
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Who is the Mysterious Caller?

"Hello, who are you?"

Rafael tries to find out who is calling his wife. The name listed on the call to smile is PEOPLE LOST.

Of course, he was curious about the number. Unfortunately, no sound was heard on the other side of the phone.

"Hello, who is this?" Raphael repeated.

Still, no voice answered on the other end of the phone. A second later, the phone was disconnected. He was annoyed and disgusted by the caller.

He immediately called again. But unfortunately, the person did not receive the call.

"Unlucky!" Raphael cursed. "I have to ask him who this person is. I'm sure this person must be in constant communication with my wife," he added.

A few moments later, Kirana came out of the bathroom. He saw Raphael's gaze glaring at him. Made her wonder about the expression her husband was showing.

He was confused. Wanted to ask her husband, but Rafael's expression scared him.

"I want to talk," said Rafael, looking serious.

"Y-yes. What?" asked Kirana curiously.

"Who has this number?" asked Rafael, then showed the number on Kirana's cell phone.

Kira was wide-eyed. His expression was tense. Raphael narrowed his eyes. The man, of course, was suspicious of Kirana's expression.

Kirana was silent for a moment, making Rafael furious.

"Tell me, who is this? Is this your mistress?" accused Raphael?

Hearing those words, Kirana immediately reacted. She gazes lowered, turned quickly to Rafael.

Her gaze was very sharp towards Raphael. She did not accept the accusations given by Rafael to him.

"I've never cheated!" Kira said. "I'm not that despised," she added.

"So what? Why are you quiet? Why didn't you answer my question?" said Raphael.

Kirana couldn't possibly tell Rafael about Keysa. She also pretended to hide his secret.

"He's a fraud. He's the one who offered me a loan, but I'm not interested," Kirana answered confidently.

"You're not lying, are you?" Rafael's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe Kirana's words.

"Are you accusing me again of lying?"

"Maybe not."

"Don't you ever try to believe everything he says? Even until this moment, you still don't believe me?"

Kira's eyes glazed over. She was sad to hear the accusations her husband always gave.

Rafael melted after seeing his wife sad. More precisely, he did not want to prolong his debate with Kirana. He was afraid that Sopi's grandmother would hear them fighting. And get Rafael in trouble. Because of course, Sophia's grandmother will defend Kirana for whatever reason.

"OK. Don't talk anymore. Here's your phone," said Rafael.

He then left in front of Kirana. After Rafael left, Kirana felt relieved. She survived today's trouble.

"Pheyuh! Almost. Why did Keysa have to call me? Is there anything important?"

She then took his cell phone. And sent a message to Keysa.

"What are you calling me, Keysa?"

Message sent. A few moments later, a reply message entered Kirana's cellphone. The woman immediately opened the message.

"We'll meet at 9 tomorrow night."


The next day. Kirana is confused because she can't go to meet Keysa tonight. She had to come with Rafael to attend a high school reunion.

She felt lazy to join because it was not his high school reunion. But because of Rafael's request, she couldn't refuse and ignore Keysa's request.

"Are we going alone?" Kirana asked just to make sure that her husband wasn't going too far this time.

"What are you crazy about? Grandma will think what if we go in our respective cars. I'll use my car later. After all, we are husband and wife, when we go to events separately, it's not good," said Rafael.

This time Kirana was happy to hear her husband's explanation. He had thought Rafael would be selfish. But it turned out that the man had quite understood what he wanted.

After dressing up, Kirana will change her clothes. But Raphael was still in his room. He was confused. Likewise, Rafael seemed confused by his wife's attitude.

"Hey, what are you doing? Is there any problem?"

Kira shook her head.

"Then why are you dumbfounded? Please change your clothes. We're late!" Raphael ordered.

Kira bit her lower lip. He looked embarrassed to have to throw Rafael out of his room. He felt ashamed to change his clothes in front of Rafael.

"Geez, what are you doing here? Prey!"

"You go out first, okay?" Kirana asked, shyly.

Raphael smiled. Then he approached Kirana. However, Kirana even backed off. But Raphael kept going. Made Kirana fall on her bed.

Rafael then brought his body closer to Kirana's body in an up position. And slowly their faces were close to each other. Kirana's heart was already pounding seeing her husband's unusual action.

"You think I'd be interested if I saw you undressed?" sneered Rafael. "I'm not interested at all!" he insisted.

Kirana was annoyed, but Rafael ignored it. He got up and left his room. After Rafael left, Kirana regretted saying something like that to her husband. She thought her husband wouldn't be that sensitive. But it turned out that the man had misunderstood.

"I really can't guess what that person is thinking. Strangely, why is he suddenly sensitive when I say that. Is he that offended?" mumbled Kira.

She rushed to put on her clothes because she didn't want to make Rafael wait too long outside. Ten minutes later, she was ready and out of his room.

This time she wore a long blue dress with an open sleeveless top. Rafael who saw it immediately stunned just looked at his wife without saying anything.

They both walked to their car in the parking lot. This time Rafael asked Kirana to hold hands, he deliberately did that to show their affection in front of his grandmother. Kirana's appearance tonight was very different, making everyone in the house stunned. He will steal the attention of many people there.

"My granddaughter, you are the most beautiful woman in the world," said Sophia's grandmother as she hugged Kirana.

"Grandma can do it. Thank you, Grandma."

"Yes, my granddaughter. You be careful, yes, "said grandma Sophia. Kira smiled. "Rafael, take good care of your wife. Don't let you get into trouble, understand!"

"Yes, Grandma. I know why."

Rafael then invited his wife to leave immediately. Arriving beside the red sports car, the two of them got in. Then he started the car.

Rafael glanced at his wife briefly, then focused on driving his car.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," regretted Kirana.

"Just forget it. Don't think about it." Raphael smirked. The man's attitude was different from that in front of Sophia's grandmother.

"OK," Kirana responded briefly.

It wasn't long before they reached Skye Bar. As agreed, they walked hand in hand to the rooftop where the bar was.

Teo and a few others were already there and greeted them with great joy. All eyes turned to Kirana who was walking side by side with Rafael.

"Welcome, sir," said Theo.

"Oh, you. Don't call sir. This isn't an office, take it easy."

Rafael looked at the people around them. Everyone almost looked towards Kirana.

"See, right? Everyone is looking at you. Your appearance captivates them," said Rafael, sarcastically. He didn't like it, but he also had to admit his wife's beauty.

"Your wife is very beautiful. Take care of her, the people here have bad intentions. Just look at her eyes, it's not true," said Teo.

"That's right," said Raphael.

"Don't you realize that your wife is very beautiful? Don't you like him yet?" asked Teo glancing at Rafael.

However, Rafael was just cold and didn't want to say anything.

"It's okay," Rafael responded.

Kirana and Rafael are at a table not far from their high school rivals. The waiter walked over to Rafael with a drink. Then on purpose, the woman put her foot down and the maid stumbled.

"Watch out, Kira!"
