
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Kirana managed to cover up her identity.

"After getting married, you guys need to have honey moon very soon,"replied Grandma Sopia.

Rafael and Kirana looked at each other. Then Sopia looked at them in turn. She thought something happened to them both.

Sopia directly asked about it, because she was already curious about their acts.

"What's wrong? Did I say something bad?" asked Grandma Sopia.

"Oh, no, Grabdma," kirana sighed quickly.

"There's no problem, Grandma," Rafael added.

He put his smile, although he had to force it to take care of his grandmother's feelings. Unfortunately, Sopia always knew that Rafel was lying. Sopia is the only one that can't be lied by Rafael.

Since childhood, Rafael has been nurtured and took care by his grandmother. He spent more time with his grandmother than his parents, because both of his parents were too busy on working.

"Please be nice to Keysa. Don't mad at her too often or do physical abuse. Remember, she's your future wife. Soon you'll have to get married. You understand, Rafael?"

"Yes, Grandma. Yes. I understand."

"Anyway, I don't want to know, don't you ever hurtKeysa's feelings. No matter what the reason is.If you so, it means you also hurt my feelings, "saidSopia.

Rafael looked back at Kirana who had been silent since listening to Sopia.

"Yes, Grandma. I'm down. I'm not going to hurt her," Rafael said. He hasn't shown a pleasant face yet.

"Thank God, if you can accept Keysa's presence in your life. That's what grandma expects from you even though your heart has not fully accepted this matchmaking. But grandma hopes you can try to open your heart to Keysa," Sopia said.

"Yes, Grandma." Rafael tried to smile.

"Same with you, Keysa. Grandma hopes you can accept it too, and equally struggle to open your heart."

"Yes. Grandma. I'll try," Kirana said, smiling faintly.

Again, he felt sad because he felt guilty for the lies he amde in this house. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if the real Keysa returned to this house and took her position.

Now a big smile appeared on Sopia's face. She was relieved to see two people in front of her accept her decision.

"Well, just drive Keysa home. She must be tired," Sopia said.

"Can't we have a taxi, Grandma?"

"What's wrong with you? How could you let your future wife take a taxi?Where is your as a man?," upset Sopia.

"But, Grandma. She can..."

"Shut up, Rafael!" cut Sopia.

"DriveKeysa home. Don't you dare to be mad to her. Anyway, if Rafael's mad at you, Key. Tell grandma," she continued.

Kirana, who felt bad, could only smile. She also did not want to put Rafael into trouble,she could also take a taxi to go home to the apartment. But she also couldn't refuse Sopia's request.

After that, Rafael and Keysa got up. They stepped together out of Sopia's room.

"Rafael," Sopia called before the man came out of her room.

Rafael turned his head towards Sopia, and put on a puzzled face. Still waiting for the Grandma continue on what she wanted to say.

"Grandma asks for help, never disappoint the haditama family. And remember one thing, Rafael," Sopia said. "The Dwipangga family has done a lot of good for our family," she continued.

"Yes, Grandma. I understand your point."

"Good. Well. Be careful on the road. No need to drive so fast."

"Yes, Grandma."

Rafael and Kirana rushed to their car. Before the woman was drove to her apartment. He first took Kirana to a luxurious and famous restaurant in the capital.

Arriving at the restaurant, Rafael then rushed to get off. But unlike Kirana who was still still in her car, making Rafael confused and astonished.

"Why?" asked Rafael curiously as he put his head back in the car.

"So we have lunch here?" asked Kirana.

"Yes, why? Is there any problem? The food's not good? Or you do not like it?" asked Rafael.

Kirana shook her head at the scuffle.

"I've never eaten here. But my friends recommend this place. So I think the choice needs to be tried. But it's up to you, if you don't come. I'll never take you to lunch again," Rafael threatened.

"All right."

Kiranahad to follow Rafael's wishes. It doesn't mean she doesn't like the restaurant. This is the restaurant where she once worked. Of course, everyone in the restaurant would know her. That's what she's so worried about.

They both walked into the restaurant. Then choose a table that is in the corner of the room. Kirana deliberately chooses the corner table to avoid her friends.

Just now they sat down, then the servant immediately approached them. Kirana had tried to cover her face with a menu book, but still the waiter knew her.

"Kirana," greeted the waiter. Kirana knew Samuel very well. That man was his best friend. But in recent days, he has never communicated with Kirana because Kirana's number has been changed.

Kirana doesn't want her identity revealed. She pretended didn't know Samuel. She didn't respon the greeting. Then Quickly Rafael gave a defense to his future wife.

"Sorry, she's notKirana. She's Keysa. Just don't make any trouble, okay?" said Rafael who had already put an upset face. Samuel did not continue his familiarity with Kirana.

"Sorry, sir. I thought she is our friend."

After writing all their orders, Samuel went before Kirana. Seeing the recent incident, Kirana seemed guilty for not greeting her own best friend. She had no choice but to hide heridentity from those who knew her as Kirana.

"Why? You look so nervous. Do you know Kirana?" asked Rafael.

"Oh. Kirana? No. I don't know her. He's probably greeted the wrong person," Kirana replied nervously.

"Maybe you look like that person," Rafael said.


Kirana didn't want to continue her conversation about it. She chose to be silent and wait for their orders to be delivered. At the same time she was hungry.

Rafael got up from his seat, then went to the restroom. Kirana seemed relieved, because Rafael didn't suspect her at all.

"This time I survived. I hope Samuel believe that I am notKirana, but Keysa."

While in the restroom, Rafael still thought of kirana's name mentioned by the waiter.

"Who is Kirana? Is her face so similar that the waiter thought she isKirana?" muttered Rafael.

He kept washing his face, and didn't want to think much about it. After all, he never liked that woman.

"Whatever, whoever she is. It's none of my business. I'm not interested in her either. It's stupid," Rafael said.

After that, Rafael returned to his desk. He saw that the woman was still silent waiting for her lunch order to be delivered.

He didn't even get to his desk. Suddenly a man approached his future wife. He was curious about the man.

"Kirana," said the man. "I finally found you," he said.

Kirana was shocked, she was wide-eyed to see the jerk man in front of her. However, this time she acted as Keysa, not Kirana. So he was relaxed in front of his ex-girlfriend.

Not only did Kirana respond. Rafael greeted the man first.

"Sorry, who are you? You have any business with her?"
