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In a world where cultivating to Immortality is a norm, a young prodigy named Magnus is envied by everyone. It's not only because of his handsome looks but with his martial and academical prowess. People of his age call him a monster. At a tender age of 4 he started training martial arts and still has the time create and recite poems. At 8 he mastered all fist and movement techniques available on his family heirlom. At 9 he started to train using weapons and is only three years away from completing his academic study leaving everyone at his age behind. At 15 he can brawl with bears, tigers, and lions, even leaving victorious at some point. And at the age 24 he's martial prowess is comparable to grandmasters and surpassing few of them in some ways. But as his Master, the Patriach of their clan, give him the title 'Emperor of the West' at age 36, a day before the coronation he was murdered by his own scheming brother. Luckily, he collected enough karma and end up transmigrating in the Modern World. This world where gaming addiction is not addiction at all. Will he strive to be a successful proffesional gamer or choose a [Lifestyle Class] with very low battle prowess and a blackhole of money and time in an Advanced VRMMORPG game called ? Watch out closely in the next episode of Drag... erhm... MMORPG: Legend Acends!! Please read this novel the author is starving. Peace out.

Zen_KI · Games
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24 Chs

Chapter 24 - Defeated Again

Magnus started his commands, simple yet strategic. "Undying Pest, Endless Battle take the middle front, Flower Trio focus in healing them. Other tanks to left and right, you decide but make sure you don't let any mobs get pass through your lines. DPS start attacking!"

With that, the battle commenced. 600 players rushed to the battlefield, loud battle cries could be discerned. Magnus watched at the side, nodding before summoning his mount. His mount is the only one who has attack skills, thus his mount is the only useful mount in this battle mount. Luckily, in this Instance mounts aren't prohibited.

The battle went by, thanks to Magnus' mount the battle passed like a breeze. His mount alone made the difference from other guilds. Others may have some AoE attacks, but Magnus' Warhorse AoE skill is an OP one. Surrounding over 80 square meters of area, dealing continuous damage. As long as Magnus has mana he could deal a lot of damage.

Added with Rose's attack boost buff his damage further soared, making the Level 45 mobs to die easily. They also has an additional advantage, thanks to the healers. For now, the only guild that has healers in this Continent is the Immortal Bloodline Sect.

A Continent that has almost no Priest Class Advancement quest wouldn't be beneficial for Priest Class. Unless they're like the Flower Trio which is an Elemental Druids that doesn't need Priest Class Advancement quest. Druids are unique special classes that has a great fighting prowess for healers, thanks to their buffs.

If other guilds wants to recruit healers, they first have to provide a boat or a flying mount. For traveling purposes that is.

Finally, they've finished the fight with ease. The casualties are too small to even be tackled. They've got a handful of exp, which is redeemable after exiting the Dungeon. They've also got some equipments, dropped from the monster.

Inside the Dungeons, every drops including Gold Coins and Equipments would be temporarily put in the Dungeon Inventory. The distribution can only be done after the party exited the Dungeon.

There's two type of Dungeon equipment Distribution. First is Leader Distribution, where the party leader is the only one who has the power to distribute items. Second is Contribution Distribution, this is a way where the players who dealt most damage, healed the most HP, and received the most Damage will be prioritize in picking the item they want.

There's also a non-system type using the Leader Distribution, which is auctioning the items. This is what players in Guilds usually use as they could get items through their wealth, while at the same time providing the Guild some funds.

After taking a small break, Magnus and his army started walking to Archeos. His eyes expectant for the upcoming battle.

Archeos on the other hand was annoyed, as he saw the incoming army he immediately cast a long ranged Fireball Spell.


Seeing this, without a word from Magnus, the tanks immediately charged forward with their shield. Trying their best to shielf everyone from the damage.


As the Fireball hit their shield, a loud explosion causing the 5 Tanks that went forward to slightly bounce back from the collision. If not for the Flower Trio's constant healing, they'd be long dead. Sustaining all damage, the Tanks, nonchalantly stand and patted some dusts before continuing their charged.

