

It was 7:30 the next morning. Xu was still sleeping. Normally she'd up early because she has to go through a lot of things and check documents but yesterday she came back home at 4 in the morning, so she was extremely tired. She was a very light sleeper, even the slightest of sound would wake her up and if someone made noise while she was sleeping.....uhh well *cough*. This one time Frank had recruited a new member in the gang much to her detest and he entered her room by mistake since he was still new and didn't know all the routes. That day Xu had almost skinned him alive.

She was sleeping peacefully when she heard her door open, Xu bolted up and brought out the gun from under her pillow and pointed it at the door. Her hair all messed up, body totally attentive and eyes red from the lack of sleep.

"Whoa whoa calm down young lady" Frank said picking up a puppy from the floor

A black, small puppy. It had doe eyes and it looked so innocent.

"What the fuck is this dog doing here" Xu asked frustration filled in her voice

"Some street boys were hitting this poor puppy, so I brought him here" he said caressing the puppy's head

"Do you think we are some kind of pet shelter??" Xu asked angrily

"Oh come on Xu, just look at him. Can't we just keep him huh??" Frank pouted and put forward the puppy but Xu immediately took a step back

"Move this piece of shit from my face" she demanded in a firm voice

"Mr. Puppy looks like our leader is scared of you" Frank said pretending to talk to the dog

"I swear I'll slap the shit out of you. Kick out this dog before I do something" She ran her hand through her hair in frustration and walked out of the door.

Xu went to the other room and looked through her closet. She took out a black hoodie and a baggy pant. She washed her face and took all the required documents for inspection and headed to the dining hall.

"Pow pow pow" she felt a soft sensation on her legs. She looked down to find the puppy rubbing it's head against her pants. She immediately retrieved her leg and shouted in exasperation.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she shouted at the puppy. The puppy flinched at her explosion and hid behind a tree pot.

"FRANKKK!!! FRANK!!! FRAN--" she shouted on the top of her voice. Her voice echoing throughout the house.

"What is it Xu--" he came out from the other room while dismantling a gun

"Did I not tell you to throw this piece of shit out of the house" Xu shot a death glare towards Frank

"Xu don't do thi--"

Xu took out her gun that was tucked in her pants and pointed at the puppy with one hands and kept the other hand in her pocket.

"I was being too good, wasn't I Frank. I won't think twice before pulling the trigger because I don't want to see this FUCKING DOG IN FRONT OF ME!!! WHICH WORD OF THAT IS TOUGH FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND??!!!" Xu exploded

"Alright alright. I'll take him out, keep the gun inside" Frank sighed and picked up the puppy and dropped it back outside the house

"Sorry bud" he said bending down to it's level

"Alex return him from where I brought it" He ordered another worker. Alex who was around the corner took the puppy in his hands and nodded.

Frank walked back inside and found Xu sitting and examining all the documents that were scattered all around the table. Frank got a little frustrated seeing how Xu was sitting unaffected, like as if 10 seconds ago she wasn't pointing her gun.

He sighed and was going to go back to what he was doing but Xu spoke up.

"Stop taking me lightly Frank. I'm not your friend" she said but her eyes were fixed on the documents.

Frank stomped his way towards her and stood in front of her.

"Xu when did I ever take you lightly. I always did whatever you asked me t--"

"Like you should" she said without hesitation

"Xu all I asked you was to keep that puppy. It was getting abused. Even I have feelings" he said making hand gestures to express himself

This time Xu looked at him and smirked.

"Frank we are the mafia. You know what we are "mafia"" She quoted the word with her hands

"We aren't supposed to be the most generous person you know. And if you wanted to be such a 'hearty' person then maybe you should've done charity" Xu scoffed and got back to doing what she was doing

"Is it clear?" she asked while rummaging through the papers

"Yes" Frank responded mildly and left the room.

"Everyone has a heart. What a joke" Xu scoffed under her breath as she felt Frank leave the room