
The book of the old ones

Stories from the old books that has been erased from history.

kail_kist · Fantasy
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9 Chs

"Crestfallen Guardian "

In the resplendent realm of Valeria, a dreamer named Roland once aspired to be a knight of legendary renown. Under the mentorship of the venerable Sir Eldric, Roland's every waking hour was devoted to honing the art of combat. His swordplay and valor soon became a beacon of inspiration within the kingdom of Solstice.

As Roland ascended the echelons of the royal court, his prowess and noble character did not go unnoticed. King Thorian, recognizing the potential in the young squire, bestowed upon him the esteemed position of the right hand of the throne. Together, they shaped the destiny of Solstice, fostering an era of prosperity that resonated throughout the realm.

Yet, as shadows are wont to do, envy and deceit crept into the royal court. Lord Malachai, a cunning advisor with eyes set on the throne, sought to extinguish Roland's rising star. Whispers of treachery poisoned the ears of King Thorian, and the squire who once stood by his side found himself accused of conspiring against the crown.

Betrayed by those he had sworn to protect, Roland was banished from Solstice. The kingdom that had hailed him as a hero now believed him a villain. Stripped of his armor adorned with the kingdom's crest, Roland wandered into the unforgiving wilderness, bearing the weight of unfounded shame.

Days turned into nights, and Roland's once-gleaming sword lost its luster. His armor, a symbol of valor, succumbed to the corrosive touch of time. Meanwhile, Solstice, unaware of the true machinations at play, continued to flourish under the illusion of a united kingdom.

In the shadows of exile, Roland's spirit wilted. The solitude, a relentless companion, echoed with memories of the past. The once gallant guardian became a mere specter, haunting the outskirts of Valeria. The kingdom, blissfully ignorant, thrived on the false narrative woven by Lord Malachai.

As Roland's steps grew weary, the once vibrant warrior became a weathered soul. His final breath, a silent lamentation, escaped into the wilderness, unheard by the world that had abandoned him. The tale of the Crestfallen Guardian, an epic saga of rise and fall, loyalty and betrayal, remained etched in the forgotten annals of Valeria, echoing the anguish of a knight unjustly cast aside.