
The black shade of my life (She turned it into rainbow)

Namrata_Nitishaha · LGBT+
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2 Chs

The black shade of my life (She turned it into rainbow) -1

night time

Nainital, Uttarakhand

(dense forest)

It was a dense forest, some sounds were continuously coming in that forest, listening to which it seemed as if someone was digging.

The dead body of a man was lying on the right side of the person who was continuously engaged in digging. Looking at his dead body, it seemed as if his murderer had been repeatedly stabbed on the chest with a knife, his white shirt was red with blood. The person wiped the sweat from her face and looked at the dead body. Person's hands were stained with blood. The person was wearing a black t-shirt and black cargo pants, t-shirt' cap on his head, and white shoes on his feet. Which had turned red with blood. Looking at the dead body, the person shook his head and said, "Oh, how difficult it is to dispose of someone's dead body."

he threw away the shovel in his hand and went near the dead body and threw it into the pit, sliding it with his feet.

Then he poured soil over the dead body and threw the shovel away. Then the girl left from there whistling.

morning time


There was a small house with black roses all around it, that house was also completely painted in black colour, amidst the morning mist that black house looked no less than a haunted house, in that house there was a girl who was wearing a black T-shirt. She was wearing a shirt and black pants, her black hair was flowing till her waist, which was flying randomly, everything kept in that room was black, from the colour of the walls to the bedsheet, and showpieces, all were black. The teacup held in the girl's hand was also black. Her face was completely stern and expressionless. The girl was sitting near the window and looking outside.

Just then her phone rang, she kept looking at the phone for some time, then she got up from the window and went towards her bed where her phone was kept, when she picked up the phone she heard a boy's voice, "Hey, where are you? Waiting for you Shree."

"I am not coming", Abhisree said

"Half an hour, you have half an hour, reach early and you know that today you have to meet someone" saying this the boy disconnected the call without listening to Abhisree.

Abhisree took a deep breath and kept the phone in her pocket. She sat in the room for fifteen minutes, then got up, picked up the bike keys and left the house. She wore a black helmet and pressed the accelerator of the bike, then started riding the bike fast on the road.

There was a long deserted road with dense forest on both sides, there were two bikes and two people were sitting on those bikes, both of them were wearing helmets and were wearing black clothes.

Looking at both of them it seemed as if they were waiting for someone.

Exactly fifteen minutes later, another bike came and stopped its bike in between the bikes of both of them. The eyes of both the men were fixed on Abhisree.

Abhisree took one look at the bike parked on her left and then started staring at the person sitting on the bike on her right.

Seeing him staring at him, the man took off his helmet. The boy was handsome in appearance, he had light brown hair scattered on his forehead, his eyes were dark brown and his forehead was perfectly chiseled. A long sharp nose which looked good on her wheatish complexion.

He looked at Abhisree and said "What, why are you staring at me like that"

Abhisree did not say anything and removed her helmet, and when she shook her head, her long black hair started waving slightly below her waist. The person sitting on her left side started looking at her from inside the helmet.

Abhisree's complexion was fair, she had three moles in a line on the left side above her lip, and one mole was slightly below her left eye.

Light brown eyes which were neither too small nor too big, a little big nose but she looked quite beautiful.

The person sitting on the left side was constantly looking at her and Abhisree knew this, Abhisree also looked towards that person and at the same time the person himself removed the helmet, it was a girl, seeing whom Abhisree was shocked.

That girl also had long hair but it was light brown, big eyes like the deep blue sea, a small and thin nose, and a very fair face, and her smile which was due to looking at Abhisree, was her beauty Was increasing its even more.

Abhisree also got lost in her for a moment. How can someone be so beautiful, and her smile was such that one would sacrifice one's life for her smile.

The girl was still smiling at Abhisree, she rested her elbows on the front part of the bike placed her face in her palm and started looking at Abhisree. When Abhisree turned her eyes away in irritation, the girl said, "Uff."

Then she tilted her face forward and looked at the boy and said, "Ashmit yaar, thank you for introducing me to her" she said pointing towards Abhisree.

Hearing this, Abhisree said to Ashmit, "This is the nonsense you called me to do, I am going back." Saying this she put on her helmet.

So Ashmit said, "Oh no yaar, today all three of us are going on a long drive but in our style."

Abhisree did not say anything for some time and then said, "Will you go to the forest?"

When Ashmit nodded yes, Abhisree started her bike and moved the bike forward quickly waved her hand backwards and shouted "Let's race"

and then she went away. The girl smiled and put on her helmet, Ashmit also put on his helmet and both of them started their bikes and both of them started running their bikes behind Abhisree.

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This story is mine, so please don't try to copy it! otherwise, I'll take action.

English is not my first language, it's my third language. so please forgive me if there are any mistakes.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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