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In a world where cultivating to Immortality is a norm, a young prodigy named Magnus is envied by everyone. It's not only because of his handsome looks but with his martial and academical prowess. People of his age call him a monster. At a tender age of 4 he started training martial arts and still has the time create and recite poems. At 8 he mastered all fist and movement techniques available on his family heirlom. At 9 he started to train using weapons and is only three years away from completing his academic study leaving everyone at his age behind. At 15 he can brawl with bears, tigers, and lions, even leaving victorious at some point. And at the age 24 he's martial prowess is comparable to grandmasters and surpassing few of them in some ways. But as his Master, the Patriach of their clan, give him the title 'Emperor of the West' at age 36, a day before the coronation he was murdered by his own scheming brother. Luckily, he collected enough karma and end up transmigrating in the Modern World. This world where gaming addiction is not addiction at all. Will he strive to be a successful proffesional gamer or choose a [Lifestyle Class] with very low battle prowess and a blackhole of money and time in an Advanced VRMMORPG game called ? Watch out closely in the next episode of Drag... erhm... MMORPG: Legend Acends!! Please read this novel the author is starving. Peace out.

Zen_KI · Games
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24 Chs

Chapter 21 - Dark Flame Warhorse

[Player "Mystic Warrior" led his Guild Party and was the first to enter the [Battle of Might and Magic] Dungeon. Let's cheer and congratulate them. The player has been rewarded 100,000 exp, 10,000 Gold Coins, and a Mystery Egg.]

[Player "Moonlight" and her Guild Party was the first to enter the [Battle of Might and Magic] Dungeon. Let's cheer and congratulate them. The player has been rewarded 100,000 exp, 5,000 Gold Coins, and a Warhorse mount.]

[Player "Fiery Wing" and his Guild Party was the first to enter the [Battle of Might and Magic] Dungeon. Let's cheer and congratulate them. The player has been rewarded 100,000 exp, 5,000 Gold Coins, and a Warhorse mount.]

[Player "Mighty Connor" and his Guild Party was the first to enter the [Battle of Might and Magic] Dungeon. Let's cheer and congratulate them. The player has been rewarded 100,000 exp, 5,000 Gold Coins, and a Warhorse mount.]

[Player "Rose" and her Guild Party was the first to enter the [Battle of Might and Magic] Dungeon. Let's cheer and congratulate them. The player has been rewarded 100,000 exp, 5,000 Gold Coins, and a Warhorse mount.]

[Player "Violet" and her Guild Party was the first to enter the [Battle of Might and Magic] Dungeon. Let's cheer and congratulate them. The player has been rewarded 100,000 exp, 5,000 Gold Coins, and a Warhorse mount.]


All players around the world was flabbergasted, how many f*cking day has it been when the Dungeon finding 'quest' was announced? Its only been a week, there's even some people that has no clue whatsoever about the Dungeon yet. But now you're saying you've successfully entered a Dungeon? What the f*ck? How OP can you get? Spare some achievements will you?

They couldn't helped but spam the World Chats. Some sincerely congratulated them, while others cursed without caring to whom they're cursing. As the game developers saw this, they were extremely happy. A message in the World Chat cost one gold each and from how thing are going once you send a message, it would not take long before its buried by other messages.


Meanwhile, on the Mountain of Origins. Players of the Divine Hand was left behind. As for the IBS members they are already inside, once a party member entered a Dungeon everyone in the party would receive an invite to enter.

The faces of the Divine Hand were extremely ugly, it was because of mixed feelings such as anger, shocked, and jealousy all together. One of the members from IBS took a screenshot of their faces and sent it to the Guild Chat, this made every member including Magnus laugh. It was extremely satisfying.

Divine Hand has been a handful, killing them without a reason. Thus seeing them getting played by their Guild Master made them extremely satisfied. Their respect to Magnus also increased, making them his loyal supporters. But if Magnus was to know this he would deny it and say "I have no supporters, only comrades."

Everyone was happy, and when one remembered that they all got a mount they immediately felt more ecstatic. They all summoned their Warhorses.

It was a silver armored white horse, twice the size of a normal horse. It has a 180% percent speed on land, and also a combat mount. It also gives the user 10% Attack, and was an Obsidian Tier.

There's three different types of mount, first is a Combat mount. A combat mount won't dispersed when attacked, thus its usable for battle. Next is a Travel Mount, this mount's main use is just for travel and known for its speed. When one is attacked while riding a Travel Mount it would immediately dispersed. Last is Decorative Mount, this type won't dispersed in battle but has a little to no combat prowess. Its health and attack is too low. However in terms of looks it was 10/10, sometimes it would be cute, silly, handsome, pretty, or even badass.

As everyone was happily riding their mounts while they're on a break at the Dungeon's safe zone, Moonlight looked at Magnus. She felt it strange as she saw a hint of envy in Magnus' eyes as he look to his happy comrades. She found it weird because as she knows that everyone received a mount. Thus she asked Magnus, "Guild Master, why don't you summon yours?"

Magnus looked at Moonlight, he shrugged and said "I don't have one." Sincereness could be discerned from his eyes.

Everyone turned silent as they heard it, then they cancelled their mount. Moonlight was shocked and followed up with another query, "But, if you didn't received one then what did you get?"

No one has seen clearly what's the first price entering as notifications flashed in quick pace.

Magnus replied nonchalantly, "I only got Gold Coins and a Mystery Egg. But I don't know what that is."

