
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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172 Chs

T. Solotov part-6

(A/N: If you want to help me buy cookies, join my P@treon! https://ko-fi.com/trouxa57)


Kruger PVs

"Wait and act according to circumstances!"

Bob Lee is surprised by what I said and asks. "Let's just wait, didn't you say we have less than 17 days until the attack on the president?"

I shook my head and said. "We do not have all the information and we cannot act hastily, we will have to wait for the envoy and, depending on the person, we will come up with a plan.

For now, let's focus on something we can handle, like Red Bama."

Bob Lee thought for a while and said. "Makes sense, I'll leave the planning to you, when you need me for something just call."

I reviewed the plan in my mind and said. "Alright, you can pack your bags, and tomorrow we're going to Mexico.

Before you can ask, I will answer.

There is a criminal money changer who handles Red Bama's embezzled money and also a good part of the Conspiracy's finances, I intend to steal your accounts and leak documents and information containing the discrepancies and corruption of Bama Industries."

Bob Lee was shocked, I knew very well what I was doing and was ready to wreak havoc. "Well I don't have anything to say, I'll pack my bags as soon as I get home!"

I got up from my chair and went to get a drink when Bob Lee asked out of pure curiosity. "Where did this information come from and when did you find out about our father's past?"

Bob Lee's question led me to the day I met Dom, which was the day I got the answers I was looking for. "Well... You already know about our father's past, but you don't know about my past.

I used my resources and collected information, in my line of work information is vital, so the more you know, the more powerful you are."

Bob Lee didn't quite understand and asked. "Are you a spy or something?"

I felt like laughing when I heard Bob Lee's questions, but I answered anyway. "I can be classified as 'something like that.

I'm not a spy, but I thrive on inside information, I'm a Tycoon! And with great pride, Bob Lee."

Bob Lee was shocked and said. "What is your area of ​​expertise?"

Your question is very good, so I answered it honestly. "It started with technology, but now it's transporting, import, and export, currently I'm in pure capitalism, my money is working for me, I'm not working on any particular project.

I started with the creation of the Skynet conglomerate, then I created the Blue export industries, a few years later I created the Gringotts bank and the Storm investment center."

Bob Lee was shocked by my words and said. "What is the total value of your assets?

You sure are lying to me, it feels so much like a lie, your life feels like a movie."

I thought for a while and gave an approximate answer. "Well...According to quarterly earnings, I'm a trillionaire, after all, I own two companies valued at trillions of dollars, the Skynet conglomerate, and Gringotts Bank.

Not to mention the profit from my criminal empire, as I own one of the best, if not the best intelligence agencies available on the market, of course.

I have an active stake in about 25% of smuggling in Asia and Africa, Russia is 60%, and I have smaller stakes in other parts of the world, not to mention one of the most successful criminal partnerships of the 21st century with Raymond Reddington. And Berlin."

Bob Lee was shocked, he couldn't believe his brother was such a successful man. "Damn! I can't believe it, how did you get so good at business?"

I gave a playful smile and said. "Blood, sweat, and tears. Lots of blood and sweat, the tears were... Ahahahhahah."

Bob Lee understood that his brother's life was not easy and said. "I see, it was hard for you, wasn't it?"

I gave a cold smile and said. "Don't feel sorry for your brother!

When I said Blood, Sweat, and Tears, I didn't mean the blood and tears were mine alone.

I think it's time for you to go home, it's getting late little Mary might be worried.

Go away and don't forget to pack your bags."

Bob Lee looks out the window, sees it's almost lunchtime, and says. "Alright, do you want to have lunch at my place?"

I thought for a while and said. "I can't go now.

I have something to do now, but I'm going to drop by for dinner."

Bob Lee gets up from his chair and goes to the door, but before leaving he says. "Sorry! I shouldn't have treated you like I did last time at the house."

I walked him to the door and when I heard him apologize, I spoke my mind. "You shouldn't get your head around these things.

The father was not the best in the world, but he was still the most correct, he raised us to the best of his abilities.

I discovered that he led such a bloodthirsty life is very difficult, even more so for you who admired him so much.

So I understand your difficulty in accepting this obscure fact of our father's life, but it's like he said, 'sometimes good men do bad things,' isn't it?

Bob Lee smiles and says. "Yeah, you're right. Goodbye, see you at home tonight!"

I said goodbye to Bob Lee, after he was no longer in my sight I called Major Bill. "Hello, Major Bill? Where are the soldiers I asked you to send?"

Major Bill takes a deep breath and says. "Kruger young man! They're going to Texas, they should be there tomorrow.

The 20 soldiers will all arrive together, you don't have to worry about delays."

I was happy with the efficiency of the old man and said. "Alright, you can call Kaja, she has her reward prepared. Goodbye."

Major Bill was pleasantly surprised and said. "Thank you very much young Kruger. Goodbye."

After hanging up, I made another call, but this time it was to Gina Zanetakos. "Hello, is this Ginny?

Ginny answered the phone eagerly and said. "Hello! It's me, boss.

You haven't given me a job in several months, I thought you were going to fire me!"

I gave him a warm smile and said. "Hey, don't say those things, Gina! I need you to come to Texas tomorrow.

Bring your available men and lots of explosives, as this time I want to do things extravagantly!"

Ginny was very happy and said. "Leave it to me, boss! Let's do it with a lot of noise, like in the Amazon!"

I remembered one of my first jobs with Gina and said. "Hahahahah... Like in the Amazon!"


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Gina Zanetakos will eat your cookies !)

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