
The book of the old ones

Stories from the old books that has been erased from history.

kail_kist · Fantasy
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9 Chs

"Winter's Embrace"

In the quaint town of Everwood, nestled between rolling hills and meandering streams, lived an elderly couple, Arthur and Adelaide. Their love had weathered the storms of time, and each wrinkle on their faces told a tale of shared laughter and silent understanding.

Arthur, a retired botanist, tended to a small garden behind their cottage. It was a haven of vibrant colors and fragrant blossoms that mirrored the joy he found in his life with Adelaide. However, Adelaide had been ailing for some time, her strength waning like the autumn leaves falling from the trees.

As winter approached, Adelaide's health declined further. Arthur, with a heavy heart, watched the life slowly fading from his beloved's eyes. They spent their days reminiscing about the adventures they'd shared, the dreams they'd woven together.

One chilly evening, as the fireplace crackled with warmth, Adelaide, weakened but with a gentle smile, expressed a final wish to Arthur. She yearned to see the first snowfall, a magical event that had always filled her heart with childlike wonder.

Determined to fulfill her last wish, Arthur tirelessly prepared for the inevitable winter snow. He adorned their garden with delicate lights and arranged Adelaide's favorite flowers in vases around their home. Each bloom reflected the love that had blossomed between them over the years.

Days turned into nights, and the air grew colder. Adelaide, now confined to her bed, found solace in the twinkling lights and the comforting scent of the flowers. Arthur, by her side, held her fragile hand, providing the warmth that the impending winter couldn't steal.

One snowy night, the first snowflakes began to dance in the moonlit sky. Arthur, with tears glistening in his eyes, gently lifted Adelaide from her bed, wrapped her in a cozy blanket, and carried her to the window. The garden, now blanketed in pristine snow, sparkled like a scene from a fairy tale.

Adelaide's eyes lit up with childlike delight as she witnessed the first snowfall. Arthur, embracing her, whispered tales of their love, weaving memories into the delicate fabric of the falling snow. The room filled with a serene silence, broken only by the crackling fireplace and the soft patter of snow against the window.

In that poignant moment, as the snow continued its descent, Adelaide closed her eyes, her face radiant with peace. Arthur held her close, knowing that the winter outside mirrored the quiet beauty of the season within their hearts.

As the final snowflake settled, Adelaide took her last breath, leaving behind a world transformed into a winter wonderland. Arthur, though grieving, found solace in the fact that her last moments were filled with the magic she had cherished. The garden, now a silent testament to their enduring love, stood adorned in a white tapestry of memories.

And so, in the quiet town of Everwood, Arthur bid farewell to his beloved Adelaide, knowing that the first snowfall had become an eternal symbol of their timeless love.