
The Bride of The Hexodar Kingdom

Prince Aerus Horbin was the sole heir prince of the Hexodar Kingdom. The kingdom was located on the Hexa, a planet that was in the galaxy IC 1101, the largest galaxy in the universe. He had Bler energy that covered his entire body. It caused him never to be able to feel lust in his entire life, either in women or in men. As the sole heir, Prince Aerus was obliged by his father to have children. Otherwise, the Hexodar Kingdom would fall on their distant relative who was very greedy. All the women on the Hexa had been invited to the Hexodar Kingdom to arouse Prince Aerus' lust, but they all failed. Until finally King Artesun, the father of Prince Aerus, ordered his son to explore the galaxies in the universe to find his bride or mate. The bride was the one who would be able to awaken the Mirah energy in Prince Aerus' body so that he could become a completely mature man. Prince Aerus' exploration always never found any result. Until finally he felt the awakening of his lust when the plane he was riding, flying above the earth's atmosphere. Prince Aerus decided to land, following the pull of his Mirah ​​energy. Until finally he found a girl who was fallen asleep in her room. Her name was Lia. When the parts of his body became increasingly uncontrollable, Prince Aerus finally knew that he had found his bride. But another problem came. Even though he had slept with Lia before, she couldn't get pregnant. It turned out that mixed marriages between the Elfagos race and the human race could not easily produce offspring. If Prince Aerus wanted to have a child from Lia, then he must be able to make Lia fell in love with him first. NOTE: Prince Aerus has a very abusive and rough attitude at the beginning until he will madly in love with Lia. If you don't like hate becoming a love story, then this story is not a cup of your coffee. You better don't read it if you have a problem with this character or this kind of story. Enjoy!

Suny_Edelia · Fantasy
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360 Chs

The Time Had Come, Could She Run?

Prince Aerus still felt a very intense inner struggle, between himself and the lustful thoughts that were choking his neck.  He didn't understand whether he really wanted Lia, or he was just following the desires of Mirah energy in his body.  But for sure Prince Aerus didn't want anyone else around them now. He wanted to have an intimate time with Lia now.

 Hamdi was a bit awkward now.  He felt trapped by the unstable emotions that were attacking Prince Aerus. Slowly he finally put Lia back on the chair, then he said goodbye with his face looking far away, afraid that he would seem to want to look at Lia.  "I'm going down first, Prince.  Uh, you can call me if you need anything."

 Prince Aerus didn't say anything.  He just stood with a very cold face, as if he could freeze Hamdi to death if he didn't leave the plane soon.

 In a blink of an eye, Hamdi had finally disappeared, as if swallowed up with the air around him, leaving Prince Aerus who was currently feeling tension almost all over his own body.  He even gritted his teeth, still determined to contain the lust churning within his body.

 He repeatedly denied, "No! You have to stop controlling my body right now! I don't want to obey you anymore!"  But a second later he had jumped on top of Lia's body and then touched every part of her body.

 Prince Aerus went through every inch by inch and smelled it all, inhaling Lia's scent as if he wouldn't be able to feel it the next day.  As if tomorrow was the end of the world, so that day was the last day he could do it with Lia.

 "You… why did you have to appear in my life?  Can you stay hidden and not be born the same as a thousand years ago?"  Prince Aerus' voice was muffled as he finished kissing Lia's neck, biting her and making a very clear red mark. His deep purple eyes were now looking at the red mark, rubbing it gently and as if wanting to show it off to anyone. Then his fingers combed through Lia's golden hair, smoothing it so he could see all parts of Lia's face, enjoying her beauty and moving freely to kiss her.

 "I hate you but I can't stop touching you.  What a terrible fate." Prince Aerus went down and did something else indecent.  At that moment he felt Lia squirming slowly, and it was increasingly able to explode Mirah energy in his body even more.  Now all the blood in his body seemed to boil like it exploded and made every part of his body tremble violently if he touched Lia.  And the sensation was so amazing, it made Prince Aerus so addicted.

 The ego in his body seemed to be drooling, swallowed up with a vibrating sensation that made him explode with relief that filled his body. Prince Aerus smiled, closed his eyes, and felt everything with all his heart. When he got some relief, he pulled Lia and hugged her tightly.

