
The Blood Mark

A small child named Dante who is miss valued for the skills in magic he possessed. This is the biggest mistake humanity ever made in history. Turning the once kind child into a monster and demon. Out for blood.

Ghost_script · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

As I woke up in a haze only to find that I was surrounded by darkness. The light seemed to fade away in fear around the abyss. Creating a vacuum like effect that sealed any hope that tried to enter. The defeaning scilence immediately got to me as the sound of my beating heart flled the room. I would carefully get up, trying my best as i stumbled around. My eyes would slowly adjust to the dark, but I still could not see a thing. I

Felt the blunt side of my blade, looking for a specific rune to use. My fingers still shook from the adrenaline. As I felt the light rune on my blade that i engraved on it.

As I tried my best to focus my mana on that rune, it imploded in my face. Causing a massive booming sound like thunder to echo. My mark glowed with an intense hue of red light. The mark seemed to pull my mana into it. My nerves shut down as my mark started to bleed, forming a new rune. That allowed me to cast light around me. I felt so weak as I walked deeper and deeper into the carvern. This blood rune used my blood to activate this magic.

The stench of death and fear plauged my nostrils as I walked through a dark passag. My dripping blood fell on the runic circle. Caused the light to grow fierce as it illuminated the whole passage for a short time as it slowly began to die out. In those few moments. My heart sank as my eyes darted from one spider to another, just crawling on the walls next to me. My voice cracked as I screamed, running for dear life. As the sound of tic tic ....tic filled my mind as I ran for dear life. In front of me was a bright white light. As I got close, I rushed into the opening, colliding with spider webs as I tumbled down a flight of stone stairs. When I looked up, there were minatour's that were fast asleep. These huge hulking beats spaned the size of this room. Not to mention their blood lust growing the older they got. Their horns are protruding from their skull like antlers of a deer.

These beasts were encased in flames as their horns pierced their own skulls, pushing back into thier head. Thier worn out and rought horns were hollow they became mallable over time as the flames grew a chared black tint on it. A sign these beasts were old as time itself. As I looked up, the cobwebs that coved my face caused me to panick and yell in fear. I instantly covered my mouth as one of the beasts looked up in a daze, puffing out smoke through his cave like nostrils as he slumbered back into sleep. My heart raced like a horse running a marathon. I honestly didn't know how much I could endure. As I slowly crept between these mammoth lime beasts, I noticed runes naturally carverd into their horns. "Maybe this is how these beast manipulate fire?" I wondered to myself as I mentally took note of the rune it was a B, but the sideways m part of the b went through the straight line.

As I slowly made my way across the room, the cobweb that was left on my hair fell onto my should as I screamed in terror. My scream woke up the minatour. As it roared like thunder in my ears. Its horns grew back into its skull. The minatour growled as it got on all four legs. Its head engulfed in flames. It lowed its head and charged straight at me. This gargantuan beast nearly impailed me if I didn't roll away. My body shook in fear as I cried out while running for my parents for anybody to help. I was lucky enough to evade death only twice as the minatour grabbed me, tossing me high into the air. My head bashed into the ceilings roof as I fell down. I clutched my katana as I used the light rune as a dollar flare, blinding the beast as it stumbled back, rubing its eyes. I plunged my katana into its skull, peircing its mama core.

Killing it as it vanished, either black smoke. I hit the ground hard as the end got knocked out of me. I struggled to gasp for air as my body ached from the great fall as I lay there motionless. I was just scared and broken as I cried. I took the life of something. My head was banging like a drum as I clutched my knees as I repeated. " It was either him or me"..... " It was either him or me".... " It was either him or me." My hand shook as I tried to hold my blade, but I dropped it. I heard voices in my head as I clutched my knees. "Murderer" ....."killer " ...."Demon"

" I'm not a demon it's for my survival." I yelled out as my voice cracked. " It... was to ....survive?" I question myself as I felt like I was suffocating. I assured myself, " Yes, it's survi...v...v-val."

I just wanted to go home. I was scared I was left all alone. My mind broke as I just clutched my knees, begging praying to go home. I would sit like that for hours as I cried my eyes out. Until I lost my voice. I slowly got up as I inspected the other minatours thier were nothing but carcasses. I broke a piece of their hollow horn as I engraved that runic on my sword. I used the holowhusk of the horn to make a fire. As I huddled next yo it in fear in pain in despair in ever blood emotion. "WHY ME WHY MUST I SUFFER THIS FATE I NEVER WISHED TO BE BORN WHY...??"I yelled like a madman into the darkness My eyes were tearing as I collapsed near the fre.