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In a world where cultivating to Immortality is a norm, a young prodigy named Magnus is envied by everyone. It's not only because of his handsome looks but with his martial and academical prowess. People of his age call him a monster. At a tender age of 4 he started training martial arts and still has the time create and recite poems. At 8 he mastered all fist and movement techniques available on his family heirlom. At 9 he started to train using weapons and is only three years away from completing his academic study leaving everyone at his age behind. At 15 he can brawl with bears, tigers, and lions, even leaving victorious at some point. And at the age 24 he's martial prowess is comparable to grandmasters and surpassing few of them in some ways. But as his Master, the Patriach of their clan, give him the title 'Emperor of the West' at age 36, a day before the coronation he was murdered by his own scheming brother. Luckily, he collected enough karma and end up transmigrating in the Modern World. This world where gaming addiction is not addiction at all. Will he strive to be a successful proffesional gamer or choose a [Lifestyle Class] with very low battle prowess and a blackhole of money and time in an Advanced VRMMORPG game called ? Watch out closely in the next episode of Drag... erhm... MMORPG: Legend Acends!! Please read this novel the author is starving. Peace out.

Zen_KI · Games
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24 Chs

3 - Iron Tier Equipment

<World Notifications - Player "Mystic Warrior" is the first to successfully killed [Athur the Bandit(Iron Tier) Level 20]. Recorded at the Hall of Fame. Please take this player as motivation and continue to work hard.>


Players from all around the world was dumbfounded.

"F*ck!! That fast, it's only been an hour or so after the game started!"

"This is so f*ckin unreal!"

"This guy is definitely a professional, beyond professional!"


At the Maintenance Center of the game <<Legends Ascends>>. The Chief Developer walked in check the situation.

"Sir! Someone killed Arthur the Bandit an Iron Tier Boss!"

The Chief Developer spat his coffee and coughed a few times.

"Cough, cough, cough... Are you for real? The game just started?"

"Yes, Sir!"

The Chief Developer frowned and said "Check the recordings and immediately conduct a research on the account and see if there's third party softwares involved! Check if there's bugs." as a Chief Developer he could lose his job if the game was cheated the moment it game released.

After a while, the subordinates handed the Cief Developer a complete report that made him shocked again.

"Beyond perfection hit? And a perfect score in Vital Accuracy?" then he watched the video. "Hmm, he's quite proficient in fighting. He can also detect Arthur when he's using Hide. How about the results? Did you find any third party software?"

"Sir the results is already out. No third party software the only device detected near his capsule is a mobile phone."

"Hmm, in my point of view he's probably a Martial Artists. Monitor him from now on!"


The guild leaders of some huge gaming guilds immediately took action.

"Notify all the members! We must find Mystic Warrior and rope him to our guild! No matter the cause!"

"Find this player at all costs! If you can't get him to our guild, threaten him. Let's make it hard for him if won't submit to us."

As the gaming community in this world is really huge, several gaming superstars is widely known. However out of all the guilds no one knew who this 'Mystic Warrior's is. But nevertheless they must use all forces to recruit such player.

A player who could jump level and kill a boss is everywhere. But a player who could beat a boss within an hour after the game opened isn't something amateur or even profesional players could easily achieve. They don't even have any prior knowledge about the boss they encountering yet successfully defeating it.


While everyone is dumbfounded about the first boss kill, Magnus is beaming while looking at an Iron Tier treasure chest dropped by the boss. With his luck he would surely get something nice.

He then opened the chest...


[Dragontoe(Obsidian Class)]- quest item *stats unavailable*

[100 Gold Coins]


'Eh? What? Is my luck already exhausted?"

Magnus frowned and thought. The Dragontoe has 100% drop rate because its a quest item and 100 Gold coins is quite huge amount early game but if I haven't exhausted my luck I'm sure I could've got something better.

After that he Opened the Unique Equipment set Gift Pack...

<Detecting class... Lifestyle Class (Pugilist)>

<Generating Set Equipment (Iron Tier)...>



<Martial Artist Equipment Set>

[Martial Artist Band]

-AGI +10

-STR +5

[Martial Artist Clothes]

-AGI +10

-STR +5

-PHI Attack+10

-Physical/Magical Defense + 30

[Martial Artist Gloves]

-AGI +10

-STR +15

-PHI Attack+20

[Martial Artist Shoes]

-AGI +20

-STR +5.

(Set Bonus - +30% Attack Damage)

(Set Skill - Increase Speed after successful continuous hits)


Of course it's not really an OP equipment as its only an Iron Tier Set. But Magnus is quite satisfied he then equipped it and checked his attributes.


Personal Attributes:

ID - Mystic Warrior [Lifestyle Class (Pugilist)]

Level 15

HP - 681

MP - 469

STR 63, VIT 32, SPI 28, AGI 75.

Attack: 86-92

Magical Damage: 68-71

Defense: 52

Magical Defense: 47

Equipment :

Bandit Mask

Martial Artist Band

Martial Artist Gloves

Martial Artist Clothes

Martial Artist Shoes

Skill :

Passive -[NPC Favorability] NPC's Mood and Favorability when interaction +10% .

Active Skills -[Frontal Kick] Simple kick, +5 Physical Damage, 10%chance to trigger stun effect 1s. 20 MP.


Although he's already level 15 he still haven't learned his other skills, since he didn't have time to (In order to learn skills on your class you have to find a mentor, specifically, for him he needs to find a Pugilist Mentor).

'I should learn 2 more skills now, I'll do that later. Just need to deliver this quest item to the Blacksmith.'

