
The Bride of The Hexodar Kingdom

Prince Aerus Horbin was the sole heir prince of the Hexodar Kingdom. The kingdom was located on the Hexa, a planet that was in the galaxy IC 1101, the largest galaxy in the universe. He had Bler energy that covered his entire body. It caused him never to be able to feel lust in his entire life, either in women or in men. As the sole heir, Prince Aerus was obliged by his father to have children. Otherwise, the Hexodar Kingdom would fall on their distant relative who was very greedy. All the women on the Hexa had been invited to the Hexodar Kingdom to arouse Prince Aerus' lust, but they all failed. Until finally King Artesun, the father of Prince Aerus, ordered his son to explore the galaxies in the universe to find his bride or mate. The bride was the one who would be able to awaken the Mirah energy in Prince Aerus' body so that he could become a completely mature man. Prince Aerus' exploration always never found any result. Until finally he felt the awakening of his lust when the plane he was riding, flying above the earth's atmosphere. Prince Aerus decided to land, following the pull of his Mirah ​​energy. Until finally he found a girl who was fallen asleep in her room. Her name was Lia. When the parts of his body became increasingly uncontrollable, Prince Aerus finally knew that he had found his bride. But another problem came. Even though he had slept with Lia before, she couldn't get pregnant. It turned out that mixed marriages between the Elfagos race and the human race could not easily produce offspring. If Prince Aerus wanted to have a child from Lia, then he must be able to make Lia fell in love with him first. NOTE: Prince Aerus has a very abusive and rough attitude at the beginning until he will madly in love with Lia. If you don't like hate becoming a love story, then this story is not a cup of your coffee. You better don't read it if you have a problem with this character or this kind of story. Enjoy!

Suny_Edelia · Fantasy
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360 Chs

The Peak of Mating Season

The corner of Prince Aerus' eyes twitched as he watched Hamdi finally drifted away and disappeared after teleporting. The jealousy that had grown unconsciously now still filled his heart. He didn't even hesitate to curse a little when he saw Hamdi slightly glanced at Lia who was still naked.

 "Does he have no manners? This girl is already mine. Hamdi could see the curves of her body. He must be on purpose, damn it!"  Prince Aerus was still nagging alone in his position, he hugged Lia tighter when he saw Hamdi rebuking him earlier, and even now it's the same.  He did that as if another man would see Lia who was wearing nothing.

 This made Prince Aerus even more irritated, even without any sign of anyone else's presence.  He was fighting with himself, with negative thoughts that kept urging him to become even angrier.

 Now he's back to watching Lia, looking at her small and fragile face.  Her closed eyes showed how tired she was at the moment.  Her curly eyelashes cast a very beautiful shadow on her face.

 Prince Aerus' fingers traced Lia's face, touching her skin inch by inch.  His touch went down, stroking every part of Lia's body.  It made Lia squirm a bit, she almost woke up, and it made Prince Aerus' body stiffen.  Because if Lia woke up then Prince Aerus needed to show his tough attitude again.

 No idea what the purpose was. However, it seemed like he needed to save his pride as a prince from Hexa, and also as the Elfagos race which was much higher than the human race.

 "You awake?"  asked Prince Aerus very curtly.  He even almost pushed Lia's body off his lap.  Second by second, he waited, with a face full of hatred.  However, after seeing Lia's body calm and fall asleep, Prince Aerus heaved a sigh of relief.

 Then he massaged his temples.  "Oh, this must be hard."  Prince Aerus was silent for a long time, with both arms still hugging Lia's body leaning on his chest.  He still wanted to maintain that position, to the intimacy of the two of them and seemed to want to drive Hamdi as far away as possible forever.  However, Prince Aerus soon realized that Lia could wake up any minute.

 So he had to hurry to put on his clothes first so he wouldn't seem like he wanted Lia.  He had to wrap his body with majesty so that the impression of his dominance emanated very strongly.  It would also make Lia obedient to him.

 Prince Aerus' hands lifted Lia's body, shifted her body, and sat her down as slowly as possible on his chair.  His eyes had found his royal clothes, which Hamdi put in a wardrobe located in the corner of the cabin.

