
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Honeymoon Ticket To Switzerland

"What is it, Grandma?" asked Kira.

The woman smiled, then took Kirana's hand and looked at her calmly.

"Grandma wants you to go on your honeymoon. It's up to you to choose where you want. Tell me," said Sophia's grandmother.

Kirana and Rafael looked at each other. Both of them could only accept what their grandmother wanted. After all, it was a great idea for them.

"Just go to Switzerland, how about it?" offered Raphael.

"How are you, my grandson?" Sophia's grandmother asked Kirana.

"I'll just go where my husband takes me," Kirana replied, smiling.

Her smile was so alluring and always managed to make Rafael calm. Not long after, Rafael invited Kirana to his room.

He is still not familiar with Kirana. Yesterday's events still haven't made him get along with his wife. Even in front of Sophia's grandmother, she always shows a sweet attitude. But it's all just drama in front of the grandmother.

"So you want to come to Switzerland?"

"It's up to you, I'm coming."

"Okay then, we're leaving in a week," said Rafael.

"Another week?"

Kirana was surprised by it. One week is too soon for him, and he doesn't have a passport yet. Of course, taking care of it is not as fast as imagined.

"Why? Is there any problem? Too fast?" said Raphael.

Kirana is confused about what to answer now. She just bit his lower lip as she looked at Rafael who was still looking at him arrogantly.

"I ..."

"Why? You are very weird. Don't you like going to Switzerland?"

"It's not like that, but I…"

"What! What is it?" Rafael is getting annoyed at his wife's strange behavior.

Kirana was silent, not daring to tell her husband about her worries. But she couldn't hide it forever.

"I don't have a passport yet," said Kirana, nervously.

"How come you don't have a passport. Is it that hard for a rich person like you to get a passport?"

Rafael is increasingly suspicious of his wife's life. He did not think that Kirana didn't even have a passport. Of course, this made Rafael even more confused. While Kirana was silent, she also didn't know what to answer.

Kirana finally got an idea so that Rafael wouldn't be too suspicious of him.

"It's not that I don't have it, but it's gone. I don't know where I left my passport," Kirana said, arguing.

"Oh. so? Why don't you make another one right away?"

"There is no time yet. I'm too busy," Kirana replied.

Hearing this, Rafael didn't have a chance to ask again. After that, Rafael went to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Kirana felt relieved because she managed to convince Rafael. He survived the trouble this time. But it's not over yet.

"One problem solved, but I don't know when another problem will come. I hope Keysa comes back soon. I want to get rid of all these annoying problems. Especially from that arrogant man," she lamented.

She tried to be calm and didn't want to think about much for a while. There were already too many problems she had faced at this point.

"I hope it will all be over soon," she said.


The next day, Rafael and Kirana just finished having lunch together at a tavern. They were on their way to his office.


The sound of the message entered Kirana's cellphone. The voice immediately caught the attention of Rafael who was driving. Kirana opened the message, suddenly her face changed, and looked annoyed.

"What happened? Why is your face so wrinkled?" asked Rafael who was getting curious.

"It is okay," Kirana answered briefly and then deleted the message.

"Certain? Why do I feel weird huh?"

"Just the same."

Rafael did not comment again. Before long, they arrived at his office. He then parked the car, they rushed to his room. He just happened to have an impromptu meeting in thirty minutes.

Arriving in the room, Rafael still saw his wife wearing an annoyed face. The two of them still haven't spoken to each other. Rafael just looked at Kirana from his seat. Kirana then looked back at her husband

"Why him?" mumbled Raphael. "Ah, it's useless if I ask the woman, she won't want to share her problems," he added.

Thirty minutes to go. Raphael rose from his seat. He will attend the meeting in the boardroom. Kirana then got up and handed over all the files.

"This is the file you need," Kirana said, in a formal tone.

"Okay. Thanks."

Rafael accepted it and stepped outside. Before he reached the door. He turned to Kira.

"Oh yeah, you better smile. I don't like your annoying facial expression," said Rafael.

He immediately opened the door and left the room. Hearing these words, Kirana smiled.

"It turned out that he was praising me, but he didn't want to admit it and was too arrogant to say that I was beautiful," Kirana said, widening her smile.


In the evening, on the way home. Kirana drove herself and followed Rafael's car in front of her. At a red light, the second car stopped. Kirana's car is right behind Rafael's car.

Kirana was surprised when Rafael got out of the car. And carry something in a black plastic bag.

"Where is he going?" Rafael wondered while watching the direction Rafael was walking. However, when he got to the side of the road he gave the bag to the children who were singing.

From her car, Kirana could see the happy smiles of the children that Rafael gave them the food earlier. Instantly his lips formed a smile.

"I admire him. I didn't think that arrogant man would do such a great thing," Kirana muttered.

He saw Rafael was back in his car. Because the green light will be on in 10 seconds. Rafael quickened his pace and quickly got into his car.

After the light turned green, they accelerated their car. Not long after, they arrived at the house.

"Thank you for making me your wife," said Kirana.

"Don't get too carried away with the feeling I did everything because I had to," said Rafael.

He stepped into his room first, leaving Kirana. His attitude is still cold and does not care about his wife.

"What a snob!" Kirana complained and rushed over to Rafael in his room.

The atmosphere became tense, Rafael's gaze suddenly turned serious towards Kirana and scared the woman. I don't know what happened, she was ready to answer all the interrogations from her husband.

"Remember, we're leaving in a week," said Rafael coldly, handing him a ticket on his cell phone.

"Yes, I know. But remember our agreement," said Kirana.



Kirana no longer remembers the deal. He certainly did not refuse a honeymoon to Switzerland. Moreover, it was Kirana's only dream, going abroad.

"How?" asked Raphael again.

"I am coming along."

"Good, I'll keep your promise," said Rafael.


Rafael was at a loss for words. He was silent for a moment because he was confused about what to talk about now

"Yes, you just saved the ticket, and thank you for wanting to fulfill my grandmother's request," he continued.

Rafael got up and intended to take a shower. He felt his body hot. Before he took a step, Kirana called him.

"You were so cool," said Kirana and smiled.

"Which one?"

"It was a red light. I admire you," said Kirana, smiling faintly.

Raphael smiled coldly.

"Ordinary. I don't like compliments," said Rafael.

Kirana who didn't comment anymore felt that what she said was not very important to Rafael. He just watched the man walk past him.

He then walked to the refrigerator and took the water in it. Then took a sip after he poured it into the glass.

"That person was very cold to me, but he was always kind to other people. I wonder if I'm that bad in his eyes." Kira mumbled.

After that, Rafael returned to the sofa. And saw Kirana's cell phone ringing. A WhatsApp call. He immediately accepted it. Because by chance Kirana was away.

"Hello, who are you?"