After looting the boss he rushed back to the smithy. Since he's already a high level player, he didn't bother to kill other mobs.

But as he was rushing he heard someone calling for help and yet again got distracted.

"Help! Someone, Please!"

After Magnus arrived from where the sound came from, he saw a player named "Fiery Wing" being chased by wolves. Three of them to be exact.

The kind Magnus immediately pounced at them punching it on the head. Another 1 hit kill.


The other wolves, without any delay swoop at him but Magnus is much faster and rolled to the side to evade their and counterattack by kicking one of them sideways.


The wolf the he kicked clashed with the other and dealt another round of damage.


All of the wolves died in a matter of seconds. Magnus patted the dust from his clothes and asked.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Hmm, I was chased by them I only have 3 hit points left, luckily you saved me... wait? Did you just kill all of em'?" said Fiery Wing with a frown.

After death players will lose 10% of exp and there's a chance that their equipment will drop. So he didn't want to risk fighting the wolves and started to run. There's also a chance that your equipment will be taken by the players or even monsters.

"Yeah, anyway I need to go. I need to finish my quest so maybe we can talk later." Magnus said as he sent Fiery Wing a friend request.

As Fiery Wing saw the IGN "Mystic Warrior" he's suspicion depleted and replaced by admiration. He then immediately accepted the request.

"No wonder you can kill them quickly, you're the legendary 'Mystic Warrior'. Eh? Why can't I see your level? or your name? Even your face is covered?"

" Yeah that's me... It's an item. See yaa!" Magnus turned his back and started to leave, but he was again stopped by Fiery Wing.

"Wait! You have spare equipments right? I'm willing to buy anything, just state the price!"

As its still very early in the game, even getting just a single Iron Tier item will be very beneficial in boosting level and completing quest. That means it will be very profitable!

"Yeah, you're a Thief right? I have this Iron Tier dagger that boost your Crit rate by 15%!" Magnus got it from wiping out the whole stronghold before the boss appeared. He got some other stuffs too that he didn't need.

"Really? That's good then! How much will you sell it?"

Although Magnus just played this game and have a little knowledge on how much a USD worth, he's still known for being very meticulous about money in his past life. Some even say that if he's not good at Martial Arts he will still prosper on terms business.

So he gave it a thought and said " Since its still very early in game and Iron Tier items is hard to get, according to its value and usefulness it should be around 10,000 USD!"

"10K? Sure give me your bank ID." Seems like Fiery Wing is quite rich isn't he?

Magnus then gave his bank ID, afterwards he heard a notification that 10,000 USD is transferred to his account.(Bank Account and other Personal accounts is bound to the game so any updates will be sent as a system message)

Magnus then gift the dagger to Fiery Wing, after that he offered Fiery Wing some other items and earned another 5k.

After the transaction is completed both of them bid goodbyes and walked happily. One is happy for his new items while the other is grinning for the newly earned 15k.


"Young Hero good day!"

"Young Hero thanks for killing the bandits!"

"Cheers for the Young Hero!"

Magnus felt ecstatic after hearing their cheers, [Worship] status isn't something to be underestimated, as the name suggest every NPC is currently worshipping him. Some will even protect him from danger if needed.

Since childhood, Magnus is already a celebrity. So he's quite used to it. He replied with a simple nod and a courteous smile.

"Young Hero! Thank you for bringing back my hammer. Now with this I can successfully repair your Master's fishing pole! Please wait for a moment and I'll finish this in a breeze."


"Hey! Young Hero this lowly blacksmith will teach you [Forging Skill - Beginner] for the price of 1 Gold, take this a thank you for saving our village from the bandits."

As Magnus was strolling around the smithy killing some time before the repair is completed, a NPC took initiative and ask him to learn a Beginner skill which he gladly accepted.

"Sure. "

<[Forging Skill - Beginner] successfully learned!">

While he was happily walking around, players around is beyond dumbfounded. As they were Lifestyle class as well they know the hardship being one!

They're already been hammering for three hours (in-game time, 1 Day in real life is 3 days in-game)straight yet they still need atleast a week in real life. That's just hammering, they're still not talking about the materials used. They need to mine minerals or buy them. Luckily, Novice level has a free gift pack that gives you some minerals to practice.

Although you can freely learn Novice Level Forging(not like other Lifestyle Skill like Chef or Apothecary which needs quests to learn) its beyond hard to progress further.

First they need to mine metal and hammer countless times but that's not it yet, people will even need to pay for the room they occupied on the smithy. Unless you have a house with a smithy you'll have to pay for the room.

Naturally, everyone was jealous. But Magnus does not care about em'. When someone asks he just says that he did a quest for it and ignore the other question.

As there's still two hours before the reparing completed he decided to log out and check the situation. He needs to plan how willl he survive in this world and make himself prosper.

After logging out, the capsule's lid open, he stand up and decided to clean the room first. Every spot he looks there's something you need to clean. P*rn mags everywhere, food packs on the ground, and a lot of clothes scattered in the room.

Cleaning this isn't going to be easy, its even easier to fight a boss. But a man's room is a man's life. Two hours after he finished the room he washed himself and finally had a look of himself.

Skinny limbs, square jaws, piercing eyes, and a dashing smile. Though he was as handsome as his self back then, he's still very skinny and weak. Not as manly as before.

So he included in the plan that he needs to train. Priority is money for the first few months, next is buy a bigger apartment or house, train himself, find a girlfriend, and lastly get good!

In his past life he focused in training and nothing else, now that he has a chance he could fool around a bit.

Soon after knowing what to do he log in and saw that the quest item is ready to be collected. He then took it and headed to the lake to finish his quest.

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