He hurriedly grabbed his clothes and put them on with a very graceful movement.  At Hexa he would be served to the best service, wearing clothes was not something he had to do alone.

 That fact made his arrogance even bigger, and his selfishness to always get the best service could never drift away from his mind. So when Prince Aerus remembered the rejection after rejection that Lia did whenever he touched her, then his annoyance would be greater than before.

 He grunted, almost punching a chair beside him.  But he could control his own emotions.  When the last button of his shirt was about to snap, he turned around spontaneously.  At that time Prince Aerus' gaze was still hardened, he even wanted to torture Lia to give her punishment.

 However, when he saw Lia's beautiful curves, which appeared in front of his eyes, it made Prince Aerus' anger slowly fade again.  Lia's position, which was drooping on a chair with slightly messy hair, somehow seemed so sexy in Prince Aerus' eyes.

 Lia's eyes were closed, her tiny lips slightly parted, and her chest that rose and fell regularly.  All of them were like magnets that attracted Mirah energy in his body to revive.  Especially when he saw Lia's smooth skin that could make the thinnest hair slide easily.

 Prince Aerus swallowed his saliva. He stepped forward to approach Lia.  His eyes searched all parts of Lia's body, abusing her using his eyes.  Then his fingers stretched out, almost touching Lia until he finally stopped and cursed.

 "No! No!  Not!  Stop!  It is enough!  I have satisfied you so you have to get out of my body immediately.  Let Bler energy dominate now.  I don't want to touch her again.  No!"  Prince Aerus grumbled like a madman.  He paced back and forth and scolded Mirah energy that was constantly moving in his body, spreading in every corner of the cell and swallowing Bler energy which was starting to grow slowly.

 Now Prince Aerus' eyes had turned purple again, after a while his irises had returned to a golden color.  It was beyond his control, even though he still denied Lia's presence.

 "I can endure it. I've been able to endure all this for about a month. So I can handle it."  When Prince Aerus was moving back and forth in the cabin he accidentally saw Lia, seeing her beautiful body writhing.  And BOOM!  Mirah energy had exploded and filled Prince Aerus' entire body, like a bomb that had razed an entire city.

 Prince Aerus clenched his mouth tightly, he also gritted his teeth, fists clenched and made a fist.  He approached Lia again, but soon he stopped and covered Lia's body with a blanket he got from the wardrobe.  His movements were rough as if he was too sick and half-hearted to cover up Lia's beauty.

 Then Prince Aerus called Hamdi, through his short-distance communication device.

 Not long after, Hamdi came with a complicated face.  He asked, "What happened, Prince?  Do you need anything?"  Hamdi's eyes glanced, and he found Lia's body wrapped in a blanket, while her clothes were still scattered on the floor.  This made Hamdi a little nervous, so he looked away as far as possible so he could avoid the tantrums of Prince Aerus who thought that Hamdi was deliberately looking at Lia's body.

 Prince Aerus's face was now very cold, in the midst of his body that was shaking and stiffening extremely violently.  He also looked away, as much as possible not to look at Lia so that Mirah energy in his body could be controlled.  Often he cursed in his heart, 'Damn, just looking at her body makes Mirah energy in my body explode.  She really should be avoided.'

 "Take her downstairs!"  Prince Aerus ordered.  Now his body was approaching the window at the other end of the chair where Lia was lying.  Prince Aerus locked his hands behind his back, clenching them very tightly.

 Hamdi was a bit confused by the order he had just received.  However, not wanting to see Prince Aerus getting angrier, he finally complied with his request.  Hamdi approached stiffly, then he wrapped Lia's body with the blanket more tightly than before.  Hamdi's hand lifted Lia's body and almost took her to teleport.

 But before that happened a hand tapped his shoulder. When Hamdi turned his head he saw Prince Aerus' face twitching horribly, while his irises had turned a deep purple.

 Prince Aerus growled, "Put her back, and you get out now!"

And finally, Hamdi knew that Prince Aerus had lost against the biological pressure of the destiny of an Elfagos who was at the peak of the mating season.
