
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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T. Solotov Part 5

Kruger PVs

This is without a doubt the hardest conversation I've ever had in my entire life, who knew Bob wouldn't believe me, I mean I'm his brother and I haven't been in touch in over 12 years and I came to protect his family, he must be grateful and happy.

Still, he reacted that way, I went into a train of thought and soon got a phone call. "Hello? Here and Kruger, who is it?"

On the other end of the line, Reddington asks with a smile. "Do you not have caller ID, or did you not save my number?

Anyway... How are things, did you get any new information?"

I took a deep breath and calmed down, and then answered. "Not yet.

The only thing I've discovered is that I'm a terrible brother..." So I told Reddington everything.

Reddington who listened in silence, when I finished speaking, he said. "How can someone so smart be so stupid sometimes!

You can't go to your brother's house, who has always admired his father, and tell him that the man he's admired since childhood is a fake and that he was murdered for being a snitch!

Not to mention, to an outsider, a former criminal organization infiltrated at the highest levels of the American government looks more like a movie than anything else."

I was shocked, and now I finally understand. "It's like you said, I'm so used to this weirdness that for me it's normal, and I didn't even realize it's too abnormal and weird for outsiders, that's why my brother kicked me out of his house!

My god... I'm an idiot, I hope he understands and forgives me for the way I said these things!

I think this life we ​​lead if it doesn't kill us, makes us stranger."

Reddington is silent with my tantrums, and when I'm done he says. "Relax boy! You didn't do anything wrong, you just told the truth.

You did the right thing and no one will blame you for it, your brother is a tough and smart kid, he will look for the information you gave him, and then he will come to you, just wait for him."

I was happy to hear that, I don't know how to deal with the family, what a difficulty. "But what about you, how are things out there?"

Reddington is happy to hear I'm relaxed and says. "We are hunting a man, the Cook.

He is the current blacklisted target, Hector Lorca was absorbed for lack of evidence, Elisabeth's witness has disappeared, we suspect Lorca hired Cook to dispose of the witness's body."

I wasn't surprised by this, but I didn't let on and said. "To be honest, I know the cook's work, I stole it a few years ago!

I mean, my men appreciated the cook's work a few years ago, my janitors use the same techniques as him to get rid of unwanted people."

Reddington is surprised and says. "Now this is interesting information.

How did you do it? I always thought Kate's methods were the best, but this guy is also very convenient!"

I smiled and said smugly. "Kate's methods of cleaning up a crime scene are the best, but no one beats the cook in the art of disposing of a body!

My men have mastered both arts, and I don't have to risk unfinished business coming back to bite my ass.

By the way, are you interested in the cook's name and address?"

Reddington thinks for a moment and then says. "No... They have to do things for themselves.

If in three days they don't find anything, I'll call you and get that information."

"Alright. I have to go now, bye..."

Reddington smiles wryly and says. "Okay bye."

As I finished my conversation with Reddington, I began to personally investigate everything about Red Bama and his company.

Hours turned into days, and soon two days had passed since my arrival in town, and I was already getting ready to head to Texas to get rid of a waste of oxygen until my bedroom doorbell rang.

I open the door, and in front of me is Bob Lee with a confused and stunning face, I step out of the way for him to enter, and he says. "I saw a picture of Unit 157 this morning, were you the Captain of this unit?"

I gave a nostalgic smile, but I didn't answer right away, I just opened my cell phone and handed it to him and said. "See for yourself and then ask what you want to know."

Bob Lee takes out his cell phone and looks through the photo gallery and is shocked by the photos from my army days. "Was you!

Why did you use the name Bell instead of Swagger?

And why do you have a picture with Captain Johnson?"

I sat in the chair next to the dresser and said. "The name Swagger in the army draws a lot of attention, Private Johnson was in my unit.

When Major Blazer was promoted, I was in charge of the unit for over two years, we did many missions and none were a failure, on my last mission, I found a trace of this criminal organization Conspiracy, that's what we call it.

Anyway, I was investigating Al Qaeda and I found out about the Pentagon bombing, the twin towers were a surprise even to me, this was in the year 2000. But what I didn't know, was that not only Al Qaeda was behind me, but also the Conspiracy was coordinating with them and..."

After telling Bob Lee the whole story of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he asked. "So you got shot in the heart and then killed Jack Brooks. How are you still alive?"

I gave a crooked smile and said. "O man of little faith!

I have a rare medical condition, and my heart is located on the right side of my body, it's called Dextrocardia.

Take a look here, I still have the gunshot mark, I shouldn't have survived this but it wasn't my time."

Bob Lee was shocked by the number of scars I have on my body, but what caught his attention the most was the gunshot mark on my chest, on the front where the projectile hit, there is a sentence and on the back of the exit scar, there's a huge angel. "You're a lucky guy, but where is that bastard Ray Brooks?

I want to shoot him in the head myself!"

I put the shirt back on and said. "I killed him!

I think it's been almost two weeks since he died, I've waited almost 17 years for revenge, and when he thought he was going to fulfill his dreams, I shot him in the head with my Black King!"

Bob Lee was shocked by my cruelty and said. "Well, he deserved it, but a black King, that was too much honor for that trash!

In the end, I have a doubt, who is Red Bama and why are you going to kill him?"

I got angry, remembering Red Bama in the series, he killed Bob Lee's wife, then an idea came to my mind. "He's one of the men who conspired to kill our father, he's the one who came up with the idea of ​​using you as a scapegoat in the plot to kill the president.

Tell me, Bob Lee, what do you want to do with him?"

Hearing what I said, Bob Lee got angry and spoke up. "The father has been dead for over 20 years, why is this man still alive wasting oxygen?

I don't think anything, I'm sure I'll kill this residue as soon as the opportunity presents itself!"

I gave him a big toothy smile and said. "Be glad, your opportunity has just arrived!

I don't know the whole plot of the conspiracy, I just know that they will send someone to get in touch with you is someone you know and trust, he will try to manipulate you, to calculate the shot that will kill the president.

Once their plan comes to fruition, they will blame you and then kill you."

Bob Lee shuddered all over and said. "What a trap! What do I do, what's the plan?"

My smile died, I got serious and said. "Red Bama will die! As soon as you make contact with the envoy, I will steal most of the Conspiracy's monetary funds, and expose Red Bama's corruption schemes, since he has a public office, it will be difficult to get rid of this mess shortly.

And when he's desperate, you'll kill him! Thus concluding our revenge."

Bob Lee smiles and says. "That's a good plan, but what about the president?"

I let out a sigh and said. "This is more difficult, we don't have all the information, we will have to wait and react according to the situation, as I said, the one sent to make contact with you is someone you know and trust.

But the overall plan is..."


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Zeus will curse you! Every time you touch a cookie, it will turn into the food you hate the most!)

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