 But it wasn't long before he suddenly felt a little annoyed.

 "You should wake up, Human.  You should give your best service to me.  Wake up!"  Prince Aerus patted Lia's cheek repeatedly, not accepting that he had to do more movements while Lia was asleep and enjoying it all. Now Prince Aerus suspected that Lia wasn't sleeping at all, that she was just pretending while Prince Aerus was giving her services.

 "It can't be tolerated!  I don't want you to be so superior when you're clearly beneath me!  You are only human, your race is far below mine!"  Prince Aerus shook Lia's body, forcing her to wake up.  Now he had lightly slapped Lia's cheek, with a very angry and cold face, even though he was still on top of Lia and had not moved even once.

 "Wake up!  I know you're pretending to be asleep.  I won't let you look down on me like this!"  Prince Aerus cursed.  He even almost intended to slap Lia, and also grabbed her a little.

 The air around him began to heat up.  The sun began to look peeking from the eastern horizon. Its beauty was unable to melt the anger of Prince Aerus.  Now he shook Lia's body hard, making her gasp in surprise and open her eyes.  Her breath hitched, and she woke up disoriented.

 All the activities she had been doing with Prince Aerus had completely drained her of her energy, it made her fall into a deep sleep even though Prince Aerus did 'that' to her again and again, and even though Prince Aerus had soaked her with seeds many times.  Lia didn't feel anything at all, because all her energy had been drained.

 And now she was jolted awake. Her eyes looked wildly around, and her body trembled again when she saw Prince Aerus' eyes that changed color every time he touched Lia.  Now Prince Aerus' eyes were a little red, though there was still some purple around them.

 Lia choked. She immediately inched and tried to cover her body with both hands.  Then Lia looked wildly around, looking for her clothes.  Lia cursed herself for not being able to reach her clothes easily.  They were on the floor, away from the chair in which she was sitting.  Prince Aerus had indeed been forced to take off her clothes and threw them away.

 "Wh - why?  Don't touch me again. That's enough," Lia begged nervously. He tried to cross her legs so that she could cover the intimate parts of her body, but it didn't quite work because Prince Aerus was holding back the movement of her legs. Lia's body trembled, her eyes shrunk again. Her face turned pale. Her arms crossed in front of her chest clenched into fists.

 "It – it's already morning.  I have to go down. Let me go down now.  I… I have to work.  My boss called me to work on Sundays.  You… I… I mean I'll find a girl for you.  So please let me go. Don't be mad at everything I've said to you.  I'm just saying it casually." Lia lowered her head as she said that, afraid to look into Prince Aerus' eyes which were still burning brightly.

 "You haven't been sleeping, have you?  You're awake, right?  But you just lay down and let me do everything myself as if I was crazy about you?" Prince Aerus locked Lia by placing his hands beside her. His face twitched, threatening Lia with his cold and angry expression.

 Lia didn't answer anything, because she didn't understand what Prince Aerus had said to her. This made Prince Aerus even angrier because he thought Lia was just pretending to be stupid.

 He gripped Lia's jaw, pressing her face.  Lia winced in pain, her eyes had started to water.  "Do not act stupid!  Do you think I'll be fooled by you?  Tch, you're dreaming too far!"  Prince Aerus briefly scanned Lia's face, seeing her helpless expression.  And this made Mirah energy explode again.

 Unconsciously he tightened his grip on Lia's face, while his lips curled up against the turmoil in his body. Blood rippled, and his face felt hot.  Now he brought his face closer to Lia, then he sighed with a threatening tone, "I'll give you a chance.  Satisfy me right now and I'll consider releasing you this morning."

 Lia was taken aback. She never would have imagined that she would hear all that from Prince Aerus' lips.  But when she felt something starting to swell down there, Lia knew that the time had come.  Could she run?


Hello, Readers. Looks like I'll be doing some revisions in the first few chapters because I have smut scenes in chapters 2 and 3. That would make it hard for me to get a contract. So I hope you understand and keep reading TBOHK. Thank you.

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