
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Kirana Reports Rafael's Attitude to Grandma

"Did I you?"

The question made Kirana's heart beats. His gaze quickly pointed directly at Rafael glancing at him cynically.

"Sorry, I can't do that out of marriage. Don't be meant," protested Kirana slightly putting a disappointed face.

"Who knows it's out of control. You know, human being," Rafael said with a haughty smile.

"Don't judge me as an easy girl. I'm still sane to not sleep with a cocky man like you," Kirana said with courage.

"You insulted me?" asked Rafael, not accepting.

"Did I said it wrong? Aren't you a man who is arrogant and does not know how to respect women. Yes, right?"

Hearing the words said byKirana's made Rafael feel triggered, and upset. Of course he did not accept Kirana's thoughts about him. Then he stopped his car on the side of the road.

"GET OUT OF MY CAR!" said Rafael with a sharp and terrifying look.

Rafael who had pulled over his car on the side of the road no longer cared about Kirana's feelings. He just gave a code so that Kirana would get out of her car immediately.

Kirana looked confused. She wanted to get out, but she forgot to bring her wallet. She decided not to get out of his car.

"What u doing? Are you deaf?!" snapped Rafael harshly.

Kirana looked straight at Rafael. Her gaze was sharp and full of hatred. For a few seconds the two pairs of eyes stared at each other. Kirana felt very disappointed and did not want to drop her pride.

"You really don't have heart," Kirana said.

She opened the car door, then got out of the car. She closed the door loudly, causing a loud noise.


Rafael opened the windshield of his car, and saw Kirana putting sullen face.

"Remember, don't try it. If you dare to tell grandmother, you know the consequences," he threatened.

"Just go away!" said Kirana, annoyed.

After that, Rafael closed his car window again and drove his car away from kirana. He seemed happy because he managed to make Kirana hate him. He hoped that woman would be hesitated to be in the car again with him.

"He thought I was going to chase and begged him for a ride. No way, I'm not like other spoiled woman to the man like him. Such an arrogant," kirana said.

She tried to figure out how to get a ride, even though she knew she didn't have the money to pay for a taxi. She doesn't care, she can ask for it when she gets to his destination.

A minute later, she got taxi. She immediately entered the car, and asked the taxi driver to take her from that place as soon as it can be.

"Look, I'll definitely report your attitude to grandma. I'm sure grandma will defend me," muttered Kirana, then smiled faintly.

Meanwhile, Rafael is thinking about Kirana. He decided to go back and see Kirana. He was worried that something would happen to her and get her into trouble.

"She made a lot of trouble , how could my life be this bad. She's like a nightmare," he muttered,

When he arrived to the place where he left Kirana. Rafael didn't get her there. That worried him a lot. Rafael got out of his car. He was pretty panicked.

"Where's that women? Was she kidnapped? No, there is no kidnapper who wants to take a woman like that," deny Rafael.

He soon took his phone, then rushed to call Kirana. He had to make sure that that woman was safe.

Unfortunately, his call was not responded by Kirana. Rafael was getting worried and panicked. He tried again, but still with the same. There's no sign Kirana will take her call.

"Arrrggh, why didn't she pick up the call? While the calls in. Did she do it intentionally? Well, she's really messing up with me, let's see," grumbled Rafael.

As soon as he got into his car, he drove his car to his house. He felt kirana had taken a taxi to get there. He was only worried what if that women tell the things what he had done.

A few moments later, Rafael arrived at his home. He walked in with panic feelings into the house.

"I hope she doesn't make trouble," he muttered.

Arriving at the living room. He had already seen his grandmother and Kirana sitting together on the sofa. The joke was created between, making Rafael silent all of sudden.

As soon as the grandmother saw Rafael's arrival, she called him. From her tone, she looked annoyed. It made Rafael assume his own conclusions.

"Arrghhh, she must have told grandmother, screw her" he muttered.

He stepped towards his grandmother on the sofa. Grandma told him to sit in front of her. Kirana and Rafael's gazes were now connected and in a straight line.

Kirana knew that Rafael would be mad at her, but she didn't care about it. She just wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Rafael, what's wrong with you?How dare you leaving your future wife on the side of the road. Don't you have a heart?" asked Sopia's grandmother.


"Whatever your reason would be, Grandma doesn't accept it. You remain wrong, and should apologize to Keysa."

"Say I'm sorry for her," Rafael pointed out. "No, Grandma."

"Why? Don't be selfish, you were wrong and should apologize. Grandma doesn't like attitude like this. The more attitude of yours won't change, then grandma will not to talk to you," said Sopia's grandmother.

Hearing that sentence, of course, made Rafael worried. He didn't want to be hated by his grandmother. No matter how stubborn his grandmother was, Rafael loved her very much.

"Grandma, please don't do that," asked Rafael.

"In that case, apologize to Keysa," Sopia said.


Rafael was super desperate with that situation. He couldn't argue, because it would be useless. He put his eyes to the woman next to his grandmother.

He was disgusted, and it was hard to apologize to Kirana. But he didn't want to disappoint his grandmother anymore.

"Sorry, I was wrong. I'm not going to do it again," Rafael said.

Kirana smiled. She was relieved to win from Rafael. Those two pairs of eyes, still shining sharply.Kirana knew that Rafael was having revenge to her. Again, she doesn't care about that. Because she felt there was sopia's grandmother who would always defend him.

"Look what you made me do, you think all is fine? Don't do that to me," muttered Kirana, inwardly.

Rafael is alsot grumbling in his heart.

"We'll see, I'll do revengeto you," he complained, inwardly.

A few moments later, Kirana and Sopia's grandmother went somewhere with the driver. When they arrived at the tomb, they came down together. Kirana helps Sopia's grandmother walk. Although she had used a stick, Kirana still could not bear to let the old woman walk alone.

"Be careful, Grandma," kirana said.

"Yeah, You are such kind-hearted. I am not regretting matched you with Rafael. Grandma just asks you to be a little patient with grandma's grandchildren. He is suck, but he's actually a very nice guy. But that's it, his prestige is super high," said Sopia's grandmother.

Kirana, who heard the grandmother's words, could only smile. Although she has not seen the good side of Rafael. But she believes that what Sopia's grandmother said could not be wrong.

"I will try to be the best woman for Rafael. Grandma, be calm, I can definitely face his ignorance, "said Kirana.

"Thank you, Keysa."

Kirana just smiled. She felt very guilty, for lying to the Haditama family. Especially lying to a kind woman like her that loved her very much.

But Kirana had no other choice now. She had to do the deal she had agreed with Keysa. She's been trying to be Keysa for some time.

After a pilgrimage to the tomb, they tworeturned. Arriving home. She didn't see Rafael withinthe house. Then Sopia immediately called Rafael and asked him to go home immediately.

A few moments later, Rafael arrived at his home. He rushed to his grandmother in the room. The old woman was already lying on her bed.

"Grandma, why are you calling me?" Rafael sat next to his grandmother. Kirana was across from him.

"Grandma is already old, one wishfrom grandma just wants to have grandchildren. So grandma hope you guys will give a great-grandson to grandma soon," said Sopia".

"I mean, Grandma?" asked Rafael again.
