
Ghost dairies

Curiosity was the other name of Aakash. He believed in the power of logical thinking and reasoning.

One day Aakash had been to his uncle's house. Owing to the new atmosphere he was not able to sleep properly in the new place. As it was difficult for him to sleep, he decided to sit by the window and watch the bright sky and pleasant world outside the window. He could feel the breeze as he opened the window and the thick forest like trees gave his eye a treat. As the night passed he could here the sound of an anklets from the tree and also saw that the branches of the tree were moving. Initially he got scared but the very next moment he decided to find the reason behind it. So the next morning he went near that place and found that a group of used to stay there and there were this naughty brother and sisters who would not sleep early at night and play around the trees. The little girl had worn the anklets. After few days he was back to his home.

Aakash's parents had ancestral property at their village, so it was fun time for Aakash when his parents decided to visit the village for few days to look after the property and meet the relatives as well.

As he went to the village he found many people talking about a ghost in the village. He asked his cousins about the same. They said that there was a flying bitch who would fly and scare the people, sometimes she would suddenly appear in front of people from nowhere during night. So nobody dared to venture out of the house at night. Aakash decided to find the truth behind this story.

Aakash asked his cousin brother to get a remote controlled doll who looked exactly like human kid. They kept the doll kid on a bicycle and placed it in the middle of the road and hid inside a bush in such a way that nobody could see them. As the night started getting darker, the bitch saw the doll on the road and started making scary sounds, after few minutes when she saw the doll flying in the air, the bitch got scared and ran away. Due to this incident Aakash concluded that it must be some human being disguised as a bitch. The next night Aakash sat near the banyan tree where people had seen the flying ghost. As it became midnight , the flying ghost started doing rounds near the tree but still Aakash did not move. He heard many scary sounds but observed the the flying ghost did not come down near him. The flying ghost hovered over Aakash for about 15 minutes. Aakash took a stone a threw at the ghost. He heard a sound as if something had broken. When the ghost fell down he saw that it was just a wooden structure with a white cloth on it.

The next day he convinced all villagers that there is nothing like ghost or bitch and asked them to help him in his plan to which the villagers agreed.

That night again Aakash decided to be on the haunted road alone. At midnight when the bitch approached him he started crying and when the bitch was about to hold him, he shouted "Come out", and a group of men surrounded them with big sticks. Aakash caught the ghost and snatched the mask from the bitch's face. When he unmasked the bitch everyone was surprised to find that it was none other than Kaalu the thief. They all went to the police station and handed over the thief to the police officer after narrating the whole story. Everybody was thankful to Aakash.