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In a world where cultivating to Immortality is a norm, a young prodigy named Magnus is envied by everyone. It's not only because of his handsome looks but with his martial and academical prowess. People of his age call him a monster. At a tender age of 4 he started training martial arts and still has the time create and recite poems. At 8 he mastered all fist and movement techniques available on his family heirlom. At 9 he started to train using weapons and is only three years away from completing his academic study leaving everyone at his age behind. At 15 he can brawl with bears, tigers, and lions, even leaving victorious at some point. And at the age 24 he's martial prowess is comparable to grandmasters and surpassing few of them in some ways. But as his Master, the Patriach of their clan, give him the title 'Emperor of the West' at age 36, a day before the coronation he was murdered by his own scheming brother. Luckily, he collected enough karma and end up transmigrating in the Modern World. This world where gaming addiction is not addiction at all. Will he strive to be a successful proffesional gamer or choose a [Lifestyle Class] with very low battle prowess and a blackhole of money and time in an Advanced VRMMORPG game called ? Watch out closely in the next episode of Drag... erhm... MMORPG: Legend Acends!! Please read this novel the author is starving. Peace out.

Zen_KI · Games
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24 Chs

1 - Crucial Point : Choosing a Class


Magnus sighed his last breath pointing at his brother Thamuz.

His fingers are shaking as his body slowly lose all its strength. His sight is becoming blurry, looking at his brother he felt pain not from poison and the dagger buried on his chest but from the betrayal of his own brother.

"Turns out the clan's genius is only so-so." Thamuz said. Grinning.


After Magnus died, his soul was sent in a place where he could only see nothing but darkness. He slowly drifted to the endless void. Suddenly, a blinding soul-like figure approached him and touched his small soul.


Magnus gasped a lot of air as if he's been drowned. He slowly opened his eyes, only to see the that he is on a body of a skinny 18 years old boy.

"Where am I?" he asked himself.

'I clearly remember that I died in the hands of my scheming brother... and I was in the that void dimension, but now I'm here in a strange room with a very weak body?'

As Magnus scrutinized the room he found a giant metal capsule amidst some food packs and stinky socks and undergarments.

'What the heck is this?'

At that moment, pain suddenly enveloped his head as surged of memories rushed to his head. He held his head and resisted the urge to scream in pain.


Soon the intellectual Magnus figured out what really happened. After he died he transmigrated in a body of boy with the same name as his in a world of advanced technology.

This world is not only full of cars that floats but the most well known and profitable job is gaming. Of course, there are still cops, doctors, firefighters, and etc, but most of the jobs is automated including farming rice and other foods. Beside meat almost every food is produced and harvested automatically.

He's currently 18 years old and just graduated in a technological school a few monts ago. He is currently broke and still has 100,000 USD debt from the local bank as support to graduating student.

Magnus from the modern world used the money to buy a VR Capsule, a giant metal capsule, which is specifically used in a VRMMORPG game called <<LEGEND ASCENDS>>.

The server is going to be online in a few minutes but unfortunately the owner died from fatigue, which made it possible for the new Magnus to transmigrate.

"I really transmigrated? According to the memory I acquired this world isn't a martial art era. I can't possibly use my skills very often. Besides this body isn't even suitable for even 1% of my martial prowess."

Speaking Martial Prowess, Magnus, could be considered Top 1 in terms of proficiency. He started training at a tender age 4 and as he reach the age of 24 he can already trade blows with grandmasters of their clans. At the age 35 he led an army to besiege the Emperor and successfully conquering it after a 21 days of battle.

Unfortunately, a day before he ascends as the new emperor, he was killed by his brother. He trusted him so much, and that's the reason he died. He was poisoned.

*beep, beep, beep*

As Magnus was thinking of ways he could train his body he heard the giant metal capsule and immediately scrutinized it. According to his new memory he just need put his fingertips on the scanner to operate it.

After putting his fingertips, the capsule opened in a coffin-like manner. His eyes beamed in excitement, although he doesn't quite understand what's happening he's very enthusiastic in doing new things.

"Server Online! Please equip the VR Capsule to proceed in logging in. Press the HELP button for safety precautions and instructions."

Magnus immediately press a red button with a word help on it. A robotic voice then followed with instructions.

'Hmm, from the memories I have, the previous owner of this body is planning to earn money in this game to pay his debt and make living. Since the game can convert gold coins for money. Luckily, there's also fighting included in this game. Seems like my trainings would not be wasted afterall.'

As Magnus is thinking ways to both earn money and survive this new world, a loud bang caused by his door being slammed open.


A burly man in a suit walks in, glaring Magnus whose staring blankly at him.

"Kid! We need the money now, its been three days since your due. We don't need broke b*stards here, there's a lot of people willing to pay for your apartment!"

Magnus got up and spoke, "Erhmm... Just give me a day or two Mr. Landlord, my money isn't enough. I can pay 300 USD for now as a down-payment.

"Down-payment your *ss, you're already late for three days!" as the landlord was about to slap Magnus, a voice came from the outside.

"Boss! Boss! The thugs are ganging up and wrecking havoc outside, they said that if you don't face them they will burn the apartment down!!" the young man huffing for air at the entrance.