Again everyone turned silent, they too didn't know what does a Mystery Egg does. But soon they thought 'How can a first prize be crap?'.

Luckily, Fiery Wing is always reliable he exclaimed breaking the silence "I know! I know! The game has a lot of rare treasure chest and gift packs that is extremely hard to find. The prizes inside are also generous. A Mystery Egg is one of those, it drops either a Mount or a Pet with a 70% and 30% chance respectively. The grade are also Obsidian Tier and above, if one is having a night with lady luck one could get a Legendary Mount or Pet. Guild Master, open the Mystery Egg. Let us see how good your luck is!"

"Yes Guild Master! Open it!"

"Open it!"

"Open it!"

Hearing the cheers Magnus has no other choice to open it. Since they're temporarily in break, he could just open it here let everyone witness his incredible luck.

He then took the Mystery Egg out. It was an egg, black-colored with stripes circling on it. He then choose the option "Open" which is indicated through the system notification. Blinding light enveloped it, soon enough a black coin-shaped rock replaced the Mystery Egg on Magnus' hand. It was a Summoning Emblem, it will enable one to summon their mounts whenever they like. Everyone that received the Warhorse also received one each.

[A Legendary Being was born on the eastern Continent...]

A notification sounded through the world chat. It caused a huge fire amongst the players, they don't what is it. If its a boss or something, but having it on your Continent surely is a benefit. Right?

Every member just stared at Magnus, seemingly jealous at his luck. Everyone didn't expect it to be really a Legendary Tier mount. They first thought that if their Guild Master is lucky, he would only get utmost Platinum Tier.

"G-guild Master, what mount is it?" asked Fiery Wing. Voicing everyone's mind.

"It says Dark Flame Warhorse. Its just a Warhorse." answered Magnus before summoning it.

How cool could it be? Hmmp, its a Warhorse double the size of others. Black in color with a crimson heavy armor. Its body is shining, not with light but black flames. Each step it takes, it will leave a burnt footprint. It was majestic, in terms of coolness it 10/10.

All of them stared at it, jealousy in their eyes. Compared to their small white horse with a silver plate armor, no its not comparable at all. Its like heaven and earth. Just from the dark flames on it mane and tail.

After Magnus summoned it, it would immediately bind to him. Its a non-droppable and non-tradable item. Just like every other Legendary items.

Legendary Items are very unique, its a one of a kind. You'll never find the same Legendary Items on two people's hand. The only way to destroy it is by the owners will. If he decided to destroy it, then others will have the chance to obtain it. Legendary Items also lived through its name, the special skills are also superb.


>Dark Flame Warhorse Mount (Legendary Tier)

Level 1 (earns exp when used while killing)

Affinity - 10,000 (Friendly)

HP - 1,000,000

[300% speed on land]

[Adds the user 40% more AGI]

[Adds the user 20% more Attack]

[Adds the user 1,000 HP (grows as level improves)]

[Unique Passive - Superior Aura, has the ability to forcefully dispersed mounts that is under Platinum Tier. Has a chance to scare Pets and Monsters away.]

[Unique Passive - Water Walk, each step the Dark Flame Warhorse will temporarily solidify water. Giving it the power to walk on water with 150% speed.]

[Special Skills- Flame Burst, upon activation the Dark Flame Warhorse will have the ability to burst in speed, attack, and leaping power for a single action. If activated mid-air it will temporarily have the ability to fly. 10 MP, no cooldown.]

[Special Skills - Dark Flame Domain, if the skill is activated Dark Flames will engulfed a 80 square meter area. Dark Flames deals continues damage (tenth of the user's damage). 20 MP every second.]

[Special Skill - ???]

[Special Skill - ???]

[Special Skill - ???]



Superior Aura alone is an extremely dominating aura, either when traveling or PvP its very useful. While Water Walk is also useful, with this skill Magnus can travel wherever he wants. Even the other continents isn't impossible.

Flame Burst will be a huge help in terms of dexterity, it even enables the user temporarily fly. As of now Magnus is Level 50, thanks to crafting potions, and his attack has reached utmost 1,200. Tenth of it is 120 and his mana is 1,000+, if Dark Flame domain is activated he could deal 6,000 total of damage before his mana depleted. This may be small, but its area of effect is 80 square meters making it one of the best AoE skill in the game. The attack also grows as Magnus Level up, which makes its place in the meta secured

The additional 40% AGI, 20% Attack, and 1,000 HP are also extremely useful. Not to mention that the HP can still grow as the mounts level grow. Its not only something that could be bragged because of its appearance but also its skills.

The Dark Flame Warhorse is combination of the three types of mounts. Combat mount for it fighting prowess, Travel mouth for the sheer speed and traveling on water, and Decorative mount for its awesome looks.

What's more you may ask? A Legendary Mount is a high IQ A.I.

What's that for? A normal mount will obey it owners order. However a high IQ mount will have its own initiative. It could dodge on its own, adjust speed on its own, and attack on its own so the user can focus on attacking enemies or other things. It can even use its own skills, but of course when it was about to use its skill it would first ask the owner.

And also Affinity, improving it will make sure that's the mount is loyal and has a high success rate summoning. Depleting its Affinity however will make the mount disloyal and low success rate of summoning.

After all the flaunting and having fun with their mount, Magnus ordered the Dungeon clearing will now start.

This Dungeon has a total of 25 bosses and instances. The first boss would be the 'Archeos' a mage boss. All of them, under Magnus' leading entered the first instance.

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