
Chapter Three

All I want is to meet my mom, cause' in never really got to. Dad never really talks about her, EVER, he doesn't like to hold onto the past, he thinks all it does is drag us down and keep us from happiness, which I understand, but he acts like she wasn't even a part of his life. Sometimes I think he really does forget she was alive.

"Rei! Melanie is here, come down here and say hi!"

I slowly walked down the stairs dreading the few minutes I had to talk to this person. "hi..... " I said after making it to the front door where she was still standing. "Hello! I missed you, and I'm sure my little Maxxy missed you too" she reached in her purse to pull out this retched ugly dog and motions at me like she wants me to hold the thing.

I instantly cringed and said "No thanks, just showered, I don't wanna smell of dog" turned around and walked back to my room.