"D*mmit! Those thugs again" he then faced Magnus and said, "Give me your 300 USD, I'll be back in three days if you don't pay up you better make sure that your things won't break after throwing them outside!"

"Yes, yes. Thank you Mr. Landlord." Magnus then fetch some cash in his cabinet and handed it to the landlord as he bow down, out of habits, for respect.

After receiving the money the landlord hurriedly walk outside with the young man without even closing the door.

"Sigh, this world is as mess up as mine. Without power, reputation, and money you're comparable to a worthless piece of sh*t."

No matter world you're in, as long there are greedy and unruly people it will be completely mess up. Once you're in the top people will bring you down and you'll become their own stepping stone, once you're at the bottom you'll get stepped down until you don't even want to look up.

After that Magnus closed the door and headed to the capsule, he's now convinced that money is the most important thing you must have to survive this world.

He took off his clothes leaving only his undergarments and lay down on the capsule, he then wore a the VR Helmet and strapped the equipment into his body, pressed some buttons, and the lid immediately closed as he enter the game.

Soon a very neutral voice came out.

"System Message: Welcome to <<Legends Ascends>>"

"Please fill the forms in order to create your account..."

Magnus then fill the necessary forms and proceeded to create his character, he didn't actually change his appearance in game since he looked exactly as his past life only skinnier.

He then put "Mystic Warrior" as his IGN (In-game Name),then stared at the classes available, picking a class is the most crucial point of all as this will be permanent, and one person can only create one account each.

<Pick a class (Caution!! This will be permanent so please take your time and pick properly.)>

<Warrior - Master of Close Combat, high proficiency in using melee weapons, decent health and speed.

Magician - Bringer of Destruction, high soul affinity and magic damage, low health and normal speed.

Priest - Blessed by the God of Light, low skill cooldown and can use healing skills, has regenerative ability but slow speed.

Knight - Valiant Heroes, high physical and magical defense, high health but decent speed.

Thief - Underhanded Assassins, can use [Stealth] and deal explosive damage, normal health but high speed.

Archer - Ruler of Range combat, can battle from a far with high speed movements, normal health.

Pugilist - Inheritor of the Martial God, uses fist and legs as weapons, normal speed and health.

Lifestyle Class (Special Class - enables to choose another class but with lower stats and will be considered as [Sub-class]) - Civilized Warrior, can avoid PvP if high Renown points, has 10% NPC favorability, and high ability to produce income , average health and speed.>

After listening to the introductions Magnus immediately picked Lifestyle Class and Pugilist without hesitation, since he needed money the most and already familiar with fighting using limbs.

<Confirming Class -------- Lifestyle Class (Pugilist)>


<Congratulations Player "Mystic Warrior" on successfully creating your character. Please enjoy the gaming experience!!!>

<Transporting to a Novice Village>

After the announcement Magnus is transported to Novice Village No. 69420. He strolled for a bit and looked at his attributes.


Personal Attributes:

ID - Mystic Warrior [Lifestyle Class (Pugilist)]

Level 1

HP - 120

MP - 100

STR 4, VIT 3, SPI 2, DEX 3.

Physical Attack: 3-7

Magical Damage: 1-3

Physical Defense: 4

Magical Defense: 3

Equipment :

Old Clothing - Physical Defense +1

Old Gloves - Physical Attack +2

Skill :

Passive -[NPC Favorability] NPC's Mood and Favorability when interaction +10% .

Active Skills -[Frontal Kick] Simple kick, +5 Physical Damage, 10%chance to trigger stun effect 1s. 20 MP.


'What a lousy stats that is, how am I gonna fight with these? But since I picked lifestyle class I supposed I'm not the kind who fights a lot.'

He let out a long sigh and thought 'Hmmm, Favorability increase. I think that will be useful when trying to trigger quests. Speaking of that, according to the usual I should find one.'

After that, he stride his way to the Village Chief where countless players is crowding. He scratched his head out of annoyance and pushed through the crowd, with the help of his superb skills he was already in front in just seconds.

He then asked the old village chief if he needed help.

"Hey Young man, since you don't prefer violence much, try and go to the Crafting Area and maybe you could find someone who needs your help!"

The simple minded Magnus nodded and look at the map to see which way to go. But as he was walking he saw a wandering beggar with a fishing pole on his back stumbled and hit the ground. He rushed to the beggar to asked while helping him up.

"Mister do you need help?"

"Oh, young man. Thank you, Thank you. My bones isn't strong enough I keep on falling when I walk. That's why I don't usually go out and just fish on my boat. But I need to go out to the smithy to repair my fishing pole."

"Oh then let me help you since I'm going there too."

"But Young man, I don't have anything on me. I only have this old fishing pole and and 2 silvers for the repair fee." said the old man as he politely refused.

The simple minded yet kind Magnus insisted, "No its really okay, I'm just gonna head there to find those quest thingy."

Seeing the sincere face of Magnus the Old Man then issued a quest, a one of a kind one.

"Thanks for your kindness, this old man can only reward you the are of fishing."

<System Notifications - Do you Accept the Quest : Become a Fishing Master(Chain Quest, Grade A.)>

Hey! Author here! About the grammars and typos, from now on I'll be editing released chapters on 9:00 (GMT/UTC +8) Tuesday. Please help me look for them though. Peace out.

Zen_KIcreators' thoughts