The area is quite wide, Archeos stood in the middle on top of a stage like platform. At the sides of the platform an undying fire could be seen, seemingly for the purpose of decoration.

"Unruly pests! Not only you don't believe in magic, but you also have the audacity attack a Faithful believer. Doing that will attract death itself, and I shall be the one who'll grant it!" Archeos said, rage engulfing every of his words.

He then casted another Fireball and Earthquake, skills from two different elements. This indicates that he's not an ordinary mage.

"Tanks take the front, DPS nuke him!" Magnus shouted.

This is the first time they'll encounter this thus effective strategy isn't something they can successfully procure in the time being. They just have to go for the usual boss battle strategy, Tanks at front and DPS nuking the boss from the back.

At first it was quite effective, they've dealt enough damage slowly taking Archeos' HP down. But when his HP reached 80% Archeos started 'eating' the Tanks infront.

"Your death will be my medicine!" Archeos shouted, pointing at a Tank in front of him. The Tank's body glowed and just a second, all of his HP depleted while healing Archeos to some extent. The healing wouldn't actually depend on the sacrificed total HP but its current HP.

If the sacrifice has 1,000 HP, then he would get a total 10,000 HP. Seeing this some immediately backed out, instinctively evading the next sacrifice scene. But this didn't affect Archeos, as long as they're in his sight he can use his Sacrifice Skill. Their efforts went to drain because Archeos successfully healed himself to safety, while their forces is now only 400+ players.

Avoiding a Team Wipeout, Magnus commanded to back down for a bit. Then he pondered, the Dungeon truly is a challenge. A boss who can use a sacrifice skill that immediately kills the opponent while gaining HP for recovery.

Killing Archeos isn't hard if the one who got sacrificed doesn't have much HP. However Archeos will pick the closest to him which is the Tanks and has quite an HP, wait... if Archeos pick the closest then we would just need to put the low HP players the closest to him. But there's only one problem, If we chose the DPS as sacrifice then out damage output would greatly decreased.

Magnus pondered, and finally he thought of a viable strategy. He would just need to allocate Tanks to shield the attacks, protecting the DPS, while the others would line and take turns to be sacrificed. But, the sacrificed must have low HP and in order to do that they would need to be damaged. The undying fire would be a great source of damage.

Magnus immediately passed his orders to the team, hearing the viable plan all of them agreed and executed it. A total of 20 Tanks stood in front of the DPS, at the side there's a line of melee warriors composed of Tanks, Warriors, Pugilist, and Thiefs.

At the very front of the line a Tank approached the Undying Fire and took damage. Since the undying fire is near the altar the tank was the closest to Archeos. While a Lilac would keep the tanks HP to a minimum of 50.

The 'intelligent' Archeos didn't attack the low HP tank in front of him and instead to those who deals most damage, which is the group of DPS. Occasionally Archeos would use his sacrifice skill and would choose the nearest to him, 'coincidentally' it was a low HP tank.

Now the heal can't keep up to the damage, and slowly Archeos got f*cked. Seeing this the DPS enthusiastically boost their attacks, using their best skills.

It only took over 30 minutes before finishing Archeos. A sound of notification sounded from the system, it was a melodious tone, congratulating them for the first kill of Archeos. The reward gave them reputation points and 100 Gold Coins each.

It was not as generous as the first enter reward but it was definitely something they could be happy of. Magnus then strided forward to open the Reward Chest, dropped from the boss.

At first, Magnus didn't care and prompted that he would exit the Dungeon after letting Fiery Wing distribute the spoils. But everyone, not a single person excluded, disagreed. They disagree not because they don't want Magnus to not take part in the distribution of spoils but because he's the only one who has the right to open the chest. Thus he could only comply and do as everyone said.

Magnus touched the chest, it shone brightly as dozens of equipment went to the Dungeon Inventory. 143 Silver Tier Items and 488 Iron Tier Items, this was the total spoils.

