
White lie

"Alex where is Frank?" Xu inquired as soon as she got out of the house and stood in front of their car

"I don't know? He told me to wait here" he said while checking the time

"Richard where is Frank?" Xu asked another member of their gang.

"I guess he is-"

"I am here" Xu turned around to find Frank running towards them

"Sorry for being late" Frank said smiling

"Whatever get in and drive now, we'll be late because of you" Xu says in a cold voice

All four of them got inside the car. Alex and Xu sat on the passenger's seat while Frank was driving and Richard sat on the seat beside Frank's.

"Boss can I ask you something?" Richard questioned turning his head to face Xu

"What?" she said facing him

"Umm we are a mafia group right, that means that we have enough money, weapons and power then why do we need to do a job like this. I mean why are we doing cargo business?" he asked

"We do have enough money, weapons and power but if we buy BMW's or live extravagantly like this while not doing any job then that'll be too suspicious for the government and the people. So as a disguise we do cargo business, which is a perfect white lie to fool the dumbfucks who run and live in this country." you stated for the nth time

"Oh alright" he said while turning his head back to face the road

"We are here" Frank said

"I'm not going, just give them the documents and make sure the deal is nicely sealed and tell them that our cargo shipping is the best they'll find in this country and all and just finish the matter fast" Xu say while scrolling your phone

"Alright, guys let's go" Frank called the other two as they got down from the car

"Are you three stupid?" Xu called them from inside the car

They turned to face her who was sitting inside the car.

"Stop walking like gangsters. We are cargo dealers here, how stupid are you?" Xu said annoyed

"Sorry boss"

"Walk like civilized people" Xu shook her head in disbelief and got back to her phone

The three started to walk again, in a 'civilized manner'.

"Frank?" Richard called him while walking towards their destination

"Yeah say" Frank answered

"I think at least one of us should have stayed with her. What if she is attacked. I mean we have enemies everywhere plus it won't be shocking if they were tracking us"

Alex and Frank started laughing at Richard's words.

"What's wrong? Why are you two laughing?" Richard asked totally confused by their behavior

"Man you are new that's why you don't know how deadly our boss is. See her fight once" Alex said smirking

"She's our boss for a reason, so relax" Frank said patting Richard's back as they entered the office for the meeting

After around 40-45 mins Xu heard the car door open and saw that the boys returned.

"How did it go?" she asked them

"It was good, like normal" Alex said and took his seat beside Xu

"Alright then let's head back, my back's hurting from sitting here for so long" Xu said repositioning herself

Frank started driving once again but when they reached the highway they saw that the traffic was unbelievably long.

"No no no please no!!!" Xu said punching the seat

"It's a long line, it'll take at least another hour" Frank said looking at her

"Take the alley" she said pissed

"Okay" he said and turned the steering wheel

"Which route is this?" Richard asked

"It's a different route. There is a junkyard so it smells like shit. That's why boss doesn't like coming here" Alex answered him

As they were driving back something caught Xu's eyes. She saw the same doe eyes behind a trash can whimpering while four boys were throwing pebbles at him. She wanted to forget what she saw but she couldn't.

"Stop the car" Xu demanded

Frank immediately hit the break. All of them were confused as Xu got out of the car without telling anything. The other three also followed her.

"Stop that" Xu shouted at the boys

All of them looked at each other and then looked at her.

"Who's this bitch?" one of them shouted

The others started laughing at her. One of them walked closer to her, hardly an inch away.

"Why're you trying to act smart huh? Go do what you were doing and let us do our job" he said smirking

"You won't be touching that dog" Xu said calmly

"Oh yes I will, by the way nice ass" he said and touched it and pulled her closer

Frank saw that was about to intervene but Xu signaled him to not.

"Oho who's that? Your boyfriend?" he said smirking at Frank

"Why care about him? You like my ass? Actually even I do" saying that Xu kicked him hard in the stomach.

The sudden blow made him hold his stomach in pain. He looked at her with his peripheral vision and gritted his teeth.

"Bitch--" before he could finish Xu slapped him hard, making him fall on the ground.

The other three boys ran away while Xu put her leg on his face and squeezed it hard on the ground.

"Sorry sorry pls leave me, please--" the boy begged, almost on the verge of crying

"What did I say, you won't be hurting the dog" Xu pressed down his face with her shoe and gave a squeeze

"Ah ah p- please leave me. I will never do anything like this again"

"Obviously you won't be doing anything like this EVER again honey" Xu said with a smirk on her face

"Frank go and take the dog inside the car" Xu ordered

Frank immediately ran towards the puppy and picked him up and took him inside the car. Xu bent down to the boy's level took out his identity card.

"What the fuck you are 19?" Xu scoffed

"Why so jobless huh, get a job hun. Can't believe you and I are of the same age" she got up and kicked him hard on his nose.

"Agghh" the boy groaned in pain as blood gushed out of his nose

All four of them got inside the car with the puppy on Richard's lap as Frank started driving once again.

"Thanks for taking the puppy" Frank said while driving

"I just took it in because I felt pity for it. Don't get your hopes high" Xu stated with her eyes fixated on the phone screen

Frank chuckled at her words and continued driving until they reached their mansion.