
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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172 Chs

T. Solotov Part 7

(A/N: If you want to help me buy cookies, join my P@treon!



Kruger PVs

I changed some parts of the plan so that Bob Lee could kill Red Bama without arousing suspicion, when I finished it was dinner time, so I grabbed my coat, and car keys and went to Bob Lee's house.

When I arrived at the Swagger family home, I was barely out of the car when Mary came running up to me. "Uncle Alex! Did you come to play with me?"

I smiled, hugged my little princess, and said. "Of course, I'll play with you and Red.

But only if you eat everything right, without wasting anything, can you?"

Mary smiled in my lap and said. "Yes! That's easy, today is Mom's cooking day, so no problem!"

I hugged her and said. "Alright, let's go in or your father will fight us.

Did you like my gifts?"

Mary hugged my neck and said. "Yes! Apart from the Red, which I already like very, very much, I loved the dresses!"

I gave a mysterious smile and said. "Well, since you liked everything but video games, I'm going to teach you how to play my favorite games!

Do you want to play after dinner?"

Mary got off my lap after we were through the door and said. "Yes, I want!

Will you teach me the games so I can beat daddy?"

My smile only got bigger thinking about it. "You bet!"

After my conversation with Mary, I went up to Bob Lee and talked about childhood and a bunch of other things, so dinner was ready and we sat down at the dinner table.

It was a very heated and very familiar dinner, I hadn't felt like this in many years, so I had a great time, after dinner I went to fulfill my promise to play with Mary and teach her how to play video games.

After several hours of playing with Mary, it was time to go home and that's what I did, I left after saying goodbye to Bob and Susan, went home, and had a good night's sleep, right after the sun came up I was awake and ready to start the day.

I called Bob Lee and said. "Bob, are you ready, let's go to Texas and from there we go straight to Mexico, non-stop, if all goes well we can be back before Monday."

Bob Lee didn't want to waste too much time and said. "No problem, I've got it all figured out, can you come to get me?"

Hearing Bob's tone of speech, I already knew his wife didn't approve of him leaving, so I didn't say anything else and just nodded. "Of course, I'm heading there now!"


Tijuana, Mexico.

We are currently in Mexico, but precisely three thousand kilometers from the city of Tijuana, our objective is the mansion in front of us, it is where the money changer who launders Red Bama's money and the conspiracy lives.

I looked at Gina and Bob, turned to the 35 men accompanying us, and said. "We're here folks!

The mission is as follows, we will enter with total violence and we will kill whoever is in the way, our objective is the owner of the mansion, according to my sources he is always at home, why has he not left for three years, here is a picture of him.

Does anyone have any questions?"

Ginny looks at Bob and asks. "Hey, boss! Who's preppy?"

I looked at Bob Lee and started laughing. "Good question Gina! This is Bob Lee Swagger, one of the top three Snipers in the world.

Any other questions that are primarily about the mission?"

Ginny was surprised but preferred to keep quiet. "..."

No one spoke for a few seconds, and then I said. "Well, if nobody's going to ask anymore, let's go!

The attack will be standard, Gina and Bob go in the back with their 15 soldiers, I and the 20 rookies go in the front and we are going to do some serious damage! Go! Go!!"

We parted and I passed by the front with a lot of violence, without saying a word I killed everything I saw along the way, and in five minutes I arrived at the owner of the mansion, it may be a coincidence or not, but Bob Lee and Gina arrived at the same time as me.

The three of us went in together, and the scalper was trying to destroy the evidence, I got in front of him and without saying anything I hit his head on the table three times, and only then did I speak. "Hello, friend! Can you tell me why you're destroying what I came for?"

He was immediately nervous and said. "I do not know what you're talking about!

I'm just a regular accountant, you've come to the wrong place."

I looked at Gina who was smiling, then at Bob Lee who had a gun to his head, and then I turned to the money changer and said. "Well... I think you're right because every accountant lives in a mansion in Mexico, has armed security guards looking after him 24 hours a day, and they're millionaires.

Isn't that a great profession, guys?"

Ginny couldn't take it anymore and started laughing. "Hahahahaha"

He saw that we didn't fall for his tricks and said. "Everything you want to know is on the computer!

Just please don't kill me."

I tossed this junk to Gina and sat in front of the computer, inserted my viruses, and let my team do their work, then turned to the open safe and started tinkering with everything, and without taking more than a few seconds I found the true purpose of our mission, I turned to the team and said. "We already have everything we were looking for!

We're on our way out, grab whatever you want and drop the bombs, this house is going to hell!"

Ginny looked at me with eyes shining and said. "Really? Can I blow everything up?"

I smiled and said. "Just like in the Amazon!

Bob Lee, keep an eye on our dear Moneychanger, he has a lot of valuable information, and we don't want to..."


Before I could finish my sentence, the scalper's head went to hell, and I knew who was behind it all, so I threw myself on the floor and screamed. "Get down! It's Solotov, he's finally come to play!"


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Solotov will steal your cookies and you won't even see it!)

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