
The Boys: Domination

The boys is a world full of corrupt superheroes, who care more about their images and themselves, than being actual heroes. One of those was caught by the boys, but before they could even figure out a way to kill him, a mysterious man appeared out of thin air wearing what seemed to be battle gear and wielding a massive axe. Who exactly was this man? Why did he just appear in Frenchie's house? And why exactly is he on a manhunt against supes? --- A/N. The Boys fanfic, as I really love that show. It will follow the Amazon version of the story with quite a few changes the MC will cause. Warhammer 40K inspired MC. Semi Warhammer 40K, The Boys crossover. Gonna post elsewhere too

Nike13K · TV
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22 Chs

Chapter 16: The Female

Frenchie was watching a young woman, who was chained to the wall and smiling with a gentle face.

Butcher was standing there along with him and checked his phone, which rang 9:05 and he, for no apparent reason, opened the door to the house.

A second after, Mike appeared on the living room couch. Butcher closed the door and looked at Mike. He suddenly began clapping and said "You did something good today. You saved a lot of people in that terrorist attack. There was another instance of it. Some people hijacked a plane and it crashed into the ocean. Too bad you can't fly."

Mike nodded his head. Even he was surprised by the confidential timing of the hijacking, that practically perfectly covered all of his tracks. *The debt from the fiasco with Hughie and Starlight was returned to me today. At least it is a fair exchange, that helped me out.*

He looked around the room "Where's Hughie and how's he doing?" Butcher looked over at Mike and said "They are going to the Samaritan's Embrace Capes For Christ expo by car at the moment. Hughie is fine. You should have seen him tank her ramming into him! The cunt got flung out the way, came out alive with only a broken ribs!"

Mike nodded his head and said "I was invited to said exposition by the girl in the seven, Starlight. Why exactly that location? What's so special?"

Frenchie looked towards Mike and said "One of M.M. boys gave some info. The head of the there, Ezekiel, is the guys dealer. He helps Vought move the V around the country. We are gonna chat with him and get his next stash."

Mike nodded his head "What about the swine you have chained in there?" Frenchie furrowed his brows "Monsieur Mike, don't talk like that about Mon Coeur. She is not like the rest of them, yeah?"

Mike furrowed his brows even further "Frenchie, she's a fucking ancient. She is just like the rest of them, sub-human filth, which need to be disposed of."

Frenchie widened his eyes at the baseless hatred Mike spewed towards his beloved. Even if Butcher didn't approve of her, he thought maybe Mike, someone he considered a good man would. He shook his head "She is different, Monsieur Mike. She is a kind girl."

Mike sighed "Frenchie, I don't hate her kind because of their personalities. Ancients are freaks of nature, creatures, that should not be allowed to exist. They are immortal beings, with unimaginable power, while most being extremely easy to control or manipulate. Either we kill them on the spot, or risk more morally corrupt people getting their hands on them and turning them against us. It isn't about being kind or evil, it is about being an extremely difficult to kill animal right for the wrong owner's picking."

Mike looked Frenchie dead in the eyes and pointed towards the girl "You either tame her and make her your pet."

Just to get his point across, Mike took out his axe and swung it with great force. Frenchie's hair had grown slightly uneven in recent day, for some reason. He had slightly longer hair in different places, but after Mike's swing, what was left was a complete centrical head of hair, where each strand was no longer than 3 millimeters.

The hair Mike cut off stayed on his axe, as he ignited his spirit once again and incinerated it off of the axe. "Or I will turn her into ashes."

For the first time in a while, Butcher and Frenchie gulped. Mike had been extremely friendly towards them, willing to teach them and even did a professional medical check up to fix their present health conditions and prevent potential future health complications a when they had time.

After all the pleasant time and friendly chats, they had completely forgotten what he was, a monstrous super soldier, who is really good at killing things. They both paled slightly, but Frenchie didn't back down "Monsieur Mike, please, don't be like that. She is a good human. I don't want to tame her. No one should do such a horrible thing to another."

Mike nodded his head and sighed "Sorry I am being so blunt with you, Frenchie. Look, do whatever you want, I won't interfere. Just make sure you don't die, we need you here."

Frenchie smiled a bit "That's all I ask, just let me try." He suddenly touched his head and checked himself in a mirror "Thanks for the trim. I've been needing one for a while. Looks good, no?"

Mike chuckled at that *These bunch of rejects are quite enjoyable to have around. I should teach them Valkan and have them join the troops, when I establish the connection... Nah, this planet is too chaotic to establish order.*

Butcher clapped his hands to get everyone's attention and took out an oxygen tank and said "Alright, I've got enough gas here to last me 3 hours and there are ten of them. Think I can hitch a ride on the worst train on the fucking planet again?"

Mike smiled a bit and opened his backpack. Butcher quickly jumped in and landed next to some blood packs and a few emergency medical kits. *Where'd he get this many medical supplies? I know he is a world class surgeon, but isn't this a wee bit ridiculous?*

Butcher put on the the oxygen mask, while Mike went over the route from Frenchie's place to the Capes for Christ location.

*The events start at 10 am and ends at 9 pm. We can make the journey if we take shits during night to drive, but Hughie and M M will be sluggish, if they reach that spot after the long drive and don't get enough sleep. I will also be extremely exhausted if I rush there. Most optimal route is to track them through their travel course and merge the two parties. I won't have to be tired out from the journey and neither will Butcher have to breath through a mask for the entire trip.*

Mike nodded and quickly bid farewell to Frenchie and rushed away to find the boys van.

Now only Frenchie and The Female were left in that building.


Don't got much time, so just the usual. Give me stones, give me a rating and imma be a happy writer.