
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

The Fight's Still On

Soul and his team stepped into the arena. The trees were tall and close together, their thick branches casting deep shadows across the forest floor. It was an unusual setting for a fight, but the arena's unique charm lay in its unpredictability. The towering oaks and pines created a maze of potential cover and ambush points, adding a layer of strategy to the upcoming match.

A spell called "Watchers" had been cast throughout the arena, with small, magical flowers affixed to the trees. These acted like -as the old ones from the old world would say- cameras, allowing spectators to watch the match from anywhere in the city. The glowing petals pulsed gently, indicating they were active and transmitting the match's events to a larger audience.

Their opponents, a team of four, were already waiting. The bowman stood at the edge of a small clearing, testing the tension of his bowstring. The two healers, a man and a woman, were quietly discussing their strategies, their heads close together.

The fourth member, the Champion of Sirenar adjusted his armor, his posture confident and relaxed. He was an old man with long white hair that flowed to his shoulders, framing a face that, despite its age, carried a keen and kind expression. His clean-shaven face revealed sharp features and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold decades of wisdom and experience.

A referee stood at the center of the clearing, holding a staff with a glowing orb at its tip. He raised his hand to signal for attention. "The match will begin shortly," he announced. "Both teams, follow me to the cave."

"That's not a warm welcome, is it?" Nia whispered, looking at the referee.

"Hmm." Hyun-Ki replied, then paused, realizing his response. "Ah, damn. Now I'm grunting like Soul." He rolled his eyes, half-joking, half-annoyed.

Soul and his team followed the referee through a narrow path into a nearby cave. Inside, the walls were lined with ancient carvings and symbols. There were altars at the back of the cave, each dedicated to a different deity. The atmosphere was solemn, the only sound being the distant echo of dripping water from the cave's ceiling.

Each team approached their respective altars to pray and receive blessings for the upcoming match. Soul's team took their place in front of their chosen deity, bowing their heads in reverence. They felt a subtle energy envelop them, the divine blessing providing them with a boost in strength, resilience, and focus.

Since Soul's god wasn't there, he just pretended like he was praying to an altar.

"Good to see you again, Ji-Hye." said Marcy Iann, the champion of Sirenar. "Looks like you got more people on your team. Good for you."

"Thank you, sir." She replied. "We aim to win this time."

"What a coincidence! We, too, aim to win." He said with a genuine smile. "Good luck."

"Yes… good luck."

The opposing team performed their own prayers. As they finished, the referee guided both teams back to the arena. The stage was set, and the match was about to begin.

"Before we begin, everyone must sign the liability contract," the referee said, producing a parchment from a leather pouch at his side. He unrolled it, revealing a long, densely written document. "By signing this, you acknowledge that if anything happens to you in the arena -injury or death- you can't hold the organizers responsible. It also confirms that you're entering this match willingly."

The referee placed the parchment on a flat stone and handed each combatant a needle to prick their finger. Each team member stepped forward, one by one, and pressed a drop of blood onto the parchment, leaving a distinct mark.

After everyone had signed, the referee rolled up the parchment and secured it back in his pouch. "Thank you. Now get ready."

The referee stood at the center of the clearing, raising his staff with the glowing orb. The glow pulsed once, signaling that the match was about to begin. The opposing team and Soul's group faced off, their stances tense and ready for battle.

"Begin!" the referee announced, stepping back to give them space.

As soon as the word left his lips, Soul vanished into the shadows, moving silently through the bushes. He was unseen, like a whisper in the wind, his footfalls barely making a sound as he skirted the edge of the arena, keeping low to the ground.

Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki launched into action, charging toward the opposing team. Ji-Hye's sword flashed in the early morning light as she took on the Champion of Sirenar. Their blades clashed with a metallic ring, each strike sending sparks into the air. The Champion was skilled, but Ji-Hye held her own, her movements fluid and precise.

Hyun-Ki, meanwhile, went after the bowman, using his agility to dodge the incoming arrows. He closed the distance, wielding a short sword with remarkable speed. The bowman shot arrow after arrow, but Hyun-Ki was a blur, moving between trees and ducking behind cover to avoid the lethal projectiles.

Nia stayed back, her role as support crucial to the team's success. She cast enchantments to strengthen Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki, boosting their speed and agility. Her spells also created barriers, deflecting incoming arrows and spells from the healers on the opposing team.

