
The Book Of Legends

The Book Of Legends. A mystical of unknown proportions, with knowledge foretelling the past, present, and the future. Of time, space, and fate. Of nigh omniscience and nigh omnipotence. A book coveted by many, yet beholden to none. What secrets does it hold, and what does it entail? Yet it somehow managed to land in tne hands of a young, down-on-his-luck man. Find out what happens when the book starts to reveal the secrets of old, and what it will do for our young protagonist. Will he drown in the knowledge of the book, or will he rise and conquer it, ushering his own era?

Chun123 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Beginning

At the time before time, before the creation of the world, there were fourteen entities who ruled the cosmos. Their powered were beyond space, time, and even fate itself. They were nigh invincible, with nothing to best them in either strength or knowledge. They were inevitable.

Yet it all ended one day.

No one knows what happened that day, yet all historians agree tanta large, catastrophic war had broken out, with chaos and destruction ripping apart the fabric of space and time.

All of creation seems to cry, as time itself was made and unmade constantly, space bleeding into time, fate rupturing into tiny threads, each encompassing the myriad possibilities, both the good and the bad.

The battle seems to rage across all of space and time, fate burned in agony, with its screams being heard by all the remaining entities that were still surviving across the myriad crevices that encapsulated the torn universe.

No one knew when it stopped, or even how, yet they all agree that the day the war ended, all of creation stopped in its tracks, time stopped flowing, the cracks in space stopped expanding, and fate itself stopped spinning.

What followed next is what was unanimously agreed upon by all scholars who still managed to salvage some.legible articles of observations of old:

A big bang of untold magnitude exploded near the center of the univers, which ended the war.

However, that was not all.

After the initial explosion, a large influx of dark matter was later felt across the universe, and the myriad races that dwelt within it were all baptised in it. This led to the founding of matter manipulation, which later led to the rise of magic.

Although science still prevailed in the universe, it was hurtled back to the dark ages as the ensuing radiation led to the downfall of many machines, of which were said to have housed the knowledge of old. This led to the era which scholars later coined as the Illiterate Era, later coined as the Dark Ages, in which brutality and barbarity were common across the many planets left in the universe.

Although the common folk nowadays have damaged to return from this horrid time, it still took around a million years to return back to the current interstellar age, of which was extremely difficult in no thanks to the remaining radiation being emitted from the last great war.

Scholars of old and new have been trying to find the exact cause of the war, of which led to the downfall of tbe once glorious civilization that extended its reach across the entire universe. Many have pinpointed the location of the first battle to the Andromeda galaxy, some have suggested that the first massacre occurred near the Betelgeuse Star.

Among all these theories, a rare few scholars have pinpointed that in most of the battles that occurred, they all seemed to have included a tiny planet, which exists in the now barren and heavily polluted area in the war-ravaged area of the Milky Way galaxy (as some of the indigenous people there seem to call it). The planet seems to reside in the area known as sector 3000, with a name, known in many names, with many variations, but all meaning the same:


Now, what is most curiosity here is that in many murals that were discovered there, with some dating more than a million years. They all seemd to depict fifteen figures. The scholars have managed to recognise fourteen of them as the Eldar Archons of the ancient times, yet something odd was seen in the murals. Regardless of how the murals were depicted, all the Eldars were seen listening and heeding the fifteenth figure, with absolute reverence being felt from tbe murals. This seemed very odd at the time, as the Eldarz were known to all-mighty and all-powerful.

What is even more curious is that in the hands of the figure, there seemed to be a staff of unknown design in his right hand, while on the other hand was a plain sword, which, even though bland in nature, emitted a sort of reverence in it. No matter which mural was discovered, the figure always held these two objects

But on one mural, the fifteenth figure was seen with neither. All it had was a book. A book which was often mentioned across the myriad legends across the universe, no matter the race or species. It's known in many names, with some slight variation, bit they all pointed at one name:

The Book of Legends.

It was said that it held all the knowledge of the known universe, ranging from the primordial old, to the possible futures. What was even more fascinating is that it is rumoured to hold knowledge regarding the existence of the multiverse, along with the usual tales of knowledge regarding immortality, time travel, calculating fate, omniscience, etc.

These are all rumors according to the most revered scholars, of which many claim as absolutely false and utterly balderdash. Though this hasn't stopped many unsavory groups in committing many atrocities to 'recover' this book.

Amazingly, the planet called Earth seemed to almost be free of this, despite the many attempts to wreak havoc there in order to get the book. This seemed to have further fueled the people who want to get the book. Yet despite all these attempts, no one has managed to get the book.

Despite all this, many corporations, despite the absolute preposterous claims, have stationed many strongholds across the solar system in order to gain 'complete' control of the book. Although intrusive in nature, this has led to the advancement of life in Earth. This has led to Earth being a cultural hub known across several galaxies.

Despite all this, what we have here is all speculations, of which cannot be confirmed. What we have managed to obtain have several different renditions.

To this day, the scholars are still trying to piece together the ancient era, and find out what happened at the Void Era.

-Excerpt from the 'A Historian's Chronicle, Volume 230989, Year 123409 of Immortan Era'

This is my second novel, and I hope to update 2-3 Times a day for the next 2-3 months.

I also hope to hear your reviews about this novel, both good and bad.

Finally, and most importantly, enjoy this novel !!!

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