A 600-man Dungeon wouldn't be stingy for rewards and it was worth the effort. Out of all the items, Magnus didn't fancy even one. But since his comrades has given an opportunity to pick to two items first, he of course picked the most expensive item. The others who was eyeing this two items just smiled wryly.

After that Magnus gave Fiery Wing the rights to distribute the items and rewards, while his part (the Gold coins) would be held by Fiery Wing for the moment. The Guild also will have a 5% of the total amount spoils, it could be Gold Coins or Equipment wise. Magnus also pushed this to Fiery Wing to settle.

Magnus then exited the Dungeon and went to their Guild House. While traveling there he has nothing to do and decided to finally take a look at his stats.


ID - Mystic Warrior, [Lifestyle Class(Pugilist)]

Level 54

HP - 3,126

MP- 1,032

STR 274, VIT 194, SPI 86, AGI 589.


Bandit Mask

Martial Artist Band

Martial Artist Gloves

Martial Artist Clothes

Martial Artist Shoes

Silver Handguard

Fisherman's Ring of Fortune


Passive - [NPC Favorability] NPCs Mood and Favorability when interaction increased by 10%

Active - [Frontal Kick] Simple Kick. +5 Physical Damage, 10% chance to trigger Stun effect 1.0s. 20 MP.

Lifestyle Class :

[ Fishing Skill (Master Level) - Calm Mind, removes minor abnormal effects and statuses.]

[ Forging Skill (Intermediate Level) - ???]

[ Apothecary Skill (Intermediate Level) - ???]

Survival Skills :

[ Collector (Master Level) - Delicate Hands, increases hand speed and hand coordination.]


As of now Magnus is only at Level 54 which is actually pretty high for a normal player. His HP also soared thanks to his Warhorse, he could now be compared to a Tank's HP. His equipment also didn't change, he still wore the clothes he got from clearing the Bandit's stronghold.

His other attributes are on the right mark, the early disadvantages of being a Lifestyle Class has long been forgotten. Especially after distributing all of his extra attribute point to his AGI, making his speed to match a Thief. He even surpassed some.

A Pugilist must always focus on their STR attribute as they need more damage to increase the trigger chance of stuns. But Magnus thought that he should first focus on speed, he didn't want to be slow. It just feels very different especially in real life, where his thinking speed is at its highest but his body couldn't keep up.

At least in game he could improve it quickly not like real life where it requires everyday training. In order to shape his body he would need to continue his training, a month isn't enough, a year maybe.

Magnus finally arrived at their Guild house, he then went directly to the storage room and claimed his equipments. He would need to sell items again. His funds are slowly decreasing, but his way on getting funds is getting better. Especially the Healing Potions, after he made more he would surely put it in the market.

He then rushed to the Trading Hall and put all of his items for sale. A grand total of 15 Silver Tier, 63 Iron Tiers, and 84 Bronze Tiers. This is what he got from finishing the Mini-dungeon earlier. It would be quite a some if it was sold together and not one by one, thus he decided to sell all his spare equipments at once.


Hello Guys, Author here. I have a bad news for guys. I might be dropping the story, there's a huge problem at home. Its about the COVID-19 stuffs, I also personally don't feel good. I hope its nothing serious.

The problem is I don't have money to go home, the only things I possess is some clothes and a phone(what I use to write this). I might be selling my phone and I still don't know if that's enough money.

There's also one dumb problem, if I ever get I new phone after this dilemma I might never open this account and continue the story. I forgot the password of this account (-_-!) I know its really dumb, judge me if you want.

I just want to give you guys a heads up. I appreciate all of those who spares their own precious time to read this. Its my first time getting so much attention for my craft. Thank you very much, at least for once in my life I've experienced being an author. Thank you for the experience and motivation you give for me to keep writing.

(If I wrote another story, it wouldn't be under this account.)

From your Grateful Author, Zenki.

Good Day! Author here, what do you guys think about story? Comment it down below!

Huge PP everyone!

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