
Chapter Four: Sophie: daily routine

My life in Horastia is very strict. We have a schedule that we do Every. Single. Day. I'm already sick and tired of it, another reason I hate my life here. So here's how it goes:

Wake up at 6:30 am.

Get ready.

Come down for breakfast at 7:00 sharp.

Go to the bus stop at 7:15 sharp.

Arrive at 7:20 sharp.

Be in the classroom in your seat by 7:30 sharp.

After school:

Be home before 3:30.

Do homework for exactly 10 minutes.

Go to whatever sport you chose to do (requirement).

Go back home.

Do nighttime things.

Be in bed and asleep by 8:00 sharp.

Pretty boring right? Well, that's my life for you. Well, you think, oh well that's a lot of sharps and can't you break some of the rules?

Well, you can't because since my dad's betrayal they have added cameras to every household and we especially have more cameras and a debt of 20,000 cards. ( Horastia currency) in American money, it's about $100,000. All because of my father.