wait! Scorch do you like someone?" Vella asked.

"Oh..." Scorch had a look of surprise she never saw on him before.

"Alright then the both of you keep your secrets" Vella keep her gaze on then.

"You should sleep" Scorch advised.

"Fine but I know some dragons who can get word around" she promised. QuiverWing went up the tunnel to words the pry center and Scorch went to tent the garden. Once she entered she saw Tusile, Chaker and Wrath, QuiverWing felt awkward now that she knew his secret. "QuiverWing nice to see you" Wrath gestured to a spot for her to sit.

"Thanks Chaker can you lite the cooker for me?" she asked.

"Sure thing" he then lit the coals in the little pit, she then got some sheep meat and started to cook it then sat with Wrath. 'So now what? I can't lead him on but I can't ditch him, would Scorch get jealous or is he not that kind of dragon? I should know this' she thought while eating.

"So would you like to go hunting with me tomorrow morning?" Wrath asked her.

"I think Scorch is gona need me since Petle raised her patrols" QuiverWing said 'it's not a lie, it is true' she reinsured herself.

"Alright but if you're free at evening I'll be at my rock" he offered.

"I should help Scorch with the garden, it's not doing well" she said then went to Scorches new garden. She saw him spreading soil and planting the herbs, "need help?" QuiverWing offered but made a look that says 'I need to help you' "umm sure you can spread to soil and I'll plant the herbs" he pointed his claws at the large pile of rich, soil. She grabbed a clawfull and spread it evenly on ground, they worked on the garden for hours and she only released that it was now night when dragons went to there sleeping chambers. "We should sleep now" QuiverWing pointed her nose at there sleeping chamber.

"Right" he squinted his eyes with suspension.

They walked up to theres and once they were alone Scorch spoke first, "is there something wrong?".

"Yes the conversation with Vella, she told me that Wrath was ment to ask me to be his mate when he gave me the herbs" she was cut of once she said that.

"He what?" QuiverWing saw the jealously in his eyes.

"Yep and when I was at the pry center he asked me to go hunting with him" she continued.

"What did you say?" Scorch squinted his eyes again.

"I told him that you are gona need me as Petle raised her patrols" she wrapped her wing around his.

"Good" he lifted his head.

"But he did say if I free to meat him at his rock at evening" she explained.

"At evening you're collecting wild herbs" Scorch said bitterly.

"Awww jealously is a cute emotion on you" she teased.

"It's not that I don't trust you" QuiverWing stopped him.

"Calm down I know that you trust me it's just that jealously is not what I see you every day" she reinsured him.