"You got strong, Ji-Hye!" Marcy said with a grin. "Congrats!"

"How about we stop talking and fight!" She dropped to a crouch, attempting to swing her sword low.

Marcy sidestepped quickly to the right, a smile spreading across his face. "Okay, you asked for it!" he replied, his tone half-teasing, half-challenging. He readied himself, eyes locked on her every movement, his muscles tensing for the next exchange.

Ji-Hye's battle with the Champion intensified. They moved around the clearing, their blades striking with speed and precision. Ji-Hye used a mix of swordsmanship and quick footwork to keep the Champion on his toes. He was strong, but her technique and agility made it difficult for him to land a decisive blow.

Hyun-Ki engaged the bowman, weaving through the trees as he closed in. The bowman fired a rapid succession of arrows as he moved further from him, but Hyun-Ki deflected them with ease. He leaped over a fallen tree trunk, striking the bowman's shoulder and forcing him to retreat back.

Nia continued her support role, casting spells to bolster Ji-Hye's defenses. She was doing well, but the healers on the opposing team were persistent, sending waves of debilitating spells her way.

A well-aimed air spell caught Nia off guard, striking her in the leg. She cried out in pain, stumbling and clutching the injured limb. Ji-Hye noticed but couldn't break away from her battle with the Champion to help her.

"Ki! Help her!" yelled Ji-Hye.

As Nia struggled to regain her composure, the bowman saw an opportunity to escape deeper into the forest. He knew that Soul was lurking somewhere in the shadows, ready to strike. With Nia wounded, and Hyun-Ki rushing to help her, the bowman had a better shot at finding Soul without interference from the rest of the team.

"Are you okay?" Hyun-Ki asked, "Can you move?"

"Yes – yes. I'm not Dierman-blessed, but I can still use healing spells... I'll be fine," Nia replied, her voice weak but determined.

"Good. Good," Hyun-Ki said, his relief evident.

"You go help Soul. I'll be fine," Nia insisted, trying to put weight on her injured leg.

"Right. Don't die on me, okay?"

"I'll do my best," she replied with a weak smile, masking the pain.

Soul crouched behind a large tree, watching the bowman as he moved cautiously through the forest, bowstring drawn and eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement. Soul remained silent, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

When the bowman turned his back, Soul lunged, hoping to take him by surprise. But the bowman reacted quickly, spinning around and deflecting Soul's attack with a low level barrier spell. The force of the deflection threw Soul off balance, and the bowman seized the opportunity, tackling him to the ground. They rolled through the dirt, each struggling for control, until the bowman pinned Soul down, his legs wrapped around his neck. As they struggled on the ground, Soul realized that the bowman's shirt had torn during the fight, revealing part of her bra beneath.

Soul twisted, trying to break free, but the bowman -now revealed to be a woman- squeezed with her thighs, tightening her grip and cutting off his air. He could feel the pressure building, his vision blurring at the edges. He needed to act fast, or he'd pass out.

'Wait…' he thought. 'Am I really into – thighs like Ruby said? This feels…'

He tried to free himself, but she had a firm grip on one of his arms, pulling it toward herself. His chances to maneuver out of her hold were slim.

"We will win," she declared. Her voice, unlike Marcy's, was filled with anger and resentment. "We will take your nobility!"

"Good… for you."

In the distance, Hyun-Ki saw the struggle and rushed to help. He moved quickly through the trees, his sword drawn. Just as the bowwoman was about to slide to the right, Hyun-Ki reached them, slashing his sword downward. The blade sliced through the air, narrowly missing Soul, but landing squarely on the bowwoman's thigh, causing her to release her hold.

She let out a cry of pain, her grip loosening as she clutched her injured leg. Soul scrambled to his feet, gasping for breath, grateful for the timely intervention.

Hyun-Ki wasted no time. He struck her again, this time on the shoulder, ensuring she wouldn't get up.

"Are you okay?" Hyun-Ki asked.

Soul nodded, his breathing heavy but steadying. "Thanks for the save."

"Don't mention it," Hyun-Ki replied, looking down at the bowwoman to make sure she wasn't a threat anymore. "Let's get back to the others. The fight's still on."

"Yeah. Let's go."