
The black shade of my life (She turned it into rainbow)

Namrata_Nitishaha · LGBT+
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2 Chs

The Black Shade Of My Life (She Turned It Into Rainbow)-2

Abhishree was standing leaning on her bike in the forest and waiting for Ashmit and that girl.

After some time both of them also reached there.

Ashmit took off the helmet, got down from the bike looked at the other girl and said, "See Dev, I told you, no one can win the race with her, especially when the race is towards the jungle."

This was the same forest where the girl had buried a dead body last night.

Dev looked at Abhishree smilingly and said, "It seems that she has a lot of love for the forest."

Dev got down from the bike moved towards Abhishree and said, "It seems that there are many secrets buried in this forest of yours."

When Dev said this, Abhishree started looking at her with surprise.

Dev smirked. She took a step closer to her and whispered in Abhishree's ear, "Now my eyes will remain only on you, ufffff! you've created such magic with a single glance that I am not ready to look anywhere else."

When Abhishree turned her eyes away in displeasure, Dev laughed softly took two steps back and said, "Uff... you are very cruel, who turns away her eyes so displeased."

Ashmit smiled seeing Dev and Abhisree, he came forward and said, "Dev, Mr. is very cruel."

When Abhisree glared at Ashmit, Ashmit bowed his head and laughed and then looked at Abhisree and said, "Okay, sorry, I am not going to tell you the stories of your cruelty."

"Cruelty?" Dev asked with a surprise

(Ps: this story is written in Hindi and I'm translating it, and the word "cruelty" is written in Hindi as "Jalimiyat". Although there's no such a word as "Jalimiyat" in Hindi, but I wrote😂)

"Hey, just as real is reality, as well the cruel is cruelty." When Ashmit said this, Dev laughed and Abhishree smiled.

(Ps: "As real is reality" in Hindi, it was like "asal ki asliyat" and "As cruel is cruelty" it was "jalim ki jalimiyat"

I hope you guys understand😂)

evening time

In the evening, Abhishree was standing near the window in her room, she had a cup of tea in her hand but she was looking out the window, she was remembering Dev's actions, today all three of them had roamed in the forest the whole day, and Dev was deliberately walking close to Abhishree. If Abhishree went in the other direction, Dev would come towards Abhishree while talking to Ashmit. She was finding it strange that Dev was smiling at her again and again.

Abhishree was lost in these memories when her phone rang, she came out of her thoughts took out the phone from her pocket, and saw that it was an unknown number, she didn't pick up the phone, then the next moment a message came in which written, "Hey, HAPPY PILL, pick up the phone right now man, I'm dying to hear your voice."

As soon as Abhishree read this message, Dev's face flashed before her eyes, she took a deep breath and put the phone back, then her phone rang again and this time it was a video call when Abhishree saw this, she closed her eyes and looked upwards and took a deep breath and then opened her eyes then she picked up the phone. As soon as she picked up the phone, Dev said, "Why are you being so cruel, yaar? If you had picked up the phone or responded to the message, your fingers would not have been sprained."

"Why should I pick your up phone?" Abhishree said

"First of all, you were not supposed to pick up my phone, picking up someone else's thing without their permission is considered theft, you were supposed to pick up my call." Dev said

Abhishree shook her head and said, "Whatever, why should I take it?"

"Because I needed to talk to you, I miss my happy pill's voice." Dev said

Abhishree made a strange face after hearing the name Happy Pill from Dev's mouth and said, "Abhishree! My name is Abhishree."

"Yes I know, which means powerful, fearless and brilliant," Dev said in a deep calm voice

Abhishree became silent after listening to Dev, and she started wondering whether really fearless and powerful, no she is not like that, she is not fearless at all, she is very timid and powerful...she was absolutely weak. As soon as all these thoughts came to her mind, she disconnected the phone and started looking out the window. She started remembering things from her past, remembering which she suddenly started trembling.

She went towards her bed with trembling steps picked up a pill from the side table took it, and fell on the bed there.

Night time

It was nighttime, and Dev was running after a man on the road, there was dense forest on both sides of the road, and the man started panting while running, but Dev was not panting at all, so she increased the speed of her running. The man stopped running and started breathing by placing his hands on his knees. But then Dev came from behind. Seeing Dev the man started running back, Seeing him running, Dev smiled and took out a knife tied to her shoes, some names were written on his knife.

Dev stabbed him in the back with a knife and the man fell face down on the road.

Dev smiled at him went near him and took out her knife from his back. After taking out the knife, Dev turned the man upside down and sat near him on the tip of her toes. The man cried out in pain and said, "I...let me...let me go." Dev smiled.

"What have I done to you, please let me go." the man said

Dev angrily said, running the knife from his face to his stomach, "What have you done to me?"

Then when he showed the man the names written on his dagger, the man lost his senses, he kept looking at Dev with wide eyes, and he said, "P... please... please le... let me go. "I made a mistake, please forgive me."

Dev again stabbed him from his face to his stomach, and she continued to stab him from his face to his stomach, she was making the sign of the cross on her body with the knife, and some splatters of blood had fallen on her face, Her hand was covered in blood and that man...that man had been dead for a long time, but Dev was still stabbing him with the dagger.

After running the knife on his body for some time, Dev got up and dragged his body into the forest, she took it to the same place where the girl had buried the body last night, that girl was none other than Dev.

Dev dug a pit near the dead body of the night and threw the dead body of the man in the pit.

After burying the body, she looked at her dagger smiled when she saw the names written on it, and said, "Only 2 are gone, 6 are left."

This meant that Dev was going to kill 6 more people, she was going to kill a total of 8 people and was going to bury all the dead bodies at this very place in the same forest.

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