
The Blood Mark

A small child named Dante who is miss valued for the skills in magic he possessed. This is the biggest mistake humanity ever made in history. Turning the once kind child into a monster and demon. Out for blood.

Ghost_script · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

A few days would pass as I lay on my bed. My heart pounded against my chest as the ringing in my head seemed to get louder and louder. My hands trembled and shook, making it impossible for me to raise them. I looked at the ceiling as my vision went blurry. I saw people all over my room inspecting me, judging me. As I felt like a caged dog strapped to my bed. My arms were heavy. My whole body sunk into the hard mattress.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. My mind went blank as the sound of my weezing breaths filled the silence. I would sit up as my muscles cramped. Looking out of the window into the vast darkness. It kept me calm as I stared out into the darkness. As the cool crisp breeze hit my face. I looked at the stars that seemed to follow me wherever I looked. The dozen possibilities I could one day achieve was limitless.

I lay back on the bed as I wondered, "Should I truly follow my dream of becoming the very few people in history to master runic magic?" I lay on my bed for hours as my body trembled in pain. Until I opened my eyes as I felt the touch of a person caressing my cheeks. Their warm, soft fingers lingering in my cheeks. When I opened my heavy eyes, I was not in my room anymore. I was in a vast open field filled to the brim with cherry blossoms and jakaranda trees.

The pink and purple colors melted together as the moonlight seeping of the giant moon off in the distance highlighted the magenta like color. The grass was green and healthy. there were roses and dandelions as far as the eye could see. There was a hint of lavender and subtle notes of spice that filled my nose. I looked around as my body lay on the soft, freshly cut grass. My eyes caught a slim small figure out of the corner of my eyes.

Thier was a slim, small figure wearing a beautiful magenta cloak. The hood of the cloak had markings in red. The figure lifted her hood off, and her white long hair covered her one eye,and her sea blue eyes captured my attention it was like i was staring at the ocean. Her face looked like a porcelain doll. I felt my heart beat faster and faster. She had the look of an innocent child unaware of the cruelty of our world. Her smile was briming like white crystals.

She sat next to me as her hair felt silky in my touch. As she reached out. Her soft, delicate hands held my hands. I shivered in shock. As she stared into my sunken eyes, not speaking but kissing my palm. As I felt her soft lips, I felt myself waking up. Before I could wake up, she uttered a few words. Find me Dante I'm where we always wanted to be our special place...

I shot up as I woke up back on my bed in my room. The sweat dripped off my forehead as my body felt light. I got up as I grabbed the cup on my bedside table. I chugged the water down. I felt a burning hot sensation on my hand going throughout my arm. When I looked at it. Was it marked? With unusual runics.

I felt a sudden surge of mana flow through my body. As the mark seered itself on my hand. A few moments passed as I realized that's where that strange yet beautiful girl kissed my hand. The mark turned red as i felt my blood burn as pain shot up inside me. for what seemed like hellish hours. I fell to the ground, clutching my hand as I clenched my teeth. Grunting in pain. I felt my eyelids become heavy. My body was drained of energy as I lay on the floor unconscious.

I woke up days later. My body was heavy, but I could move it. I felt weak like my arms were pulled down by bricks. My body felt sluggish as I slummed out of my room, wobbling like a penguin. I managed to make it to the kitchen as I sat down look8ng for water. But it was cut off by the king for the week . I figured the dams were running dry. The humid air that sucked the breeze out of the house made me feel weak. I went back up to my room. To look for something.

I grabbed my katana on the way back. As I exited the house, the imperail guards stopped me. "Are you Dante?" He asked, lifting the helmet up. I asked honestly "yeah I'm Dante. How can I help, sir?" We have an appeal by the king for you to meet him. I looked atunned as the sunlight that bounced of the metal helmet blinded me, making me cover up. Not long since I was escorted to the kings castle.

My body was still sore as I stumbled around while walking. Inwas escorted to a lavish looking room where ornate jewels and marble floors caught me interest. For a while, I just gazed at the luxuries around me as the glint seemed to shine brighter the more I looked. I was then asked to enter the throne room where I saw my parents and koji already kneeling. In the far distance the princess sat on the Queens lap, a sher hair was being braided. I instictally kneeled as the senct of a heavy lavender arouma hit me. I looked around but there were no flowers.

The king raised his fist as the throne room went silent. "You are Dante, yes the rune magic user?" His booming voice echoed through the halls. I nodded as I looked down at the floor. His aura seemed to suffocate me. As I continued to kneel. My knees became sore as my body still ached. The king looked at me as I looked up. " My child today we as a kingdom require a duty from you as a citizen off the Allora kigdom." I stayed silent as I listern to the king occasionally glancing at mom and dad as they seemed to smirk throughout the kings monologue. Koji had a devilish smile as he grined ear to ear.

" we require you to sacrifice your life essence for the awakening of the future champion selected by the God's Koji."

"We need you to forfeit your life in the name of the Gods." I stumbled a little as those words sunk in. "Sacrifice?" I asked wh..ww..why mm-me?" As I looked up, I was pinned down by the guards as my own parents pulled out a sacrificial dagger. Their eyes were sadistic as they crept closer and closer. The tip of the dagger was on my chin as the guard kept me pinned to the floor.

As my eyes darted around the room, the scent of lavender hit me again as themat said figure in my dreams walked past me. I screamed for her to hear me, but she continued circling me it was like she was drawing something. As the dagger came close to my eye, I shut my eyes in fear as I cried out for help. My pleas eould be answered as the mark seemed to respond to me casting a runic circle under me using the blood that was spilling out of my chest as it's ink. "The cloaked figure whispered in my ears you are mine, and I yours now flee." As she disappeared, the runic circle glowed as flames engulfed me. I felt hot and was burning, but then it felt cool and cold as I vanished from the castle as I woke up in a dark, empty carvern.